160 lines
5.3 KiB
160 lines
5.3 KiB
from pygrocy import Grocy
from pygrocy.data_models.generic import EntityType
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect
from datetime import datetime
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
from pprint import pprint
#Global variables
error_messages = {
'item_not_found': 'Tenhle produkt nemůžeme najít ve skladu. Zkus to prosím znovu a pokud to nepůjde, řekni někomu z Trhliny.',
'item_not_available': 'Podle kompjůtru ne! Náš systém říká že tuhle věc nemáme na skladu. Asi chyba u nás...',
'user_not_found': 'Tenhle účet neexistuje nebo nemá povolený kredit. Můžeš věc naskenovat znovu a hodit prachy do kasičky',
g = Grocy("http://localhost", "BZzLkorATL66hSbKwIERoesALcIqNUPW91zONNNTHP0r9N6vk2", port=8080)
# Write money movement into the ledger (transaction log in Grocy).
def write_ledger(prod, userid, transaction_type, end_balance):
entity_id = { "userentity_id": 1 }
record_id = g.add_generic(EntityType.USER_OBJECTS, entity_id)['created_object_id']
account = userid
amount = prod['price']
balance = end_balance
item = prod['id']
time_grocy = g.get_system_time().time_local
time = time_grocy.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S")
g.set_userfields('userentity-accounting', record_id, 'account', account)
g.set_userfields('userentity-accounting', record_id, 'amount', amount)
g.set_userfields('userentity-accounting', record_id, 'balance', balance)
g.set_userfields('userentity-accounting', record_id, 'item', item)
g.set_userfields('userentity-accounting', record_id, 'type', transaction_type)
g.set_userfields('userentity-accounting', record_id, 'datetime', time)
# Subtract the price from user account or add it to the cashier. Also write it to ledger.
def prod_bill_user(prod, user):
start_balance = user['balance']
end_balance = start_balance - prod['price']
g.set_userfields('users', user['id'], 'balance', end_balance)
write_ledger(prod, user['id'], 'bar-bill-user', end_balance)
# Add money paid for the product to the cashbox.
def prod_bill_cash(prod):
for user in g.users():
if user.id == CASHBOX_USERID:
cashbox = user
start_balance = float(g.get_userfields('users', cashbox.id)['balance'])
end_balance = start_balance + prod['price']
g.set_userfields('users', cashbox.id, 'balance', end_balance)
write_ledger(prod, 3, 'bar-cash-payment', end_balance)
# Receive barcode and user code from website and process it.
def prod_consume(prod):
g.consume_product(product_id = prod['id'], amount = DEFAULT_AMOUNT)
# Find user by custom variable barid - code for credit payments
def user_by_barid(user_barid):
users = g.users()
users_data = []
# Get all users and their custom fields
for user in users:
user_fields = g.get_userfields('users', user.id)
if user_fields['accountingenabled']:
user_data = {
'accounting_enabled': user_fields['accountingenabled'],
'balance': float(user_fields['balance']),
'barid': user_fields['barid'],
'name': user.display_name,
'id': user.id
# Find user with selected barID
for user in users_data:
if user['barid'] == str(user_barid):
return user
# If no user with this barID and enabled accounting is found, return false
return False
# Get data about product and price by barcode
def prod_by_barcode(barcode):
prod = g.product_by_barcode(barcode)
sell_price = g.get_userfields('products', prod.id)['sellprice']
prod_data = {
'id': prod.id,
'name': prod.name,
'available': prod.available_amount,
'price': float(sell_price),
'barcode': barcode
return prod_data
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
@app.route('/checkout/', methods=['POST'])
def scan():
barcode = request.form.get('barcode')
prod = prod_by_barcode(barcode)
return redirect('/error/item_not_found')
if int(prod['available']) > 0:
return render_template('checkout.html', prod = prod)
return redirect('/error/item_not_available')
@app.route('/cash-payment/', methods=['POST'])
def cash_payment():
barcode = request.form.get('barcode')
prod = prod_by_barcode(barcode)
return render_template('cash-payment.html', prod = prod)
@app.route('/account-payment/', methods=['POST'])
def account_payment():
user_barid = request.form.get('barid')
barcode = request.form.get('barcode')
prod = prod_by_barcode(barcode)
user = user_by_barid(user_barid)
if user:
end_balance = prod_bill_user(prod, user)
return render_template('account-payment.html', prod = prod, user = user, balance = end_balance)
return redirect('/error/user_not_found')
def error_send(err):
return render_template('error.html', msg = error_messages[err])
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_proto=1)