diff --git a/api/codeception.yml b/api/codeception.yml
index 4ac73a1..cfac737 100644
--- a/api/codeception.yml
+++ b/api/codeception.yml
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
actor: Tester
- tests: tests
- log: tests/_output
- data: tests/_data
- support: tests/_support
- envs: tests/_envs
+ tests: tests
+ log: tests/_output
+ data: tests/_data
+ support: tests/_support
+ envs: tests/_envs
- bootstrap: _bootstrap.php
- colors: true
- memory_limit: 1024M
- error_level: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
+ bootstrap: _bootstrap.php
+ colors: true
+ memory_limit: 1024M
+ error_level: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
- enabled:
- - Codeception\Extension\RunFailed
- - Codeception\Extension\PhpBuiltinServer
- - CleanUpExtension
- config:
- Codeception\Extension\PhpBuiltinServer:
- hostname: localhost
- port: 8000
- documentRoot: .
- startDelay: 1
+ enabled:
+ - Codeception\Extension\RunFailed
+ - Codeception\Extension\PhpBuiltinServer
+ - CleanUpExtension
+ config:
+ Codeception\Extension\PhpBuiltinServer:
+ hostname: localhost
+ port: 8000
+ documentRoot: .
+ startDelay: 1
- - .env.testing
+ - .env.testing
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 0909ea3..89cfe23 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
"lint:js": "eslint . --cache",
"lint:js:fix": "eslint . --fix",
"lint:types": "glint",
+ "lint:yml": "prettier **/*.yml --check",
+ "lint:yml:fix": "prettier **/*.yml --write",
"release": "release-it",
"start": "ember serve",
"test": "concurrently \"npm:lint\" \"npm:test:*\" --names \"lint,test:\"",
diff --git a/translations/ca.yml b/translations/ca.yml
index 6da6098..714c7fe 100644
--- a/translations/ca.yml
+++ b/translations/ca.yml
@@ -1,227 +1,234 @@
- abort: Cancel·la
- back: Enrere
- next: Següent
- save: Desa
+ abort: Cancel·la
+ back: Enrere
+ next: Següent
+ save: Desa
- yes:
- label: Si
- no:
- label: No
- maybe:
- label: Potser
- freeText:
- label: 'Text lliure'
- yesNo:
- label: 'Si, No'
- yesNoMaybe:
- label: 'Si, No, Potser'
+ yes:
+ label: Si
+ no:
+ label: No
+ maybe:
+ label: Potser
+ freeText:
+ label: "Text lliure"
+ yesNo:
+ label: "Si, No"
+ yesNoMaybe:
+ label: "Si, No, Potser"
- index:
- input:
- pollType:
- label: 'Quin és el propòsit de la vostra enquesta?'
- formStep:
- type: 'Tipus d''enquesta'
- meta: 'Títol i descripció'
- options:
- days: Dies
- text: Opcions
- options-datetime: Oraris
- settings: Configuració
- meta:
- input:
- title:
- label: Títol
- placeholder: 'Afegiu un títol d''enquesta.'
- validations:
- valueMissing: 'A form must have a title.'
- tooShort: 'Form title must have at least 2 characters.'
- description:
- label: Descripció
- placeholder: 'Opcional: afegiu una descripció a l''enquesta.'
+ index:
+ input:
+ pollType:
+ label: "Quin és el propòsit de la vostra enquesta?"
+ formStep:
+ type: "Tipus d'enquesta"
+ meta: "Títol i descripció"
- button:
- add:
- label: 'Afegiu una altra opció després d''això'
- delete:
- label: 'Suprimeix aquesta opció'
- options:
- label: 'Opcions de resposta'
- dates:
- label: Díes
- error:
- duplicatedOption: 'An option with this label already exists.'
- invalidOption: 'All options must be valid.'
- notEnoughDates: 'Cal seleccionar un dia com a mínim'
- valueMissing: 'Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed.'
- defineTimes:
- label: 'Determineu l''orari?'
- input:
- moreOptions:
- label: 'Afegiu altres opcions de resposta'
- options-datetime:
- datetimes:
- label: Oraris
- more-inputs: 'Introduïu un altre orari'
- copy-first-line: 'Copieu i enganxeu els oraris del primer dia a tots els altres'
- error:
- correctTimeFormat: 'Les dates s''han d''introduir com a hora i minut dividides
- per dos punts (p. ex. 13:00).'
- duplicatedDate: 'An option for the same time at the same day already exists.'
- invalidTime: 'At least one time is invalid.'
- notEnoughTimes: 'S''ha de determinar com a mínim un orari vàlid per dia.
- Si només es va triar un dia, cal determinar almenys 2 dates.'
- partiallyFilledTime: 'Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported.'
- fix-validation-errors-first-day: 'Heu de corregir tots els errors de validació
- el primer dia abans de copiar.'
- settings:
- answerType:
- label: 'Quines respostes haurian d''estar disponibles?'
- anonymousUser:
- label: 'Permet als assistents anònims l''enquesta?'
- expirationDate:
- label: 'Quan hauria de caducar i suprimir la vostra enquesta?'
- expirationDurations:
- P7D: 'En una setmana'
- P1M: 'En un mes'
- P3M: 'En tres mesos'
- P6M: 'En mig any'
- P1Y: 'En un any'
- never: Mai
- forceAnswer:
- label: 'Força una resposta per a cada opció?'
- title: 'Crea una enquesta'
+ days: Dies
+ text: Opcions
+ options-datetime: Oraris
+ settings: Configuració
+ meta:
+ input:
+ title:
+ label: Títol
+ placeholder: "Afegiu un títol d'enquesta."
+ validations:
+ valueMissing: "A form must have a title."
+ tooShort: "Form title must have at least 2 characters."
+ description:
+ label: Descripció
+ placeholder: "Opcional: afegiu una descripció a l'enquesta."
+ options:
+ button:
+ add:
+ label: "Afegiu una altra opció després d'això"
+ delete:
+ label: "Suprimeix aquesta opció"
+ options:
+ label: "Opcions de resposta"
+ dates:
+ label: Díes
+ error:
+ duplicatedOption: "An option with this label already exists."
+ invalidOption: "All options must be valid."
+ notEnoughDates: "Cal seleccionar un dia com a mínim"
+ valueMissing: "Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed."
+ defineTimes:
+ label: "Determineu l'orari?"
+ input:
+ moreOptions:
+ label: "Afegiu altres opcions de resposta"
+ options-datetime:
+ datetimes:
+ label: Oraris
+ more-inputs: "Introduïu un altre orari"
+ copy-first-line: "Copieu i enganxeu els oraris del primer dia a tots els altres"
+ error:
+ correctTimeFormat:
+ "Les dates s'han d'introduir com a hora i minut dividides
+ per dos punts (p. ex. 13:00)."
+ duplicatedDate: "An option for the same time at the same day already exists."
+ invalidTime: "At least one time is invalid."
+ notEnoughTimes: "S'ha de determinar com a mínim un orari vàlid per dia.
+ Si només es va triar un dia, cal determinar almenys 2 dates."
+ partiallyFilledTime: "Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported."
+ fix-validation-errors-first-day:
+ "Heu de corregir tots els errors de validació
+ el primer dia abans de copiar."
+ settings:
+ answerType:
+ label: "Quines respostes haurian d'estar disponibles?"
+ anonymousUser:
+ label: "Permet als assistents anònims l'enquesta?"
+ expirationDate:
+ label: "Quan hauria de caducar i suprimir la vostra enquesta?"
+ expirationDurations:
+ P7D: "En una setmana"
+ P1M: "En un mes"
+ P3M: "En tres mesos"
+ P6M: "En mig any"
+ P1Y: "En un any"
+ never: Mai
+ forceAnswer:
+ label: "Força una resposta per a cada opció?"
+ title: "Crea una enquesta"
- poll:
- decryptionFailed:
- title: 'La desencriptació va fallar'
- description: 'Desencriptant dada de sondeig va fallar. Això és més probablement
- causat per una clau d''encriptació incorrecta. Per favor doble-comprova
- el URL va entrar, especialment la part després del signe d''interrogació.'
- notFound:
- title: 'No hem pogut trobar el sondeig'
- description: 'El sondeig que estàs buscant no l''hem pogut trobar per
- diverses raons, incloent:'
- reasons:
- expired: 'El sondeig ha caducat i ha estat eliminat.'
- typo: 'Hi ha un error tipogràfic en la URL. Pots tornar a comprovar
- el que has posat, especialment la part anterior al signe d''interrogació.'
- savingFailed:
- title: 'Saving failed'
- description: 'No hem pogut guardar el sondeig, si us plau, intenta''l de
- nou en uns segons.'
- generic:
- unexpected:
- title: 'Va ocórrer un error inesperat'
- description: 'El sentim. Va ocórrer un error inesperat. Si us plau intenta-ho
- més tard.'
+ poll:
+ decryptionFailed:
+ title: "La desencriptació va fallar"
+ description:
+ "Desencriptant dada de sondeig va fallar. Això és més probablement
+ causat per una clau d'encriptació incorrecta. Per favor doble-comprova
+ el URL va entrar, especialment la part després del signe d'interrogació."
+ notFound:
+ title: "No hem pogut trobar el sondeig"
+ description: "El sondeig que estàs buscant no l'hem pogut trobar per
+ diverses raons, incloent:"
+ reasons:
+ expired: "El sondeig ha caducat i ha estat eliminat."
+ typo: "Hi ha un error tipogràfic en la URL. Pots tornar a comprovar
+ el que has posat, especialment la part anterior al signe d'interrogació."
+ savingFailed:
+ title: "Saving failed"
+ description: "No hem pogut guardar el sondeig, si us plau, intenta'l de
+ nou en uns segons."
+ generic:
+ unexpected:
+ title: "Va ocórrer un error inesperat"
+ description:
+ "El sentim. Va ocórrer un error inesperat. Si us plau intenta-ho
+ més tard."
- title: 'Croodle simplifica la data i la presa de decisions …
… i protegeix
- les teves dades'
- features:
- title: Funcions
- list:
- overview: ' Trobar una data o fer una enquesta
- a tantes persones com vulguis.'
- privacy: 'Les vostres dades es mantenen privades. Ja en el vostre navegador
- web, serà xifrat. Només els que rebin l''enllaç de
- l''enquesta sabran de què es tracta.'
- options: 'Podeu determinar tantes opcions de resposta
- com vulgueu. Podeu triar la vostra data favorita al calendari
- o crear qualsevol pregunta.'
- answers: 'Podeu utilitzar opcions de resposta predefinides ,
- per exemple sí, no, potser o permet crear
- respostes propias.'
- evaluation: 'Podeu consultar una revisió automàtica actualitzada de les
- respostes preferides.'
- link:
- have-a-try: 'Prova-ho ara'
- hoster:
- title: 'Hoste el vostre Croodle:'
- text: 'No has de confiar en aquest Croodle. Croodle és un programari lliure
- i el podeu instal·lar al vostre propi servidor. Només necessiteu un servidor
- amb un espai de uns quans mega bytes, PHP i xifratge SSL. El programari
- i consells per a la instal·lació estan aquí: {gitHubLink}.'
+ title: "Croodle simplifica la data i la presa de decisions …
… i protegeix
+ les teves dades"
+ features:
+ title: Funcions
+ list:
+ overview: " Trobar una data o fer una enquesta
+ a tantes persones com vulguis."
+ privacy:
+ "Les vostres dades es mantenen privades. Ja en el vostre navegador
+ web, serà xifrat. Només els que rebin l'enllaç de
+ l'enquesta sabran de què es tracta."
+ options: "Podeu determinar tantes opcions de resposta
+ com vulgueu. Podeu triar la vostra data favorita al calendari
+ o crear qualsevol pregunta."
+ answers:
+ "Podeu utilitzar opcions de resposta predefinides ,
+ per exemple sí, no, potser o permet crear
+ respostes propias."
+ evaluation: "Podeu consultar una revisió automàtica actualitzada de les
+ respostes preferides."
+ link:
+ have-a-try: "Prova-ho ara"
+ hoster:
+ title: "Hoste el vostre Croodle:"
+ text: "No has de confiar en aquest Croodle. Croodle és un programari lliure
+ i el podeu instal·lar al vostre propi servidor. Només necessiteu un servidor
+ amb un espai de uns quans mega bytes, PHP i xifratge SSL. El programari
+ i consells per a la instal·lació estan aquí: {gitHubLink}."
- save-retry:
- title: 'S''ha produït un error en desar.'
- text: '
No s''ha pogut desar la teva assistència. Comproveu la vostra connexió - a Internet i torneu-ho a provar.
Si això no funciona, és possible - que es produeixi una desconexiò temporal del servidor. Espereu uns minuts - abans d''entrenar-hi. Podeu deixar la pàgina oberta.
Si els problemes - continuen, poseu-vos en contacte amb l''administrador d''aquest lloc.
' - button-retry: 'Torna-ho a provar' + save-retry: + title: "S'ha produït un error en desar." + text: + "No s'ha pogut desar la teva assistència. Comproveu la vostra connexió + a Internet i torneu-ho a provar.
Si això no funciona, és possible + que es produeixi una desconexiò temporal del servidor. Espereu uns minuts + abans d'entrenar-hi. Podeu deixar la pàgina oberta.
Si els problemes + continuen, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador d'aquest lloc.
" + button-retry: "Torna-ho a provar" options: Opcions poll: - created-date: 'Creat el dia {date}.' - expiration-date: 'Caduca el {date}.' - expiration-date-warning: 'Aquesta enquesta caduca {timeToNow} i se suprimirà després.' - tab-title: - participation: Assistir - evaluation: Avaluació - error: - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: 'Responeu totes les opcions.' - name: - duplicate: 'Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name.' - valueMissing: 'Heu d''introduir un nom d''usuari.' - selection: - valueMissing: 'Please provide an answer for this option.' - evaluation: - label: Avaluació - overview: Revisió - participantTable: 'Assistents i les seves respostes' - bestOption: - label: - findADate: '{count, plural, =1 {La data preferida és} other {Les dates - preferides són}}' - makeAPoll: '{count, plural, =1 {L''opció preferida és} other {Les - opcions preferides són}}' - bestOptionParticipants: - findADate: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona té temps.} other {# persones - tenen temps.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona potser té temps.} other {# - persones potser tinguin temps.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona no té temps.} other {# persones - no tenen temps.}}' - makeAPoll: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona li agrada aquesta opció.} other - {# persones els agrada aquesta opció.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona potser li agrada aquesta opció.} - other { Hi pot haver # persones com aquesta opció.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona no li agrada aquesta opció} other - {# persones no els agrada aquesta opció.}}' - lastParticipation: 'L''última persona va assistir fa {ago}.' - participants: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona va participar a l''enquesta.} - other {# persones van participar en l''enquesta. }}' - input: - newUserName: - label: Nom - placeholder: 'El teu nom' - showEvaluation: - hide: Ocultar - show: Mostra - link: - copied: 'Copiat!' - copy-label: 'Copia l''enllaç al porta-retalls' - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - title: 'En quines zones horàries s''han de presentar les dates?' - body: 'L''enquesta es va crear per a una zona horària diferent de la vostra - hora local. En quines zones horàries s''han de presentar les dates?' - button: - useLocalTimezone: 'La meva zona horària' - usePollTimezone: 'Zona horària original' - share: - title: 'Comparteix l''enllaç per convidar a altres a l''enquesta.' - notice: 'Tothom que tingui l''enllaç pot veure la seva enquesta. Si conté - dades privades, només les hauríeu de transmetre personalment, mitjançant - un correu electrònic xifrat o un xat amb xifratge d''extrem a extrem.' + created-date: "Creat el dia {date}." + expiration-date: "Caduca el {date}." + expiration-date-warning: "Aquesta enquesta caduca {timeToNow} i se suprimirà després." + tab-title: + participation: Assistir + evaluation: Avaluació + error: + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: "Responeu totes les opcions." + name: + duplicate: "Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name." + valueMissing: "Heu d'introduir un nom d'usuari." + selection: + valueMissing: "Please provide an answer for this option." + evaluation: + label: Avaluació + overview: Revisió + participantTable: "Assistents i les seves respostes" + bestOption: + label: + findADate: "{count, plural, =1 {La data preferida és} other {Les dates + preferides són}}" + makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {L'opció preferida és} other {Les + opcions preferides són}}" + bestOptionParticipants: + findADate: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona té temps.} other {# persones + tenen temps.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona potser té temps.} other {# + persones potser tinguin temps.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona no té temps.} other {# persones + no tenen temps.}}" + makeAPoll: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona li agrada aquesta opció.} other + {# persones els agrada aquesta opció.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona potser li agrada aquesta opció.} + other { Hi pot haver # persones com aquesta opció.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona no li agrada aquesta opció} other + {# persones no els agrada aquesta opció.}}" + lastParticipation: "L'última persona va assistir fa {ago}." + participants: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona va participar a l'enquesta.} + other {# persones van participar en l'enquesta. }}" + input: + newUserName: + label: Nom + placeholder: "El teu nom" + showEvaluation: + hide: Ocultar + show: Mostra + link: + copied: "Copiat!" + copy-label: "Copia l'enllaç al porta-retalls" + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + title: "En quines zones horàries s'han de presentar les dates?" + body: "L'enquesta es va crear per a una zona horària diferent de la vostra + hora local. En quines zones horàries s'han de presentar les dates?" + button: + useLocalTimezone: "La meva zona horària" + usePollTimezone: "Zona horària original" + share: + title: "Comparteix l'enllaç per convidar a altres a l'enquesta." + notice: "Tothom que tingui l'enllaç pot veure la seva enquesta. Si conté + dades privades, només les hauríeu de transmetre personalment, mitjançant + un correu electrònic xifrat o un xat amb xifratge d'extrem a extrem." pollTypes: - findADate: - label: 'Vull trobar una cita. (p. ex., Hora i data per a una cita)' - makeAPoll: - label: 'Vull respondre una pregunta. (p. ex., On és millor el cafè?)' + findADate: + label: "Vull trobar una cita. (p. ex., Hora i data per a una cita)" + makeAPoll: + label: "Vull respondre una pregunta. (p. ex., On és millor el cafè?)" times: Oraris diff --git a/translations/de.yml b/translations/de.yml index 0162d97..5984d76 100644 --- a/translations/de.yml +++ b/translations/de.yml @@ -1,236 +1,246 @@ action: - abort: Abbrechen - back: Zurück - next: Weiter - save: Speichern + abort: Abbrechen + back: Zurück + next: Weiter + save: Speichern answerTypes: - yes: - label: Ja - no: - label: Nein - maybe: - label: Vielleicht - freeText: - label: Freitext - yesNo: - label: 'Ja, Nein' - yesNoMaybe: - label: 'Ja, Nein, Vielleicht' + yes: + label: Ja + no: + label: Nein + maybe: + label: Vielleicht + freeText: + label: Freitext + yesNo: + label: "Ja, Nein" + yesNoMaybe: + label: "Ja, Nein, Vielleicht" create: - index: - input: - pollType: - label: 'Was ist der Zweck deiner Umfrage?' - formStep: - type: 'Art der Umfrage' - meta: 'Titel und Beschreibung' - options: - days: Tage - text: Optionen - options-datetime: Uhrzeiten - settings: Einstellungen - meta: - input: - title: - label: Titel - placeholder: 'Gib deiner Umfrage einen Titel.' - validations: - valueMissing: 'Jede Umfrage muss einen Titel haben.' - tooShort: 'Der Titel muss mindestens 2 Buchstaben lang sein.' - description: - label: Beschreibung - placeholder: 'Optional: Füge der Umfrage eine Beschreibung hinzu.' + index: + input: + pollType: + label: "Was ist der Zweck deiner Umfrage?" + formStep: + type: "Art der Umfrage" + meta: "Titel und Beschreibung" options: - button: - add: - label: 'Weitere Option nach dieser hinzufügen' - delete: - label: 'Diese Option löschen' - options: - label: Antwort-Optionen - dates: - label: Tage - error: - duplicatedOption: 'Es gibt bereits eine Option mit diesem Label.' - invalidOption: 'Alle Optionen müssen gültige Werte haben.' - notEnoughDates: 'Es muss mindestens ein Tag ausgewählt werden.' - valueMissing: 'Jede Option muss ein Label haben. Bitte lösche die Option, sofern sie nicht benötigt wird.' - defineTimes: - label: 'Uhrzeiten festlegen?' - input: - moreOptions: - label: 'weitere Antwort-Optionen hinzufügen' - options-datetime: - datetimes: - label: Uhrzeiten - more-inputs: 'Weitere Uhrzeiten eingeben' - copy-first-line: 'Uhrzeiten des ersten Tages für alle anderen übernehmen' - error: - correctTimeFormat: 'Uhrzeiten müssen als Stunden und Minuten getrennt - durch einen Doppelpunkt eingegeben werden (z.B. 13:00).' - duplicatedDate: 'Eine Option mit der selben Uhrzeit am gleichen Tag existiert bereits.' - invalidTime: 'Mindestens eine Uhrzeit ist nicht gültig.' - notEnoughTimes: 'Es muss mindestens eine gültige Uhrzeit pro Tag festgelegt - werden. Falls nur ein einziger Tag ausgewählt wurde, müssen mindestens - 2 Uhrzeiten festgelegt werden.' - partiallyFilledTime: 'Bitte gib eine gültige Uhrzeit in Stunden und Minuten an. Teilweise ausgefüllte Felder werden nicht unterstützt.' - fix-validation-errors-first-day: 'Alle fehlerhaften Zeiten für den ersten - Tag müssen korrigiert werden, bevor diese für weitere Tage übernommen - werden können.' - settings: - answerType: - label: 'Welche Antworten sollen verfügbar sein?' - anonymousUser: - label: 'Anonyme Teilnahme an der Umfrage erlauben?' - expirationDate: - label: 'Wann soll Ihre Umfrage verfallen und gelöscht werden?' - expirationDurations: - P7D: 'in einer Woche' - P1M: 'in einem Monat' - P3M: 'in drei Monaten' - P6M: 'in einem halben Jahr' - P1Y: 'in einem Jahr' - never: niemals - forceAnswer: - label: 'Eine Antwort für jede Option erzwingen?' - title: 'Umfrage erstellen' + days: Tage + text: Optionen + options-datetime: Uhrzeiten + settings: Einstellungen + meta: + input: + title: + label: Titel + placeholder: "Gib deiner Umfrage einen Titel." + validations: + valueMissing: "Jede Umfrage muss einen Titel haben." + tooShort: "Der Titel muss mindestens 2 Buchstaben lang sein." + description: + label: Beschreibung + placeholder: "Optional: Füge der Umfrage eine Beschreibung hinzu." + options: + button: + add: + label: "Weitere Option nach dieser hinzufügen" + delete: + label: "Diese Option löschen" + options: + label: Antwort-Optionen + dates: + label: Tage + error: + duplicatedOption: "Es gibt bereits eine Option mit diesem Label." + invalidOption: "Alle Optionen müssen gültige Werte haben." + notEnoughDates: "Es muss mindestens ein Tag ausgewählt werden." + valueMissing: "Jede Option muss ein Label haben. Bitte lösche die Option, sofern sie nicht benötigt wird." + defineTimes: + label: "Uhrzeiten festlegen?" + input: + moreOptions: + label: "weitere Antwort-Optionen hinzufügen" + options-datetime: + datetimes: + label: Uhrzeiten + more-inputs: "Weitere Uhrzeiten eingeben" + copy-first-line: "Uhrzeiten des ersten Tages für alle anderen übernehmen" + error: + correctTimeFormat: "Uhrzeiten müssen als Stunden und Minuten getrennt + durch einen Doppelpunkt eingegeben werden (z.B. 13:00)." + duplicatedDate: "Eine Option mit der selben Uhrzeit am gleichen Tag existiert bereits." + invalidTime: "Mindestens eine Uhrzeit ist nicht gültig." + notEnoughTimes: + "Es muss mindestens eine gültige Uhrzeit pro Tag festgelegt + werden. Falls nur ein einziger Tag ausgewählt wurde, müssen mindestens + 2 Uhrzeiten festgelegt werden." + partiallyFilledTime: "Bitte gib eine gültige Uhrzeit in Stunden und Minuten an. Teilweise ausgefüllte Felder werden nicht unterstützt." + fix-validation-errors-first-day: "Alle fehlerhaften Zeiten für den ersten + Tag müssen korrigiert werden, bevor diese für weitere Tage übernommen + werden können." + settings: + answerType: + label: "Welche Antworten sollen verfügbar sein?" + anonymousUser: + label: "Anonyme Teilnahme an der Umfrage erlauben?" + expirationDate: + label: "Wann soll Ihre Umfrage verfallen und gelöscht werden?" + expirationDurations: + P7D: "in einer Woche" + P1M: "in einem Monat" + P3M: "in drei Monaten" + P6M: "in einem halben Jahr" + P1Y: "in einem Jahr" + never: niemals + forceAnswer: + label: "Eine Antwort für jede Option erzwingen?" + title: "Umfrage erstellen" error: - poll: - decryptionFailed: - title: 'Entschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen' - description: 'Das Entschlüsseln der Umfragedaten ist fehlgeschlagen. In - den meisten Fällen liegt dies an einer falschen Passphrase für die - Entschlüsselung. Bitte überprüfen Sie die eingegebene URL, insbesondere - den Teil nach dem Fragezeichen.' - notFound: - title: 'Umfrage nicht gefunden' - description: 'Die Umfrage, die Sie aufgerufen haben, konnte nicht gefunden - wurde. Dies kann verschiedene Ursache haben. Unter anderem:' - reasons: - expired: 'Diese Umfrage wurde gelöscht, nachdem ihr Ablaufdatum überschritten - war.' - typo: 'Die URL ist fehlerhaft. Bitte prüfe, dass die URL vollständig - und korrekt ist. Achte dabei insbesondere auf den Teil vor dem - Fragezeichen.' - savingFailed: - title: 'Speichern fehlgeschlagen' - description: 'Die Umfrage konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfe deine - Internetverbindung und versuche es erneut. Sollte der Fehler weiterhin - auftreten, wende dich bitte an den Administrator der Seite.' - generic: - unexpected: - title: 'Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten' - description: 'Es tut uns leid. Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. - Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.' + poll: + decryptionFailed: + title: "Entschlüsselung fehlgeschlagen" + description: "Das Entschlüsseln der Umfragedaten ist fehlgeschlagen. In + den meisten Fällen liegt dies an einer falschen Passphrase für die + Entschlüsselung. Bitte überprüfen Sie die eingegebene URL, insbesondere + den Teil nach dem Fragezeichen." + notFound: + title: "Umfrage nicht gefunden" + description: "Die Umfrage, die Sie aufgerufen haben, konnte nicht gefunden + wurde. Dies kann verschiedene Ursache haben. Unter anderem:" + reasons: + expired: + "Diese Umfrage wurde gelöscht, nachdem ihr Ablaufdatum überschritten + war." + typo: "Die URL ist fehlerhaft. Bitte prüfe, dass die URL vollständig + und korrekt ist. Achte dabei insbesondere auf den Teil vor dem + Fragezeichen." + savingFailed: + title: "Speichern fehlgeschlagen" + description: + "Die Umfrage konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfe deine + Internetverbindung und versuche es erneut. Sollte der Fehler weiterhin + auftreten, wende dich bitte an den Administrator der Seite." + generic: + unexpected: + title: "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten" + description: "Es tut uns leid. Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. + Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal." index: - title: 'Croodle vereinfacht die Termin- und Entscheidungsfindung …Deine Teilnahme konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfe deine - Internetverbindung und versuche es anschließend erneut.
Sollte dies - nicht helfen, kann ein kurzfristiges Ausfall des Servers schuld sein. - Warte bitte einige Minuten bevor du es erneut versuchst. Du kannst die - Seite so lange geöffnet lassen.
Sollten die Probleme anhalten, wende - dich bitte an die Administratoren der Seite.
' - button-retry: 'erneut versuchen' + save-retry: + title: "Speichern fehlgeschlagen." + text: "Deine Teilnahme konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte prüfe deine + Internetverbindung und versuche es anschließend erneut.
Sollte dies + nicht helfen, kann ein kurzfristiges Ausfall des Servers schuld sein. + Warte bitte einige Minuten bevor du es erneut versuchst. Du kannst die + Seite so lange geöffnet lassen.
Sollten die Probleme anhalten, wende + dich bitte an die Administratoren der Seite.
" + button-retry: "erneut versuchen" options: Optionen poll: - created-date: 'Erstellt am {date}.' - expiration-date: 'Verfällt am {date}.' - expiration-date-warning: 'Diese Umfrage verfällt {timeToNow} und wird danach automatisch - gelöscht.' - tab-title: - participation: Teilnehmen - evaluation: Auswertung - error: - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: 'Bitte beantworte jede Option.' - name: - duplicate: 'Jemand anders hat bereits mit diesem Namen an der Umfrage teilgenommen. Bitte gib einen eindeutigen Namen ein.' - valueMissing: 'Du musst einen Benutzernamen angeben.' - selection: - valueMissing: 'Bitte gib eine Antwort für diese Option an.' - evaluation: - label: Auswertung - overview: Übersicht - participantTable: 'Teilnehmende und ihre Antworten' - bestOption: - label: - findADate: '{count, plural, =1 {Der bevorzugte Termin ist} other {Die - bevorzugten Termine sind}}' - makeAPoll: '{count, plural, =1 {Die bevorzugte Option ist} other {Die - bevorzugten Optionen sind}}' - bestOptionParticipants: - findADate: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat Zeit.} other {# Personen - haben Zeit.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat vielleicht Zeit.} other - {# Personen haben vielleicht Zeit.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat keine Zeit.} other {# Personen - haben keine Zeit.}}' - makeAPoll: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Einer Person gefällt diese Option.} other - {# Personen gefällt diese Option.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Einer Person gefällt diese Option vielleicht.} - other {# Personen gefällt diese Option vielleicht.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Einer Person gefällt diese Option nicht.} - other {# Personen gefällt diese Option nicht.}}' - lastParticipation: 'Die letzte Person hat {ago} teilgenommen.' - participants: '{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat sich an der Umfrage beteiligt.} - other {# Personen haben sich an der Umfrage beteiligt.}}' - input: - newUserName: - label: Name - placeholder: 'Dein Name' - showEvaluation: - hide: Verbergen - show: Anzeigen - link: - copied: 'Kopiert!' - copy-label: 'Kopiere Link in die Zwischenablage' - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - title: 'In welcher Zeitzone sollen die Daten angezeigt werden?' - body: 'Die Umfrage wurde für eine Zeitzone angelegt, die von deiner lokalen - Zeit abweicht. In welcher Zeitzone sollen die Daten angezeigt werden?' - button: - useLocalTimezone: 'meine Zeitzone' - usePollTimezone: Original-Zeitzone - share: - title: 'Teile den Link und lade Andere zu deiner Umfrage ein.' - notice: 'Jeder, der den Link kennt, kann deine Umfrage ansehen. Falls diese - private Daten enthält, solltest du den Link nur per verschlüsselter E-Mail - oder Chat mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung weitergeben.' + created-date: "Erstellt am {date}." + expiration-date: "Verfällt am {date}." + expiration-date-warning: + "Diese Umfrage verfällt {timeToNow} und wird danach automatisch + gelöscht." + tab-title: + participation: Teilnehmen + evaluation: Auswertung + error: + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: "Bitte beantworte jede Option." + name: + duplicate: "Jemand anders hat bereits mit diesem Namen an der Umfrage teilgenommen. Bitte gib einen eindeutigen Namen ein." + valueMissing: "Du musst einen Benutzernamen angeben." + selection: + valueMissing: "Bitte gib eine Antwort für diese Option an." + evaluation: + label: Auswertung + overview: Übersicht + participantTable: "Teilnehmende und ihre Antworten" + bestOption: + label: + findADate: "{count, plural, =1 {Der bevorzugte Termin ist} other {Die + bevorzugten Termine sind}}" + makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {Die bevorzugte Option ist} other {Die + bevorzugten Optionen sind}}" + bestOptionParticipants: + findADate: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat Zeit.} other {# Personen + haben Zeit.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat vielleicht Zeit.} other + {# Personen haben vielleicht Zeit.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat keine Zeit.} other {# Personen + haben keine Zeit.}}" + makeAPoll: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Einer Person gefällt diese Option.} other + {# Personen gefällt diese Option.}}" + maybe: + "{count, plural, =1 {Einer Person gefällt diese Option vielleicht.} + other {# Personen gefällt diese Option vielleicht.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Einer Person gefällt diese Option nicht.} + other {# Personen gefällt diese Option nicht.}}" + lastParticipation: "Die letzte Person hat {ago} teilgenommen." + participants: + "{count, plural, =1 {Eine Person hat sich an der Umfrage beteiligt.} + other {# Personen haben sich an der Umfrage beteiligt.}}" + input: + newUserName: + label: Name + placeholder: "Dein Name" + showEvaluation: + hide: Verbergen + show: Anzeigen + link: + copied: "Kopiert!" + copy-label: "Kopiere Link in die Zwischenablage" + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + title: "In welcher Zeitzone sollen die Daten angezeigt werden?" + body: + "Die Umfrage wurde für eine Zeitzone angelegt, die von deiner lokalen + Zeit abweicht. In welcher Zeitzone sollen die Daten angezeigt werden?" + button: + useLocalTimezone: "meine Zeitzone" + usePollTimezone: Original-Zeitzone + share: + title: "Teile den Link und lade Andere zu deiner Umfrage ein." + notice: "Jeder, der den Link kennt, kann deine Umfrage ansehen. Falls diese + private Daten enthält, solltest du den Link nur per verschlüsselter E-Mail + oder Chat mit Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung weitergeben." pollTypes: - findADate: - label: 'Ich möchte einen Termin finden. (z.B. Datum oder Uhrzeit für eine - Verabredung)' - makeAPoll: - label: 'Ich möchte eine Frage beantworten. (z.B. Wozu schmeckt Kaffe am Besten?)' + findADate: + label: "Ich möchte einen Termin finden. (z.B. Datum oder Uhrzeit für eine + Verabredung)" + makeAPoll: + label: "Ich möchte eine Frage beantworten. (z.B. Wozu schmeckt Kaffe am Besten?)" times: Zeiten diff --git a/translations/en.yml b/translations/en.yml index 0567071..73eb94d 100644 --- a/translations/en.yml +++ b/translations/en.yml @@ -1,227 +1,232 @@ action: - abort: Abort - back: Back - next: Next - save: Save + abort: Abort + back: Back + next: Next + save: Save answerTypes: - yes: - label: Yes - no: - label: No - maybe: - label: Maybe - freeText: - label: 'Free text' - yesNo: - label: 'Yes, No' - yesNoMaybe: - label: 'Yes, No, Maybe' + yes: + label: Yes + no: + label: No + maybe: + label: Maybe + freeText: + label: "Free text" + yesNo: + label: "Yes, No" + yesNoMaybe: + label: "Yes, No, Maybe" create: - index: - input: - pollType: - label: 'What is the purpose of your poll?' - formStep: - type: 'Type of poll' - meta: 'Title and description' - options: - days: Days - text: Options - options-datetime: Times - settings: Settings - meta: - input: - title: - label: Title - placeholder: 'Add a poll title.' - validations: - valueMissing: 'A form must have a title.' - tooShort: 'Form title must have at least 2 characters.' - description: - label: Description - placeholder: 'Optional: add a description to the poll.' + index: + input: + pollType: + label: "What is the purpose of your poll?" + formStep: + type: "Type of poll" + meta: "Title and description" options: - button: - add: - label: 'Add another option after this' - delete: - label: 'Delete this option' - options: - label: 'Answer options' - dates: - label: Days - error: - duplicatedOption: 'An option with this label already exists.' - invalidOption: 'All options must be valid.' - notEnoughDates: 'At least one day must be selected.' - valueMissing: 'Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed.' - defineTimes: - label: 'Determine time?' - input: - moreOptions: - label: 'Add other answer options' - options-datetime: - datetimes: - label: Times - more-inputs: 'Enter other times' - copy-first-line: 'Copy and paste times of first day to all other' - error: - correctTimeFormat: 'Dates have to be entered as hour and minute divided - by an colon (e.g. 13:00).' - duplicatedDate: 'An option for the same time at the same day already exists.' - invalidTime: 'At least one time is invalid.' - notEnoughTimes: 'It must be determined at least one valid time per day. - If only one day is chosen, at least 2 dates must be determined.' - partiallyFilledTime: 'Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported.' - fix-validation-errors-first-day: 'You have to fix all validation errors on - the first day before copying.' - settings: - answerType: - label: 'Which answers should be available?' - anonymousUser: - label: 'Allow anonymous attendants for the poll?' - expirationDate: - label: 'When should your poll expire and be deleted?' - expirationDurations: - P7D: 'In a week' - P1M: 'In a month' - P3M: 'In three months' - P6M: 'In half a year' - P1Y: 'In a year' - never: Never - forceAnswer: - label: 'Force an answer for every option?' - title: 'Create a poll' + days: Days + text: Options + options-datetime: Times + settings: Settings + meta: + input: + title: + label: Title + placeholder: "Add a poll title." + validations: + valueMissing: "A form must have a title." + tooShort: "Form title must have at least 2 characters." + description: + label: Description + placeholder: "Optional: add a description to the poll." + options: + button: + add: + label: "Add another option after this" + delete: + label: "Delete this option" + options: + label: "Answer options" + dates: + label: Days + error: + duplicatedOption: "An option with this label already exists." + invalidOption: "All options must be valid." + notEnoughDates: "At least one day must be selected." + valueMissing: "Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed." + defineTimes: + label: "Determine time?" + input: + moreOptions: + label: "Add other answer options" + options-datetime: + datetimes: + label: Times + more-inputs: "Enter other times" + copy-first-line: "Copy and paste times of first day to all other" + error: + correctTimeFormat: "Dates have to be entered as hour and minute divided + by an colon (e.g. 13:00)." + duplicatedDate: "An option for the same time at the same day already exists." + invalidTime: "At least one time is invalid." + notEnoughTimes: "It must be determined at least one valid time per day. + If only one day is chosen, at least 2 dates must be determined." + partiallyFilledTime: "Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported." + fix-validation-errors-first-day: "You have to fix all validation errors on + the first day before copying." + settings: + answerType: + label: "Which answers should be available?" + anonymousUser: + label: "Allow anonymous attendants for the poll?" + expirationDate: + label: "When should your poll expire and be deleted?" + expirationDurations: + P7D: "In a week" + P1M: "In a month" + P3M: "In three months" + P6M: "In half a year" + P1Y: "In a year" + never: Never + forceAnswer: + label: "Force an answer for every option?" + title: "Create a poll" error: - poll: - decryptionFailed: - title: 'Decryption failed' - description: 'Decrypting poll data failed. This is most likely caused - by a wrong encryption key. Please double-check the URL entered, especially - the part after the question mark.' - notFound: - title: 'Poll could not be found' - description: 'The poll you are looking for could not be found. This could - be caused by different reasons, including:' - reasons: - expired: 'The poll is expired and has been deleted.' - typo: 'There is a typo in the URL. You may want to double-check it - – especially the part before the question mark.' - savingFailed: - title: 'Saving failed' - description: 'The poll could not be saved. Please check your network connection - and try again. Please contact the site administrator if the problem persists.' - generic: - unexpected: - title: 'An unexpected error occured' - description: 'We are sorry. An unexpected error occurred. Please try again - later.' + poll: + decryptionFailed: + title: "Decryption failed" + description: "Decrypting poll data failed. This is most likely caused + by a wrong encryption key. Please double-check the URL entered, especially + the part after the question mark." + notFound: + title: "Poll could not be found" + description: "The poll you are looking for could not be found. This could + be caused by different reasons, including:" + reasons: + expired: "The poll is expired and has been deleted." + typo: "There is a typo in the URL. You may want to double-check it + – especially the part before the question mark." + savingFailed: + title: "Saving failed" + description: + "The poll could not be saved. Please check your network connection + and try again. Please contact the site administrator if the problem persists." + generic: + unexpected: + title: "An unexpected error occured" + description: "We are sorry. An unexpected error occurred. Please try again + later." index: - title: 'Croodle simplifies date and decision-making …Your attendance could not be saved. Please check your internet connection - and try again.
If this doesn’t work, a short-term breakdown of the - server could be the reason. Please wait a couple of minutes before trying - again. You can leave the page open.
Please contact the site administrator - if the problem persists.
' - button-retry: 'Try again' + save-retry: + title: "Saving failed." + text: + "Your attendance could not be saved. Please check your internet connection + and try again.
If this doesn’t work, a short-term breakdown of the + server could be the reason. Please wait a couple of minutes before trying + again. You can leave the page open.
Please contact the site administrator + if the problem persists.
" + button-retry: "Try again" options: Options poll: - created-date: 'Created on {date}.' - expiration-date: 'Expires on {date}.' - expiration-date-warning: 'This poll expires {timeToNow} and will be deleted afterwards.' - tab-title: - participation: Attend - evaluation: Evaluation - error: - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: 'Please answer every option.' - name: - duplicate: 'Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name.' - valueMissing: 'You have to enter a username.' - selection: - valueMissing: 'Please provide an answer for this option.' - evaluation: - label: Evaluation - overview: Review - participantTable: 'Attendants and their answers' - bestOption: - label: - findADate: '{count, plural, =1 {The preferred date is} other {The - preferred dates are}}' - makeAPoll: '{count, plural, =1 {The preferred option is} other {The - preferred options are}}' - bestOptionParticipants: - findADate: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {One person has time.} other {# people have - time.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {One person maybe has time.} other {# people - maybe have time.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {One person does not have time.} other {# - people do not have time.}}' - makeAPoll: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {One person likes this option.} other {# - people like this option.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {one person maybe likes this option.} other - {# people maybe like this option.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {One person does not like this option} other - {# people do not like this option.}}' - lastParticipation: 'The last person attended {ago}.' - participants: '{count, plural, =1 {One person participated in the poll.} other - {# people participated in the poll.}}' - input: - newUserName: - label: Name - placeholder: 'Your Name' - showEvaluation: - hide: Hide - show: Show - link: - copied: 'Copied!' - copy-label: 'Copy link to clipboard' - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - title: 'In which time zones should the dates be presented?' - body: 'The poll was created for a time zone which differs from your local - time. In which time zones should the dates be presented?' - button: - useLocalTimezone: 'My time zone' - usePollTimezone: 'Original time zone' - share: - title: 'Share the link and invite others to the poll.' - notice: 'Everyone that has the link can see your poll. If it contains private - data, you should only pass it on in person, through encrypted e-mail or - a chat with end-to-end encryption.' + created-date: "Created on {date}." + expiration-date: "Expires on {date}." + expiration-date-warning: "This poll expires {timeToNow} and will be deleted afterwards." + tab-title: + participation: Attend + evaluation: Evaluation + error: + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: "Please answer every option." + name: + duplicate: "Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name." + valueMissing: "You have to enter a username." + selection: + valueMissing: "Please provide an answer for this option." + evaluation: + label: Evaluation + overview: Review + participantTable: "Attendants and their answers" + bestOption: + label: + findADate: "{count, plural, =1 {The preferred date is} other {The + preferred dates are}}" + makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {The preferred option is} other {The + preferred options are}}" + bestOptionParticipants: + findADate: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {One person has time.} other {# people have + time.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {One person maybe has time.} other {# people + maybe have time.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {One person does not have time.} other {# + people do not have time.}}" + makeAPoll: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {One person likes this option.} other {# + people like this option.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {one person maybe likes this option.} other + {# people maybe like this option.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {One person does not like this option} other + {# people do not like this option.}}" + lastParticipation: "The last person attended {ago}." + participants: + "{count, plural, =1 {One person participated in the poll.} other + {# people participated in the poll.}}" + input: + newUserName: + label: Name + placeholder: "Your Name" + showEvaluation: + hide: Hide + show: Show + link: + copied: "Copied!" + copy-label: "Copy link to clipboard" + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + title: "In which time zones should the dates be presented?" + body: "The poll was created for a time zone which differs from your local + time. In which time zones should the dates be presented?" + button: + useLocalTimezone: "My time zone" + usePollTimezone: "Original time zone" + share: + title: "Share the link and invite others to the poll." + notice: + "Everyone that has the link can see your poll. If it contains private + data, you should only pass it on in person, through encrypted e-mail or + a chat with end-to-end encryption." pollTypes: - findADate: - label: 'I want to find a date. (e.g. time and date for an appointment)' - makeAPoll: - label: 'I want to answer a question. (e.g. Where does the coffee taste best?)' + findADate: + label: "I want to find a date. (e.g. time and date for an appointment)" + makeAPoll: + label: "I want to answer a question. (e.g. Where does the coffee taste best?)" times: Times diff --git a/translations/es.yml b/translations/es.yml index 8eeea0c..a1a1ebc 100644 --- a/translations/es.yml +++ b/translations/es.yml @@ -1,229 +1,235 @@ action: - abort: Cancelar - back: Atrás - next: Siguiente - save: Guardar + abort: Cancelar + back: Atrás + next: Siguiente + save: Guardar answerTypes: - yes: - label: Si - no: - label: No - maybe: - label: Quizás - freeText: - label: 'Texto libre' - yesNo: - label: 'Si, No' - yesNoMaybe: - label: 'Si, No, Quizás' + yes: + label: Si + no: + label: No + maybe: + label: Quizás + freeText: + label: "Texto libre" + yesNo: + label: "Si, No" + yesNoMaybe: + label: "Si, No, Quizás" create: - index: - input: - pollType: - label: '¿Que tipo de encuesta quieres hacer?' - formStep: - type: 'Tipo de encuesta' - meta: 'Título y descripción' - options: - days: Días - text: Opciones - options-datetime: Horas - settings: Ajustes - meta: - input: - title: - label: Título - placeholder: 'Añade el título de la encuesta.' - validations: - valueMissing: 'A form must have a title.' - tooShort: 'Form title must have at least 2 characters.' - description: - label: Descripción - placeholder: 'Opcional: Añade una descripción a la encuesta.' - options: - button: - add: - label: 'añade otras opción después de esta' - delete: - label: 'borra esta opción' - options: - label: 'Opciones de respuesta' - dates: - label: Días - error: - duplicatedOption: 'An option with this label already exists.' - invalidOption: 'All options must be valid.' - notEnoughDates: 'Debes elegir almenos un día' - valueMissing: 'Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed.' - defineTimes: - label: '¿Establecer horarios?' - input: - moreOptions: - label: 'Añadir más opciones de respuesta' - options-datetime: - datetimes: - label: Horarios - more-inputs: 'Añadir más horarios' - copy-first-line: 'Utilizar el horario de la primera línea para todas las demás' - error: - correctTimeFormat: 'Las horas y minutos del horario deben estar separadas - por el caracter dospuntos (p.ej. 13:00).' - duplicatedDate: 'An option for the same time at the same day already exists.' - invalidTime: 'At least one time is invalid.' - notEnoughTimes: 'Ha de establecerse almenos un horario correcto para cada - día. Si se ha elegido únicamente un día, hay que indicar almenos dos - horarios.' - partiallyFilledTime: 'Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported.' - fix-validation-errors-first-day: 'Tienes quee corregir todos los errores antes - de copiar.' - settings: - answerType: - label: '¿Que respuesta debería estar disponible?' - anonymousUser: - label: '¿permitir participantes anónimos en la encuesta?' - expirationDate: - label: '¿Cuando debería caducar la encuesta y ser borrada?' - expirationDurations: - P7D: 'dentro de una semana desde hoy' - P1M: 'dentro de un mes desde' - P3M: 'dentro de tres meses desde hoy' - P6M: 'dentro de seis meses desde hoy' - P1Y: 'dentro de un año desde hoy' - never: jamás - forceAnswer: - label: '¿Obligar a responder todas las preguntas/opciones?' - title: 'Crear una encuesta' -error: - poll: - decryptionFailed: - title: 'Falló al desencriptar' - description: 'La información de la encuesta falló al ser desencriptada. - Lo más probable es que sea debido a una llave de encriptación errónea. - Repasa y comprueba la URL que pusiste, sobre todo la parte que sigue - al signo de interrogación.' - notFound: - title: 'La encuesta no se encontró' - description: 'La encuesta que estás buscando no se pudo encontrar. Esto - puede ser debido a diversos motivos, entre ello:' - reasons: - expired: 'La encuesta ha expirado y ha sido borrada.' - typo: 'Hay un error al teclear la URL. Por favor, comprueba que la - has escrito bien, sobre todo la parte anterior al signo de interrogación.' - savingFailed: - title: 'Saving failed' - description: 'La encuesta no pude ser guardada. Por favor prueba de nuevo - en unos segundos.' - generic: - unexpected: - title: 'Ocurrió un error inesperado' - description: 'Lo sentimos. Ocurrió un error inesperado. Por favor inténtalo - más tarde.' -index: - title: 'Croodle simplifica las citas y la toma de decisiones …Tu inscripción no pudo ser guardada. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión - a internet e inténtalo de nuevo.
Si esto no ayuda, podría ser debido - a un breve fallo en el servidor. Por favor, espera unos minutos e inténtalo - de nuevo. Puedes esperar mientras la página se abre.
Si los problemas - continúan, por favor, contacte al administrador de la página.
' - button-retry: Reintentar -options: 'Opciones' -poll: - created-date: 'Creada el {date}.' - expiration-date: 'Caduca el {date}.' - expiration-date-warning: 'Esta encuesta caduca el {timeToNow} y después será borrada.' - tab-title: - participation: 'Participación' - evaluation: 'Evaluar' - error: - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: 'Por favor responde a todas las opciones.' - name: - duplicate: 'Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name.' - valueMissing: 'Tienes que poner un nombre.' - selection: - valueMissing: 'Please provide an answer for this option.' - evaluation: - label: 'Evaluar' - overview: 'Supervisar' - participantTable: 'Participantes y respuestas' - bestOption: - label: - findADate: '{count, plural, =1 {La fecha preferida es} other {Las - fechas preferidas son}}' - makeAPoll: '{count, plural, =1 {La opción preferida es} other {Las - opciones preferidas son}}' - bestOptionParticipants: - findADate: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona tiene tiempo.} other {# personas - tienen tiempo.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona quizás tiene tiempo.} other - {# personas quizás tienen tiempo.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona no tiene tiempo.} other {# personas - no tienen tiempo.}}' - makeAPoll: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {A una persona le gusta esta opción.} other - {# personas les gusta esta opción.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {A una persona quizás le gusta esta opción.} - other {# personas quizás les guste esta opción.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {A una persona no le gustan estas opciones.} - other {# personas no les gustan estas opciones.}}' - lastParticipation: 'La última persona participó hace {ago}.' - participants: '{count, plural, =1 {Una personas participó en la encuesta.} - other {# personas participaron en la encuesta.}}' + index: input: - newUserName: - label: Nombre - placeholder: 'Tu nombre' - showEvaluation: - hide: Esconder - show: Mostrar - link: - copied: 'Copiado!' - copy-label: 'Copiar enlace al portapapeles' - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - title: '¿Que zona horaria deseas utilizar para mostrar los datos?' - body: 'La encuesta ha sido configurada para una zona horaria distinta - de tu hora local. ¿Con qué zona horaria debería mostrarse la información?' - button: - useLocalTimezone: 'mi zona horaria' - usePollTimezone: 'la zona horaria original' - share: - title: 'Comparte el enlace e invita a otras personas a la encuesta.' - notice: 'Cualquiera que conozca el enlace podrá ver tu encuesta. Si esta contiene - información privada deberías compartir el enlace únicamente mediante un - correo electrónico encriptado o mediante chat con encriptación de-punto-a-punto.' + pollType: + label: "¿Que tipo de encuesta quieres hacer?" + formStep: + type: "Tipo de encuesta" + meta: "Título y descripción" + options: + days: Días + text: Opciones + options-datetime: Horas + settings: Ajustes + meta: + input: + title: + label: Título + placeholder: "Añade el título de la encuesta." + validations: + valueMissing: "A form must have a title." + tooShort: "Form title must have at least 2 characters." + description: + label: Descripción + placeholder: "Opcional: Añade una descripción a la encuesta." + options: + button: + add: + label: "añade otras opción después de esta" + delete: + label: "borra esta opción" + options: + label: "Opciones de respuesta" + dates: + label: Días + error: + duplicatedOption: "An option with this label already exists." + invalidOption: "All options must be valid." + notEnoughDates: "Debes elegir almenos un día" + valueMissing: "Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed." + defineTimes: + label: "¿Establecer horarios?" + input: + moreOptions: + label: "Añadir más opciones de respuesta" + options-datetime: + datetimes: + label: Horarios + more-inputs: "Añadir más horarios" + copy-first-line: "Utilizar el horario de la primera línea para todas las demás" + error: + correctTimeFormat: "Las horas y minutos del horario deben estar separadas + por el caracter dospuntos (p.ej. 13:00)." + duplicatedDate: "An option for the same time at the same day already exists." + invalidTime: "At least one time is invalid." + notEnoughTimes: "Ha de establecerse almenos un horario correcto para cada + día. Si se ha elegido únicamente un día, hay que indicar almenos dos + horarios." + partiallyFilledTime: "Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported." + fix-validation-errors-first-day: + "Tienes quee corregir todos los errores antes + de copiar." + settings: + answerType: + label: "¿Que respuesta debería estar disponible?" + anonymousUser: + label: "¿permitir participantes anónimos en la encuesta?" + expirationDate: + label: "¿Cuando debería caducar la encuesta y ser borrada?" + expirationDurations: + P7D: "dentro de una semana desde hoy" + P1M: "dentro de un mes desde" + P3M: "dentro de tres meses desde hoy" + P6M: "dentro de seis meses desde hoy" + P1Y: "dentro de un año desde hoy" + never: jamás + forceAnswer: + label: "¿Obligar a responder todas las preguntas/opciones?" + title: "Crear una encuesta" +error: + poll: + decryptionFailed: + title: "Falló al desencriptar" + description: "La información de la encuesta falló al ser desencriptada. + Lo más probable es que sea debido a una llave de encriptación errónea. + Repasa y comprueba la URL que pusiste, sobre todo la parte que sigue + al signo de interrogación." + notFound: + title: "La encuesta no se encontró" + description: "La encuesta que estás buscando no se pudo encontrar. Esto + puede ser debido a diversos motivos, entre ello:" + reasons: + expired: "La encuesta ha expirado y ha sido borrada." + typo: "Hay un error al teclear la URL. Por favor, comprueba que la + has escrito bien, sobre todo la parte anterior al signo de interrogación." + savingFailed: + title: "Saving failed" + description: "La encuesta no pude ser guardada. Por favor prueba de nuevo + en unos segundos." + generic: + unexpected: + title: "Ocurrió un error inesperado" + description: + "Lo sentimos. Ocurrió un error inesperado. Por favor inténtalo + más tarde." +index: + title: + "Croodle simplifica las citas y la toma de decisiones …Tu inscripción no pudo ser guardada. Por favor, comprueba tu conexión + a internet e inténtalo de nuevo.
Si esto no ayuda, podría ser debido + a un breve fallo en el servidor. Por favor, espera unos minutos e inténtalo + de nuevo. Puedes esperar mientras la página se abre.
Si los problemas + continúan, por favor, contacte al administrador de la página.
" + button-retry: Reintentar +options: "Opciones" +poll: + created-date: "Creada el {date}." + expiration-date: "Caduca el {date}." + expiration-date-warning: "Esta encuesta caduca el {timeToNow} y después será borrada." + tab-title: + participation: "Participación" + evaluation: "Evaluar" + error: + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: "Por favor responde a todas las opciones." + name: + duplicate: "Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name." + valueMissing: "Tienes que poner un nombre." + selection: + valueMissing: "Please provide an answer for this option." + evaluation: + label: "Evaluar" + overview: "Supervisar" + participantTable: "Participantes y respuestas" + bestOption: + label: + findADate: "{count, plural, =1 {La fecha preferida es} other {Las + fechas preferidas son}}" + makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {La opción preferida es} other {Las + opciones preferidas son}}" + bestOptionParticipants: + findADate: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona tiene tiempo.} other {# personas + tienen tiempo.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona quizás tiene tiempo.} other + {# personas quizás tienen tiempo.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona no tiene tiempo.} other {# personas + no tienen tiempo.}}" + makeAPoll: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {A una persona le gusta esta opción.} other + {# personas les gusta esta opción.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {A una persona quizás le gusta esta opción.} + other {# personas quizás les guste esta opción.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {A una persona no le gustan estas opciones.} + other {# personas no les gustan estas opciones.}}" + lastParticipation: "La última persona participó hace {ago}." + participants: "{count, plural, =1 {Una personas participó en la encuesta.} + other {# personas participaron en la encuesta.}}" + input: + newUserName: + label: Nombre + placeholder: "Tu nombre" + showEvaluation: + hide: Esconder + show: Mostrar + link: + copied: "Copiado!" + copy-label: "Copiar enlace al portapapeles" + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + title: "¿Que zona horaria deseas utilizar para mostrar los datos?" + body: "La encuesta ha sido configurada para una zona horaria distinta + de tu hora local. ¿Con qué zona horaria debería mostrarse la información?" + button: + useLocalTimezone: "mi zona horaria" + usePollTimezone: "la zona horaria original" + share: + title: "Comparte el enlace e invita a otras personas a la encuesta." + notice: + "Cualquiera que conozca el enlace podrá ver tu encuesta. Si esta contiene + información privada deberías compartir el enlace únicamente mediante un + correo electrónico encriptado o mediante chat con encriptación de-punto-a-punto." pollTypes: - findADate: - label: 'Querría crear una fecha (p. ej. fecha para una reunión)' - makeAPoll: - label: 'Querría responder a una pregunta (p. ej. ¿con que tomas el café?)' + findADate: + label: "Querría crear una fecha (p. ej. fecha para una reunión)" + makeAPoll: + label: "Querría responder a una pregunta (p. ej. ¿con que tomas el café?)" times: Horarios diff --git a/translations/fr.yml b/translations/fr.yml index 8c4f328..cc69cab 100644 --- a/translations/fr.yml +++ b/translations/fr.yml @@ -1,231 +1,241 @@ action: - abort: Annuler - back: Retour - next: Suivant - save: Sauver + abort: Annuler + back: Retour + next: Suivant + save: Sauver answerTypes: - yes: - label: Oui - no: - label: Non - maybe: - label: Peut-être - freeText: - label: 'Texte libre' - yesNo: - label: 'Oui, Non' - yesNoMaybe: - label: 'Oui, Non, Peut-être' + yes: + label: Oui + no: + label: Non + maybe: + label: Peut-être + freeText: + label: "Texte libre" + yesNo: + label: "Oui, Non" + yesNoMaybe: + label: "Oui, Non, Peut-être" create: - index: - input: - pollType: - label: 'Quel est le but de votre sondage ?' - formStep: - type: 'Type de sondage' - meta: 'Titre et description' - options: - days: Jours - text: Options - options-datetime: Heures - settings: Paramètres - meta: - input: - title: - label: Titre - placeholder: 'Ajoutez un titre de sondage.' - validations: - valueMissing: 'A form must have a title.' - tooShort: 'Form title must have at least 2 characters.' - description: - label: Description - placeholder: 'Facultatif : ajoutez une description au sondage.' + index: + input: + pollType: + label: "Quel est le but de votre sondage ?" + formStep: + type: "Type de sondage" + meta: "Titre et description" options: - button: - add: - label: 'Ajouter une autre option après' - delete: - label: 'Supprimer cette option' - options: - label: 'Options de réponse' - dates: - label: Jours - error: - duplicatedOption: 'An option with this label already exists.' - invalidOption: 'All options must be valid.' - notEnoughDates: 'Au moins un jour doit être sélectionné' - valueMissing: 'Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed.' - defineTimes: - label: 'Déterminer le temps ?' - input: - moreOptions: - label: "Ajouter d'autres options de réponse" - options-datetime: - datetimes: - label: Heures - more-inputs: "Entrez d'autres horaires" - copy-first-line: 'Copiez et collez les horaires du premier jour sur tous les - autres' - error: - correctTimeFormat: 'Les dates doivent être saisies en heures et minutes - séparé par deux points (example. 13:00).' - duplicatedDate: 'An option for the same time at the same day already exists.' - invalidTime: 'At least one time is invalid.' - notEnoughTimes: 'Il doit être déterminé au moins une fois par jour. Si - un seul jour est choisi, au moins 2 dates doivent être déterminées.' - partiallyFilledTime: 'Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported.' - fix-validation-errors-first-day: 'Vous devez corriger toutes les erreurs de - validation du premier jour avant la copie.' - settings: - answerType: - label: 'Quelles réponses devraient être disponibles ?' - anonymousUser: - label: 'Autoriser les préposés anonymes au sondage ?' - expirationDate: - label: 'Quand votre sondage doit-il expirer et être supprimé ?' - expirationDurations: - P7D: 'Dans une semaine' - P1M: 'Dans un mois' - P3M: 'Dans 3 mois' - P6M: 'Dans 6 mois' - P1Y: 'Dans un an' - never: Jamais - forceAnswer: - label: 'Forcer une réponse pour chaque option ?' - title: 'Créer un sondage' + days: Jours + text: Options + options-datetime: Heures + settings: Paramètres + meta: + input: + title: + label: Titre + placeholder: "Ajoutez un titre de sondage." + validations: + valueMissing: "A form must have a title." + tooShort: "Form title must have at least 2 characters." + description: + label: Description + placeholder: "Facultatif : ajoutez une description au sondage." + options: + button: + add: + label: "Ajouter une autre option après" + delete: + label: "Supprimer cette option" + options: + label: "Options de réponse" + dates: + label: Jours + error: + duplicatedOption: "An option with this label already exists." + invalidOption: "All options must be valid." + notEnoughDates: "Au moins un jour doit être sélectionné" + valueMissing: "Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed." + defineTimes: + label: "Déterminer le temps ?" + input: + moreOptions: + label: "Ajouter d'autres options de réponse" + options-datetime: + datetimes: + label: Heures + more-inputs: "Entrez d'autres horaires" + copy-first-line: "Copiez et collez les horaires du premier jour sur tous les + autres" + error: + correctTimeFormat: "Les dates doivent être saisies en heures et minutes + séparé par deux points (example. 13:00)." + duplicatedDate: "An option for the same time at the same day already exists." + invalidTime: "At least one time is invalid." + notEnoughTimes: "Il doit être déterminé au moins une fois par jour. Si + un seul jour est choisi, au moins 2 dates doivent être déterminées." + partiallyFilledTime: "Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported." + fix-validation-errors-first-day: "Vous devez corriger toutes les erreurs de + validation du premier jour avant la copie." + settings: + answerType: + label: "Quelles réponses devraient être disponibles ?" + anonymousUser: + label: "Autoriser les préposés anonymes au sondage ?" + expirationDate: + label: "Quand votre sondage doit-il expirer et être supprimé ?" + expirationDurations: + P7D: "Dans une semaine" + P1M: "Dans un mois" + P3M: "Dans 3 mois" + P6M: "Dans 6 mois" + P1Y: "Dans un an" + never: Jamais + forceAnswer: + label: "Forcer une réponse pour chaque option ?" + title: "Créer un sondage" error: - poll: - decryptionFailed: - title: 'Échec du déchiffrement' - description: "Échec du déchiffrement des données de sondage. Cela est\ - \ probablement dû à une mauvaise clé de chiffrement. Veuillez vérifier\ - \ l'URL saisie, en particulier la partie après le point d'interrogation." - notFound: - title: 'Le sondage est introuvable' - description: 'Le sondage que vous recherchez est introuvable. Ceci peut - être dû à différentes raisons, notamment :' - reasons: - expired: 'Le sondage a expiré et a été supprimé.' - typo: "Il y a une faute de frappe dans l'URL. Vous voudrez peut-être\ - \ revérifier - en particulier la partie avant le point d'interrogation." - savingFailed: - title: "Saving failed" - description: "Le sondage n'a pas pu être enregistré. Veuillez réessayer dans\ - \ quelques secondes." - generic: - unexpected: - title: "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite" - description: 'Nous sommes désolés. Une erreur inattendue est apparue. - Veuillez réessayer plus tard.' + poll: + decryptionFailed: + title: "Échec du déchiffrement" + description: "Échec du déchiffrement des données de sondage. Cela est\ + \ probablement dû à une mauvaise clé de chiffrement. Veuillez vérifier\ + \ l'URL saisie, en particulier la partie après le point d'interrogation." + notFound: + title: "Le sondage est introuvable" + description: "Le sondage que vous recherchez est introuvable. Ceci peut + être dû à différentes raisons, notamment :" + reasons: + expired: "Le sondage a expiré et a été supprimé." + typo: "Il y a une faute de frappe dans l'URL. Vous voudrez peut-être\ + \ revérifier - en particulier la partie avant le point d'interrogation." + savingFailed: + title: "Saving failed" + description: + "Le sondage n'a pas pu être enregistré. Veuillez réessayer dans\ + \ quelques secondes." + generic: + unexpected: + title: "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite" + description: "Nous sommes désolés. Une erreur inattendue est apparue. + Veuillez réessayer plus tard." index: - title: 'Croodle simplifie la date et la prise de décision …Votre sondage n’a pas pu être sauvée. S'il vous plaît, vérifiez\ - \ votre connexion à internet et réessayez.
Si ça ne fonctionne pas,\ - \ une panne momentanée du serveur pourrait être la cause. Veuillez patienter\ - \ quelques minutes avant de réessayer. Vous pouvez laisser la page ouverte.
Merci\ - \ de contacter l'administrateur du site si le problème persiste.
" - button-retry: 'Réessayer' + save-retry: + title: "Erreur de sauvegarde." + text: "Votre sondage n’a pas pu être sauvée. S'il vous plaît, vérifiez\ + \ votre connexion à internet et réessayez.
Si ça ne fonctionne pas,\ + \ une panne momentanée du serveur pourrait être la cause. Veuillez patienter\ + \ quelques minutes avant de réessayer. Vous pouvez laisser la page ouverte.
Merci\ + \ de contacter l'administrateur du site si le problème persiste.
" + button-retry: "Réessayer" options: Options poll: - created-date: 'Créer le {date}.' - expiration-date: 'Expire le {date}.' - expiration-date-warning: 'Ce sondage expire {timeToNow} et sera supprimé par la - suite.' - tab-title: - participation: Préposés - evaluation: Évaluation - error: - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: 'Veuillez répondre à chaque option.' - name: - duplicate: 'Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name.' - valueMissing: "Vous devez saisir un nom d'utilisateur." - selection: - valueMissing: 'Please provide an answer for this option.' - evaluation: - label: Évaluation - overview: Revue - participantTable: 'Préposés et leurs réponses' - bestOption: - label: - findADate: '{count, plural, =1 {La date préférée est} other {Les dates - préférées sont}}' - makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {L'option préférée est} other {Les\ - \ options préférées sont}}" - bestOptionParticipants: - findADate: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {une personne a le temps.} other {# personnes - ont le temps.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {une personne a peut-être le temps.} other - {# personnes ont peut-être le temps.}}' - no: "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne n'a pas le temps.} other {#\ - \ personnes n'ont pas le temps.}}" - makeAPoll: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Une personne aime cette option.} other {# - personnes aiment cette option.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {une personne aime peut-être cette option.} - other {# personnes aiment peut-être cette option.}}' - no: "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne n'aime pas cette option} other\ - \ {# personnes n'aiment pas cette option.}}" - lastParticipation: 'La dernière personne a assisté {ago}.' - participants: "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne a participé au sondage.} other\ - \ {# personnes ont participé au sondage.}}" - input: - newUserName: - label: Nom - placeholder: 'Votre nom' - showEvaluation: - hide: Caché - show: Affiché - link: - copied: 'Copié!' - copy-label: 'Copier le lien dans le presse-papiers' - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - title: 'Dans quels fuseaux horaires les dates doivent-elles être présentées ?' - body: 'Le sondage a été créé pour un fuseau horaire différent de votre - heure locale. Dans quels fuseaux horaires les dates doivent-elles - être présentées ?' - button: - useLocalTimezone: 'Mon fuseau horaire' - usePollTimezone: "Fuseau horaire d'origine" - share: - title: "Partagez le lien et invitez d'autres personnes à participer au sondage." - notice: "Tout personne qui a le lien peut accéder votre sondage. S'il contient\ - \ des données privées, vous ne devez les transmettre que par courriel\ - \ chiffré ou par messagerie avec un chiffrement de bout en bout." + created-date: "Créer le {date}." + expiration-date: "Expire le {date}." + expiration-date-warning: + "Ce sondage expire {timeToNow} et sera supprimé par la + suite." + tab-title: + participation: Préposés + evaluation: Évaluation + error: + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: "Veuillez répondre à chaque option." + name: + duplicate: "Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name." + valueMissing: "Vous devez saisir un nom d'utilisateur." + selection: + valueMissing: "Please provide an answer for this option." + evaluation: + label: Évaluation + overview: Revue + participantTable: "Préposés et leurs réponses" + bestOption: + label: + findADate: "{count, plural, =1 {La date préférée est} other {Les dates + préférées sont}}" + makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {L'option préférée est} other {Les\ + \ options préférées sont}}" + bestOptionParticipants: + findADate: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {une personne a le temps.} other {# personnes + ont le temps.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {une personne a peut-être le temps.} other + {# personnes ont peut-être le temps.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne n'a pas le temps.} other {#\ + \ personnes n'ont pas le temps.}}" + makeAPoll: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne aime cette option.} other {# + personnes aiment cette option.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {une personne aime peut-être cette option.} + other {# personnes aiment peut-être cette option.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne n'aime pas cette option} other\ + \ {# personnes n'aiment pas cette option.}}" + lastParticipation: "La dernière personne a assisté {ago}." + participants: + "{count, plural, =1 {Une personne a participé au sondage.} other\ + \ {# personnes ont participé au sondage.}}" + input: + newUserName: + label: Nom + placeholder: "Votre nom" + showEvaluation: + hide: Caché + show: Affiché + link: + copied: "Copié!" + copy-label: "Copier le lien dans le presse-papiers" + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + title: "Dans quels fuseaux horaires les dates doivent-elles être présentées ?" + body: "Le sondage a été créé pour un fuseau horaire différent de votre + heure locale. Dans quels fuseaux horaires les dates doivent-elles + être présentées ?" + button: + useLocalTimezone: "Mon fuseau horaire" + usePollTimezone: "Fuseau horaire d'origine" + share: + title: "Partagez le lien et invitez d'autres personnes à participer au sondage." + notice: + "Tout personne qui a le lien peut accéder votre sondage. S'il contient\ + \ des données privées, vous ne devez les transmettre que par courriel\ + \ chiffré ou par messagerie avec un chiffrement de bout en bout." pollTypes: - findADate: - label: "Je veux trouver une date. (ex. heure et date d'un rendez-vous)" - makeAPoll: - label: 'Je veux répondre à une question. (ex. Où le café a-t-il le meilleur - goût?)' + findADate: + label: "Je veux trouver une date. (ex. heure et date d'un rendez-vous)" + makeAPoll: + label: "Je veux répondre à une question. (ex. Où le café a-t-il le meilleur + goût?)" times: Heures diff --git a/translations/it.yml b/translations/it.yml index 1fd8540..f7c2162 100644 --- a/translations/it.yml +++ b/translations/it.yml @@ -1,229 +1,235 @@ action: - abort: Cancella - back: Indietro - next: Avanti - save: Salva + abort: Cancella + back: Indietro + next: Avanti + save: Salva answerTypes: - yes: - label: Sì - no: - label: No - maybe: - label: 'Può essere' - freeText: - label: 'Testo libero' - yesNo: - label: 'Si, No' - yesNoMaybe: - label: 'Si, No, Può essere' + yes: + label: Sì + no: + label: No + maybe: + label: "Può essere" + freeText: + label: "Testo libero" + yesNo: + label: "Si, No" + yesNoMaybe: + label: "Si, No, Può essere" create: - index: - input: - pollType: - label: 'Qual è lo scopo del tuo sondaggio?' - formStep: - type: 'Tipo di sondaggio' - meta: 'Titolo e descrizione' - options: - days: Giorni - text: Opzioni - options-datetime: Orari - settings: Impostazioni - meta: - input: - title: - label: Titolo - placeholder: 'Aggiungi un titolo al sondaggio.' - validations: - valueMissing: 'A form must have a title.' - tooShort: 'Form title must have at least 2 characters.' - description: - label: Descrizione - placeholder: 'Opzionale: aggiungere una descrizione del sondaggio.' + index: + input: + pollType: + label: "Qual è lo scopo del tuo sondaggio?" + formStep: + type: "Tipo di sondaggio" + meta: "Titolo e descrizione" options: - button: - add: - label: 'Aggiungere un''altra opzione dopo questo' - delete: - label: 'Elimina questa opzione' - options: - label: 'Opzioni di risposta' - dates: - label: Giorni - error: - duplicatedOption: 'An option with this label already exists.' - invalidOption: 'All options must be valid.' - notEnoughDates: 'Devi selezionare almeno un giorno' - valueMissing: 'Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed.' - defineTimes: - label: 'Specificare l''orario?' - input: - moreOptions: - label: 'Aggiungi altre opzioni di risposta' - options-datetime: - datetimes: - label: Orari - more-inputs: 'Inserisci altri orari' - copy-first-line: 'Usa lo stesso orario per tutti i giorni' - error: - correctTimeFormat: 'Le date devono essere immesse come ora e minuto divise - da due punti (e.g. 13:00).' - duplicatedDate: 'An option for the same time at the same day already exists.' - invalidTime: 'At least one time is invalid.' - notEnoughTimes: 'Devi indicare almeno un orario valido per ciascun giorno. - Se hai impostato un solo giorno, devi indicare un minimo di due orari - validi.' - partiallyFilledTime: 'Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported.' - fix-validation-errors-first-day: 'Devi risolvere tutti gli errori di convalida - nel primo giorno prima della copia.' - settings: - answerType: - label: 'Quali risposte dovrebbero essere disponibili?' - anonymousUser: - label: 'Consenti di partecipare in maniera anonima al sondaggio?' - expirationDate: - label: 'Quando scadrà il tuo sondaggio?' - expirationDurations: - P7D: 'Tra una settimana' - P1M: 'Tra un mese' - P3M: 'Tra 3 mesi' - P6M: 'Tra 6 mesi' - P1Y: 'Tra un anno' - never: Mai - forceAnswer: - label: 'Forzare una risposta per ogni opzione?' - title: 'Crea un sondaggio' + days: Giorni + text: Opzioni + options-datetime: Orari + settings: Impostazioni + meta: + input: + title: + label: Titolo + placeholder: "Aggiungi un titolo al sondaggio." + validations: + valueMissing: "A form must have a title." + tooShort: "Form title must have at least 2 characters." + description: + label: Descrizione + placeholder: "Opzionale: aggiungere una descrizione del sondaggio." + options: + button: + add: + label: "Aggiungere un'altra opzione dopo questo" + delete: + label: "Elimina questa opzione" + options: + label: "Opzioni di risposta" + dates: + label: Giorni + error: + duplicatedOption: "An option with this label already exists." + invalidOption: "All options must be valid." + notEnoughDates: "Devi selezionare almeno un giorno" + valueMissing: "Every option must have a label. Please delete it if the option is not needed." + defineTimes: + label: "Specificare l'orario?" + input: + moreOptions: + label: "Aggiungi altre opzioni di risposta" + options-datetime: + datetimes: + label: Orari + more-inputs: "Inserisci altri orari" + copy-first-line: "Usa lo stesso orario per tutti i giorni" + error: + correctTimeFormat: "Le date devono essere immesse come ora e minuto divise + da due punti (e.g. 13:00)." + duplicatedDate: "An option for the same time at the same day already exists." + invalidTime: "At least one time is invalid." + notEnoughTimes: "Devi indicare almeno un orario valido per ciascun giorno. + Se hai impostato un solo giorno, devi indicare un minimo di due orari + validi." + partiallyFilledTime: "Please enter a valid time with hours and minutes. Partially filled inputs are not supported." + fix-validation-errors-first-day: + "Devi risolvere tutti gli errori di convalida + nel primo giorno prima della copia." + settings: + answerType: + label: "Quali risposte dovrebbero essere disponibili?" + anonymousUser: + label: "Consenti di partecipare in maniera anonima al sondaggio?" + expirationDate: + label: "Quando scadrà il tuo sondaggio?" + expirationDurations: + P7D: "Tra una settimana" + P1M: "Tra un mese" + P3M: "Tra 3 mesi" + P6M: "Tra 6 mesi" + P1Y: "Tra un anno" + never: Mai + forceAnswer: + label: "Forzare una risposta per ogni opzione?" + title: "Crea un sondaggio" error: - poll: - decryptionFailed: - title: 'Decifratura fallita' - description: 'La decifratura è fallita. Questo errore è probabilmente - dovuto ad una chiave crittografica non corretta. Controlla la URL - che hai inserito, ed in particolare la parte che segue il punto interrogativo.' - notFound: - title: 'Il sondaggio non è stato trovato' - description: 'Il sondaggio che stai cercando non esiste. Questo potrebbe - essere accaduto per diversi motivi:' - reasons: - expired: 'Il sondaggio è scaduto ed è stato rimosso.' - typo: 'L''URL è errato. Prova a ricontrollarlo, specialmente la parte - prima del punto interrogativo.' - savingFailed: - title: "Saving failed" - description: 'Non è stato possible salvare il sondaggio. Riprova tra qualche - secondo.' - generic: - unexpected: - title: 'Si è verificato un errore inaspettato' - description: 'Siamo spiacenti, ma si è verificato un errore inaspettato. - Per favore, riprova più tardi.' + poll: + decryptionFailed: + title: "Decifratura fallita" + description: "La decifratura è fallita. Questo errore è probabilmente + dovuto ad una chiave crittografica non corretta. Controlla la URL + che hai inserito, ed in particolare la parte che segue il punto interrogativo." + notFound: + title: "Il sondaggio non è stato trovato" + description: "Il sondaggio che stai cercando non esiste. Questo potrebbe + essere accaduto per diversi motivi:" + reasons: + expired: "Il sondaggio è scaduto ed è stato rimosso." + typo: "L'URL è errato. Prova a ricontrollarlo, specialmente la parte + prima del punto interrogativo." + savingFailed: + title: "Saving failed" + description: + "Non è stato possible salvare il sondaggio. Riprova tra qualche + secondo." + generic: + unexpected: + title: "Si è verificato un errore inaspettato" + description: "Siamo spiacenti, ma si è verificato un errore inaspettato. + Per favore, riprova più tardi." index: - title: 'Croodle semplifica la scelta delle date e il processo decisionale …Impossibile salvare le tue risposte. Per favore controlla la tua - connessione Internet e prova di nuovo.
Se questo non funziona, prova - a riavviare il server, e attendi un minuto prima di tentare di nuovo. - Puoi lasciare aperta la pagina.
Se i problemi persistono, contatta - l''amministratore di questo sito.
' - button-retry: Riprova + save-retry: + title: "Salvataggio fallito." + text: "Impossibile salvare le tue risposte. Per favore controlla la tua + connessione Internet e prova di nuovo.
Se questo non funziona, prova + a riavviare il server, e attendi un minuto prima di tentare di nuovo. + Puoi lasciare aperta la pagina.
Se i problemi persistono, contatta + l'amministratore di questo sito.
" + button-retry: Riprova options: Opzioni poll: - created-date: 'Creato il {date}.' - expiration-date: 'Scade il {date}.' - expiration-date-warning: 'Questo sondaggio scadrà {timeToNow}, e verrà cancellato.' - tab-title: - participation: Partecipa - evaluation: Risultati - error: - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: 'Per favore, rispondi a tutte le opzioni.' - name: - duplicate: 'Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name.' - valueMissing: 'Devi inserire un nuovo nome utente.' - selection: - valueMissing: 'Please provide an answer for this option.' - evaluation: - label: Risultati - overview: Revisione - participantTable: 'Partecipanti e le loro risposte' - bestOption: - label: - findADate: '{count, plural, =1 {La data preferita è} other {Le date - preferite sono}}' - makeAPoll: '{count, plural, =1 {L''opzione preferita è} other {Le - opzioni preferite sono}}' - bestOptionParticipants: - findADate: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona è disponibile.} other {# persone - sono disponibili.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona forse è disponibile.} other - {# persone forse sono disponibili.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona non è disponibile.} other {# - persone non sono disponibili.}}' - makeAPoll: - yes: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona preferisce questa opzione.} - other {# persone preferiscono questa opzione.}}' - maybe: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona forse preferisce questa opzione.} - other {# persone forse preferiscono questa opzione.}}' - no: '{count, plural, =1 {Ad una persona non piace questa opzione.} - other {A # persone non piace questa opzione.}}' - lastParticipation: 'L''ultima persona ha partecipato fa {ago}.' - participants: '{count, plural, =1 {Una persona ha partecipato al sondaggio.} - other {# persone hanno partecipato al sondaggio.}}' - input: - newUserName: - label: Nome - placeholder: 'Il tuo nome' - showEvaluation: - hide: Nascondi - show: Mostra - link: - copied: 'Copiato!' - copy-label: 'Copia il link negli appunti' - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - title: 'In quale fuso orario devono essere presentate le date?' - body: 'Il sondaggio è stato creato per un fuso orario diverso dal tuo. - In quali orari devono essere presentate le date?' - button: - useLocalTimezone: 'Il mio fuso orario' - usePollTimezone: 'Fuso orario originale' - share: - title: 'Condividi il link e invita altre persone al sondaggio.' - notice: 'Tutti quelli che hanno il collegamento possono accedere al tuo sondaggio. - Se il sondaggio contiene dati sensibili, inoltralo unicamente tramite - posta elettronica cifrata o chat cifrato dall''inizio alla fine.' + created-date: "Creato il {date}." + expiration-date: "Scade il {date}." + expiration-date-warning: "Questo sondaggio scadrà {timeToNow}, e verrà cancellato." + tab-title: + participation: Partecipa + evaluation: Risultati + error: + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: "Per favore, rispondi a tutte le opzioni." + name: + duplicate: "Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name." + valueMissing: "Devi inserire un nuovo nome utente." + selection: + valueMissing: "Please provide an answer for this option." + evaluation: + label: Risultati + overview: Revisione + participantTable: "Partecipanti e le loro risposte" + bestOption: + label: + findADate: "{count, plural, =1 {La data preferita è} other {Le date + preferite sono}}" + makeAPoll: "{count, plural, =1 {L'opzione preferita è} other {Le + opzioni preferite sono}}" + bestOptionParticipants: + findADate: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona è disponibile.} other {# persone + sono disponibili.}}" + maybe: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona forse è disponibile.} other + {# persone forse sono disponibili.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona non è disponibile.} other {# + persone non sono disponibili.}}" + makeAPoll: + yes: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona preferisce questa opzione.} + other {# persone preferiscono questa opzione.}}" + maybe: + "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona forse preferisce questa opzione.} + other {# persone forse preferiscono questa opzione.}}" + no: "{count, plural, =1 {Ad una persona non piace questa opzione.} + other {A # persone non piace questa opzione.}}" + lastParticipation: "L'ultima persona ha partecipato fa {ago}." + participants: "{count, plural, =1 {Una persona ha partecipato al sondaggio.} + other {# persone hanno partecipato al sondaggio.}}" + input: + newUserName: + label: Nome + placeholder: "Il tuo nome" + showEvaluation: + hide: Nascondi + show: Mostra + link: + copied: "Copiato!" + copy-label: "Copia il link negli appunti" + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + title: "In quale fuso orario devono essere presentate le date?" + body: "Il sondaggio è stato creato per un fuso orario diverso dal tuo. + In quali orari devono essere presentate le date?" + button: + useLocalTimezone: "Il mio fuso orario" + usePollTimezone: "Fuso orario originale" + share: + title: "Condividi il link e invita altre persone al sondaggio." + notice: + "Tutti quelli che hanno il collegamento possono accedere al tuo sondaggio. + Se il sondaggio contiene dati sensibili, inoltralo unicamente tramite + posta elettronica cifrata o chat cifrato dall'inizio alla fine." pollTypes: - findADate: - label: 'Voglio trovare una data. (ad es. orario e data per un appuntamento)' - makeAPoll: - label: 'Voglio rispondere a una domanda. (ad es. Dove si prende meglio il - caffè?)' + findADate: + label: "Voglio trovare una data. (ad es. orario e data per un appuntamento)" + makeAPoll: + label: "Voglio rispondere a una domanda. (ad es. Dove si prende meglio il + caffè?)" times: Orari diff --git a/translations/nb.yml b/translations/nb.yml index 5720524..6d11197 100644 --- a/translations/nb.yml +++ b/translations/nb.yml @@ -1,196 +1,199 @@ poll: - error: - name: - duplicate: 'Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name.' - valueMissing: Du må skrive inn et brukernavn - newUser: - everyOptionIsAnswered: Besvar alle alternativene. - selection: - valueMissing: 'Please provide an answer for this option.' - share: - notice: Alle med lenken kan se avstemmingen din. Hvis den inneholder privat - data, bør du sende den per kryptert e-post eller sludring med ende-til-ende- - kryptering. - title: Del lenken og inviter andre til avstemmingen. - modal: - timezoneDiffers: - body: Avstemmingen ble opprettet for en tidssone som skiller seg fra din - lokaltid. Hvilken tidssone skal datoene presenteres i? - title: Hvilke tidssoner skal datoene vises i? - button: - usePollTimezone: Opprinnelig tidssone - useLocalTimezone: Min tidssone - evaluation: - lastParticipation: Siste person tok del {ago}. - participantTable: Deltagere og svarene deres - overview: Oversikt - label: Vurdering - tab-title: - participation: Ta del - evaluation: Vurdering - expiration-date-warning: Denne avstemmingen utløper {timeToNow} og vil slettes - etterpå. - link: - copy-label: Kopier lenke til utklippstavle - copied: Kopiert - input: - showEvaluation: - show: Vis - hide: Skjul - newUserName: - placeholder: Ditt navn - label: Navn - expiration-date: Utløper {date}. - created-date: Opprettet {date}. + error: + name: + duplicate: "Someone else already participated with this name. Please use an unqiue name." + valueMissing: Du må skrive inn et brukernavn + newUser: + everyOptionIsAnswered: Besvar alle alternativene. + selection: + valueMissing: "Please provide an answer for this option." + share: + notice: Alle med lenken kan se avstemmingen din. Hvis den inneholder privat + data, bør du sende den per kryptert e-post eller sludring med ende-til-ende- + kryptering. + title: Del lenken og inviter andre til avstemmingen. + modal: + timezoneDiffers: + body: Avstemmingen ble opprettet for en tidssone som skiller seg fra din + lokaltid. Hvilken tidssone skal datoene presenteres i? + title: Hvilke tidssoner skal datoene vises i? + button: + usePollTimezone: Opprinnelig tidssone + useLocalTimezone: Min tidssone + evaluation: + lastParticipation: Siste person tok del {ago}. + participantTable: Deltagere og svarene deres + overview: Oversikt + label: Vurdering + tab-title: + participation: Ta del + evaluation: Vurdering + expiration-date-warning: Denne avstemmingen utløper {timeToNow} og vil slettes + etterpå. + link: + copy-label: Kopier lenke til utklippstavle + copied: Kopiert + input: + showEvaluation: + show: Vis + hide: Skjul + newUserName: + placeholder: Ditt navn + label: Navn + expiration-date: Utløper {date}. + created-date: Opprettet {date}. index: - title: Croodle forenkler datovalg og avgjørelser …