Implemented answer types are:
* yes, no (default)
* yes, no, maybe
* free text
While creating a poll the user choose possible answers by defining an answer type.
Later user defined answer possibilites could be added.
Ember to 1.6.0-beta.1+canary.a063adea
Ember Data to 1.0.0-beta.7.f87cba88
Ember EmbeddedAdapter to latest dev release on GitHub
Handlebars to 1.3.0
JQuery to 2.1.0
Stanford JavaScript Crypto Libary to latest dev release on GitHub
There seems to be an error in ember data with mixed use of embedded and non-embedded hasMany relationships; users relationship in poll is not saved, when it is not embedded (should save the ids)
Starting to rewrite client in EmberJS.
Main features, which are not implemented yet:
* api.php is not compatible with Ember Data yet. Data is stored in Locale Storage of the browser in this stage of development.
* Encryption / decryption of data is not implemented yet.
* There is an error on loading stored data due to embedded objects. Working on a fix, but loading a saved poll is not working for this reason yet.
* Adding user to a poll is not implemented yet.
* Any features for user interface like datepicker are not implemented yet.
To test application you have to open #/create in browser. A route for index is not defined yet.