import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import moment from 'moment'; module('Unit | Component | create options', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); }); test('validation for make a poll', function(assert) { let component = this.owner.factoryFor('component:create-options').create(); component.set('options', []); component.set('isFindADate', false); component.set('isMakeAPoll', true); // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner let poll; run(() => { poll ='poll', { isFindADate: component.get('isFindADate'), isMakeAPoll: component.get('isMakeAPoll') }); }); assert.notOk( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'invalid without any options' ); run(() => { let option ='option', { title: 'first option' }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'valid if there is atleast one valid option' ); run(() => { let option ='option', { title: 'second option' }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'valid for two options which are not empty strings' ); run(() => { component.set('options.firstObject.title', ''); }); assert.notOk( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'invalid if atleast one string is empty' ); }); test('validation for find a date without times', function(assert) { let component = this.owner.factoryFor('component:create-options').create(); component.set('options', []); component.set('isFindADate', true); component.set('isMakeAPoll', false); // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner let poll; run(() => { poll ='poll', { isFindADate: component.get('isFindADate'), isMakeAPoll: component.get('isMakeAPoll') }); }); assert.notOk( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'invalid without any options' ); run(() => { let option ='option', { title: '2015-01-01' }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'valid if there is atleast one valid date' ); run(() => { let option ='option', { title: '2015-01-02' }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'valid for two valid dates' ); run(() => { let option ='option', { title: 'foo' }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.notOk( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'invalid if atleast one option is not a valid date' ); run(() => { component.set('options.lastObject.title', '2015-01-03'); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'valid again after title is a valid date again' ); run(() => { component.set('options.firstObject.title', '2015-01-01'); component.set('options.lastObject.title', '2015-01-01'); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isInvalid'), 'invalid if dates are not unique' ); }); test('validation for find a date with times', function(assert) { let component = this.owner.factoryFor('component:create-options').create(); component.set('options', []); component.set('isMakeAPoll', false); // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner let poll; run(() => { poll ='poll', { isFindADate: component.get('isFindADate'), isMakeAPoll: component.get('isMakeAPoll') }); }); assert.notOk( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'invalid without any options' ); run(() => { let option ='option', { title: moment().add('1', 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD') }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.ok( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'valid if there is atleast one valid date' ); /* => { let option ='option', { title: moment().add('1', 'day').hour(22).minute(30).seconds(0).milliseconds(0).toISOString() }); poll.get('options').pushObject(option); component.get('options').pushObject(option); }); assert.notOk( component.get('validations.isValid'), 'invalid if there is a option without time for a day with has another option with time specified' ); */ }); });