import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { isPresent, isEmpty } from '@ember/utils'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { observes } from '@ember-decorators/object'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class PollController extends Controller { @service encryption; @service flashMessages; @service intl; @service router; queryParams = ['encryptionKey']; encryptionKey = ''; @tracked timezoneChoosen = false; @tracked shouldUseLocalTimezone = false; get pollUrl() { // consume information, which may cause a change to the URL to ensure // getter is invalided if needed this.router.currentURL; this.encryptionKey; return window.location.href; } get showExpirationWarning() { const { model: poll } = this; const { expirationDate } = poll; if (isEmpty(expirationDate)) { return false; } return ( DateTime.local().plus({ weeks: 2 }) >= DateTime.fromISO(expirationDate) ); } /* * return true if current timezone differs from timezone poll got created with */ get timezoneDiffers() { const { model: poll } = this; const { timezone: pollTimezone } = poll; return ( isPresent(pollTimezone) && Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone !== pollTimezone ); } get mustChooseTimezone() { return this.timezoneDiffers && !this.timezoneChoosen; } get timezone() { const { model: poll, shouldUseLocalTimezone } = this; return shouldUseLocalTimezone ? undefined : poll.timezone; } @action linkAction(type) { let flashMessages = this.flashMessages; switch (type) { case 'copied': flashMessages.success(``); break; case 'selected':``); break; } } @action useLocalTimezone() { this.shouldUseLocalTimezone = true; this.timezoneChoosen = true; } // TODO: Remove this code. It's spooky. @observes('encryptionKey') preventEncryptionKeyChanges() { if ( !isEmpty(this.encryption.key) && this.encryptionKey !== this.encryption.key ) { // work-a-round for url not being updated window.location.hash = window.location.hash.replace( this.encryptionKey, this.encryption.key, ); this.set('encryptionKey', this.encryption.key); } } }