import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, click, fillIn, find, findAll, triggerEvent } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import jQuery from 'jquery'; import moment from 'moment'; module('Integration | Component | create options datetime', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); }); /* * watch out: * polyfill adds another input[type="text"] for every input[type="time"] * if browser doesn't support input[type="time"] * that ones could be identifed by class 'ws-inputreplace' */ test('it generates inpute field for options iso 8601 date string (without time)', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { isFindADate: true, isMakeAPoll: false, options: [ { title: '2015-01-01' } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group input').length, 1, 'there is one input field' ); assert.equal( find('.days .form-group input').value, '', 'value is an empty string' ); }); test('it generates inpute field for options iso 8601 datetime string (with time)', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { isFindADate: true, isMakeAPoll: false, options: [ { title: '2015-01-01T11:11:00.000Z' } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group input').length, 1, 'there is one input field' ); assert.equal( find('.days .form-group input').value, moment('2015-01-01T11:11:00.000Z').format('HH:mm'), 'it has time in option as value' ); }); test('it hides repeated labels', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { isFindADate: true, isMakeAPoll: false, options: [ { title: moment('2015-01-01T10:11').toISOString() }, { title: moment('2015-01-01T22:22').toISOString() }, { title: '2015-02-02' } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); assert.equal( findAll('.days label').length, 3, 'every form-group has a label' ); assert.equal( findAll('.days label:not(.sr-only)').length, 2, 'there are two not hidden labels for two different dates' ); assert.notOk( this.$('.days .form-group').eq(0).find('label').hasClass('sr-only'), 'the first label is shown' ); assert.ok( this.$('.days .form-group').eq(1).find('label').hasClass('sr-only'), 'the repeated label on second form-group is hidden by sr-only class' ); assert.notOk( this.$('.days .form-group').eq(2).find('label').hasClass('sr-only'), 'the new label on third form-group is shown' ); }); test('allows to add another option', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { options: [ { title: '2015-01-01' }, { title: '2015-02-02' } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group input').length, 2, 'there are two input fields before' ); await click(findAll('.days .form-group')[0].querySelector('.add')); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group input').length, 3, 'another input field is added' ); assert.equal( this.$('.days .form-group').eq(1).find('label').text(), this.$('.days .form-group').eq(0).find('label').text(), 'new input has correct label' ); assert.ok( this.$('.days .form-group').eq(1).find('label').hasClass('sr-only'), 'label ofnew input is hidden cause it\'s repeated' ); }); test('allows to delete an option', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { isFindADate: true, isMakeAPoll: false, options: [ { title: moment('2015-01-01T11:11').toISOString() }, { title: moment('2015-01-01T22:22').toISOString() } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); assert.equal( findAll('.days input').length, 2, 'there are two input fields before' ); assert.ok( findAll('.delete').every((el) => el.disabled === false), 'options are deleteable' ); await click(findAll('.days .form-group')[0].querySelector('.delete')); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group input').length, 1, 'one input field is removed after deletion' ); assert.equal( find('.days .form-group input').value, '22:22', 'correct input field is deleted' ); assert.equal( this.get('poll.options.length'), 1, 'is also delete from option' ); assert.equal( this.get('poll.options.firstObject.title'), moment('2015-01-01T22:22').toISOString(), 'correct option is deleted' ); }); test('adopt times of first day - simple', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { options: [ { title: moment().hour(10).minute(0).toISOString() }, { title: '2015-02-02' }, { title: '2015-03-03' } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); await click('button.adopt-times-of-first-day'); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group')[0].querySelector('input').value, '10:00', 'time was not changed for first day' ); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group')[1].querySelector('input').value, '10:00', 'time was adopted for second day' ); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group')[2].querySelector('input').value, '10:00', 'time was adopted for third day' ); }); test('adopt times of first day - more times on first day than on others', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { options: [ { title: moment().hour(10).minute(0).toISOString() }, { title: moment().hour(22).minute(0).toISOString() }, { title: '2015-02-02' }, { title: '2015-03-03' } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); await click('button.adopt-times-of-first-day'); assert.deepEqual( this.$('.days .form-group input').map((i, el) => jQuery(el).val()).toArray(), ['10:00', '22:00', '10:00', '22:00', '10:00', '22:00'], 'times were adopted correctly' ); }); test('adopt times of first day - excess times on other days got deleted', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { isFindADate: true, isMakeAPoll: false, options: [ { title: moment().hour(10).minute(0).toISOString() }, { title: moment().add(1, 'day').hour(10).minute(0).toISOString() }, { title: moment().add(1, 'day').hour(22).minute(0).toISOString() } ] })); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=poll.options}}`); await click('button.adopt-times-of-first-day'); assert.equal( findAll('.days .form-group').length, 2, 'one excess time input got deleted' ); assert.deepEqual( this.$('.days .form-group input').map((i, el) => jQuery(el).val()).toArray(), ['10:00', '10:00'], 'additional time on secondary day got deleted' ); }); test('validation', async function(assert) { // validation is based on validation of every option fragment // which validates according to poll model it belongs to // therefore each option needs to be pushed to poll model to have it as // it's owner run(() => { this.set('poll','poll', { isFindADate: true, isMakeAPoll: false })); this.set('options', alias('poll.options')); this.get('options').pushObjects([ { title: '2015-01-01' }, { title: '2015-02-02' } ]); }); await render(hbs`{{create-options-datetime dates=options}}`); assert.ok( findAll('.has-error').length === 0 && findAll('.has-success').length === 0, 'does not show a validation error before user interaction' ); await fillIn('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"] .form-group input', '10:'); assert.ok( find('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"] .form-group').classList.contains('has-error') || // browsers with input type time support prevent non time input find('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"] .form-group input').value === '', 'shows error after invalid input or prevents invalid input' ); // simulate unique violation await click('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"] .add'); await fillIn(findAll('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"]')[0].querySelector('input'), '10:00'); await fillIn(findAll('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"]')[1].querySelector('input'), '10:00'); await fillIn('[data-test-day="2015-02-02"] .form-group input', '10:00'); await triggerEvent('form', 'submit'); assert.dom(findAll('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"]')[0].querySelector('.form-group')).hasClass('has-success', 'first time shows validation success' ); assert.dom(findAll('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"]')[1].querySelector('.form-group')).hasClass('has-error', 'same time for same day shows validation error' ); assert.dom('[data-test-day="2015-02-02"] .form-group').hasClass('has-success', 'same time for different day shows validation success' ); // label reflects validation state for all times of this day assert.dom(find('[data-test-day="2015-01-01"]')).hasClass('label-has-error', 'label reflects validation state for all times (error)' ); assert.dom('[data-test-day="2015-02-02"]').hasClass('label-has-success', 'label reflects validation state for all times (success)' ); }); });