.cr-navbar { background: map-get($theme-colors, dark); } .cr-logo { font-size: $font-size-base; margin-bottom: 0; // This is needed for cases when the h1 does not contain a link, like when JS // is disabled. color: $body-bg; } .cr-main { padding-top: map-get($spacers, 5); } .cr-claim { margin-bottom: map-get($spacers, 4); } .cr-hide-on-mobile { display: none; @include media-breakpoint-up(md) { display: block; } } .cr-h-auto { height: auto !important; } // adds the same padding-right as .is-valid / .is-invalid validation feedback // classes provided by Bootstrap do .cr-pr-validation { padding-right: calc(1.5em + .74rem); }