import Ember from 'ember'; import moment from 'moment'; /* global jstz */ const { computed, Controller, getOwner, inject, isEmpty, isPresent, Object: EmberObject, observer } = Ember; export default Controller.extend({ actions: { linkAction(type) { let flashMessages = this.get('flashMessages'); switch (type) { case 'copied': flashMessages.success(``); break; case 'selected':``); break; } }, useLocalTimezone() { this.set('useLocalTimezone', true); this.set('timezoneChoosen', true); } }, encryption: inject.service(), encryptionKey: '', queryParams: ['encryptionKey'], dateGroups: computed('dates.[]', function() { // group dates only for find a date // and if there is atleast one time if ( this.get('model.isFindADate') !== true && this.get('hasTimes') ) { return []; } const datetimes = this.get('dates'); const dateGroupObject = EmberObject.extend({ colspan: null, formatted: computed('value', 'i18n.locale', function() { const date = this.get('value'); const locale = this.get('i18n.locale'); const longDateFormat = moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LLLL') .replace( moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LT'), '') .trim(); // moment caches locale so we have to check if it's changed if (date.locale() !== locale) { date.locale(locale); } return date.format(longDateFormat); }), i18n: inject.service(), value: null }); // need to inject owner into dateGroupObject to support service injection const owner = getOwner(this); let dateGroups = []; let count = 0; let lastDate = null; datetimes.forEach(function(el) { let date = moment(el.title) .hour(0) .minute(0) .seconds(0) .milliseconds(0); if (lastDate === null) { lastDate = date; } if (date.valueOf() === lastDate.valueOf()) { count++; } else { // push last values; dateGroups.pushObject( dateGroupObject.create(owner.ownerInjection(), { 'value': lastDate, 'colspan': count }) ); // set lastDate to current date and reset count lastDate = date; count = 1; } }); dateGroups.pushObject( dateGroupObject.create(owner.ownerInjection(), { 'value': lastDate, 'colspan': count }) ); return dateGroups; }), /* * handles options if they are dates */ dates: computed('model.options.[]', 'useLocalTimezone', function() { let timezone = false; let dates = []; const dateObject = EmberObject.extend({ i18n: inject.service(), init() { // retrive locale to setup observers this.get('i18n.locale'); }, formatted: computed('title', 'i18n.locale', function() { const date = this.get('title'); const locale = this.get('i18n.locale'); // locale is stored on date, we have to override it if it has changed since creation if (date.locale() !== locale) { date.locale(this.get('i18n.locale')); } return this.get('hasTime') ? date.format('LLLL') : date.format( moment.localeData() .longDateFormat('LLLL') .replace( moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LT'), '') .trim() ); }), formattedTime: computed('title', 'i18n.locale', function() { const date = this.get('title'); const locale = this.get('i18n.locale'); // locale is stored on date, we have to override it if it has changed since creation if (date.locale() !== locale) { date.locale(this.get('i18n.locale')); } return date.format('LT'); }) }); // if poll type is find a date // we return an empty array if (!this.get('model.isFindADate')) { return []; } // if poll has dates with times we have to care about timezone // but since user timezone is default we only have to set timezone // if timezone poll got created in should be used if ( this.get('hasTimes') && !this.get('useLocalTimezone') ) { timezone = this.get('model.timezone'); } const owner = getOwner(this); dates = this.get('model.options').map((option) => { const date = moment(option.get('title')); const hasTime = moment(option.get('title'), 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).isValid() === false; if (timezone && hasTime) {; } return dateObject.create(owner.ownerInjection(), { title: date, hasTime }); }); return dates; }), flashMessages: inject.service(), hasTimes: computed('model.options.[]', function() { if (this.get('model.isMakeAPoll')) { return false; } else { return this.get('model.options').any((option) => { return moment(option.get('title'), 'YYYY-MM-DD', true).isValid() === false; }); } }), pollUrl: computed('currentPath', 'encryptionKey', function() { return window.location.href; }), preventEncryptionKeyChanges: observer('encryptionKey', function() { if ( !isEmpty(this.get('encryption.key')) && this.get('encryptionKey') !== this.get('encryption.key') ) { // work-a-round for url not being updated window.location.hash = window.location.hash.replace(this.get('encryptionKey'), this.get('encryption.key')); this.set('encryptionKey', this.get('encryption.key')); } }), timezoneChoosen: false, /* * return true if current timezone differs from timezone poll got created with */ timezoneDiffers: computed('model.timezone', function() { const modelTimezone = this.get('model.timezone'); return isPresent(modelTimezone) && jstz.determine().name() !== modelTimezone; }), useLocalTimezone: false, mustChooseTimezone: computed('timezoneDiffers', 'timezoneChoosen', function() { return this.get('timezoneDiffers') && !this.get('timezoneChoosen'); }) });