import Ember from "ember"; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import startApp from '../helpers/start-app'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import serverPostPolls from '../helpers/server-post-polls'; import formattedDateHelper from 'croodle/helpers/formatted-date'; /* global moment */ /* jshint proto: true */ var application, server; module('Acceptance | create a poll', { beforeEach: function() { application = startApp(); application.__container__.lookup('adapter:application').__proto__.namespace = ''; server = new Pretender(); var lastCreatedPoll = {};'/polls', function (request) { var ret = serverPostPolls(request.requestBody, 'test'); lastCreatedPoll = ret[2]; return ret; } ); server.get('/polls/test', function () { return [ 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, lastCreatedPoll ]; } ); }, afterEach: function() { server.shutdown();, 'destroy'); } }); test("create a default poll", function(assert) { visit('/create').then(function() { click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.meta'); fillIn('input[name="model.title"]', 'default poll'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.options'); // select days in calendar // today and last day on current calendar page click('.datepicker tbody'); click('.datepicker tbody tr:last-child td:last-child'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.settings'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'poll'); pollTitleEqual(assert, 'default poll'); pollDescriptionEqual(assert, ''); assert.equal( find('.user-selections-table thead tr th').length, 4, // head of user selections table is options + leading column (user names) + last column (buttons) 'there are two options provided' ); assert.equal( find(find('.user-selections-table thead tr th')[1]).text().trim(), formattedDateHelper(new Date()), 'today is the first selected option' ); pollHasAnswers(assert, [ Ember.I18n.t('answerTypes.yes.label'), Ember.I18n.t('') ]); pollHasUsersCount(assert, 0); }); }); }); }); }); }); test("create a poll for answering a question", function(assert) { visit('/create').then(function() { // select poll type answer a question fillIn('select[name="pollType"]', 'MakeAPoll'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.meta'); fillIn('input[name="model.title"]', 'default poll'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.options'); // fill in default two option input fields fillIn(find('input')[0], 'option a'); fillIn(find('input')[1], 'option b'); // add another option input field assert.equal(find('input').length, 2); click('.button-more-options'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(find('input').length, 3); fillIn(find('input')[2], 'option c'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.settings'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'poll'); pollTitleEqual(assert, 'default poll'); pollDescriptionEqual(assert, ''); pollHasOptions(assert, ['option a', 'option b', 'option c']); pollHasUsersCount(assert, 0); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); test("create a poll with description", function(assert) { visit('/create').then(function() { click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.meta'); fillIn('input[name="model.title"]', 'default poll'); fillIn('textarea', 'a sample description'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.options'); // select days in calendar // today and last day on current calendar page click('.datepicker tbody'); click('.datepicker tbody tr:last-child td:last-child'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'create.settings'); click('.button-next'); andThen(function(){ assert.equal(currentPath(), 'poll'); pollTitleEqual(assert, 'default poll'); pollDescriptionEqual(assert, 'a sample description'); // check that there are two options // head of user selections table is options + leading column (user names) + last column (buttons) assert.equal(find('.user-selections-table thead tr th').length, 4); assert.equal(find( Ember.$('.user-selections-table thead tr th')[1]).text().trim(), formattedDateHelper(new Date()), 'current date should be first option' ); pollHasUsersCount(assert, 0); }); }); }); }); }); });