import { currentRouteName, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import { setupIntl, t } from 'ember-intl/test-support'; import switchTab from 'croodle/tests/helpers/switch-tab'; import pollParticipate from 'croodle/tests/helpers/poll-participate'; import PollParticipationPage from 'croodle/tests/pages/poll/participation'; import PollEvaluationPage from 'croodle/tests/pages/poll/evaluation'; module('Acceptance | legacy support', function(hooks) { let yesLabel; let maybeLabel; let noLabel; hooks.beforeEach(function() { window.localStorage.setItem('locale', 'en'); }); setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupIntl(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { yesLabel = t('answerTypes.yes.label').toString(); maybeLabel = t('answerTypes.maybe.label').toString(); noLabel = t('').toString(); }); test('show a default poll created with v0.3.0', async function(assert) { const encryptionKey = '5MKFuNTKILUXw6RuqkAw6ooZw4k3mWWx98ZQw8vH'; let poll = this.server.create('poll', { encryptionKey, // property 'id' of answers has been renamed to 'type' in v0.4.0 answers: [{ 'id': 'yes','labelTranslation': 'answerTypes.yes.label','icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up','label': 'Ja' },{ 'id': 'maybe','labelTranslation': 'answerTypes.maybe.label','icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right','label': 'Vielleicht' },{ 'id': 'no','labelTranslation': '','icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down','label': 'Nein' }], options: [{ 'title': '2015-12-24T17:00:00.000Z' },{ 'title': '2015-12-24T19:00:00.000Z' },{ 'title': '2015-12-31T22:59:00.000Z' }], users: [ this.server.create('user', { encryptionKey, name: 'Fritz Bauer', // selections.value was renamed to selections.label // was renamed to selections.type selections: [{ 'value': { 'id': 'yes','labelTranslation': 'answerTypes.yes.label','icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up','label': 'Ja' } },{ 'value': { 'id': 'no','labelTranslation': '','icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down','label': 'Nein' } },{ 'value': { 'id': 'no','labelTranslation': '','icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down','label': 'Nein' } }], // version tag had have wrong format version: 'v0.3-0' }) ], // version tag had have wrong format version: 'v0.3-0' }); await visit(`/poll/${}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.participation'); assert.deepEqual( PollParticipationPage.options().labels, [ Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { dateStyle: "full", timeStyle: "short" }).format(new Date('2015-12-24T17:00:00.000Z')), Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { timeStyle: "short" }).format(new Date('2015-12-24T19:00:00.000Z')), Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { dateStyle: "full", timeStyle: "short" }).format(new Date('2015-12-31T22:59:00.000Z')), ] ); assert.deepEqual( PollParticipationPage.options().answers, [yesLabel, maybeLabel, noLabel] ); await switchTab('evaluation'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); let participant = PollEvaluationPage.participants.filterBy('name', 'Fritz Bauer')[0]; assert.ok(participant, 'user exists in participants table'); assert.deepEqual( => _.answer), [yesLabel, noLabel, noLabel], 'participants table shows correct answers for new participant' ); await switchTab('participation'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.participation'); await pollParticipate('Hermann Langbein', ['yes', 'maybe', 'yes']); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); participant = PollEvaluationPage.participants.filterBy('name', 'Hermann Langbein')[0]; assert.ok(participant, 'user exists in participants table'); assert.deepEqual( => _.answer), [yesLabel, maybeLabel, yesLabel], 'participants table shows correct answers for new participant' ); }); test('show a poll using free text created with v0.3.0', async function(assert) { let encryptionKey = 'Rre6dAGOYLW9gYKOP4LhX7Qwfhe5Th3je0uKDtyy'; let poll = this.server.create('poll', { encryptionKey, answerType: 'FreeText', answers: [], options: [{ 'title': 'apple pie' }, { 'title': 'pecan pie' }, { 'title': 'plum pie' }], pollType: 'MakeAPoll', users: [ this.server.create('user', { encryptionKey, name: 'Paul Levi', // selections.value was renamed to selections.label // was renamed to selections.type selections: [{ 'value': 'would be great!' }, { 'value': 'no way' }, { 'value': 'if I had to' }], // version tag had have wrong format version: 'v0.3-0' }) ], // version tag had have wrong format version: 'v0.3-0' }); await visit(`/poll/${}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.participation'); assert.deepEqual( PollParticipationPage.options().labels, [ 'apple pie', 'pecan pie', 'plum pie' ] ); await switchTab('evaluation'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); let participant = PollEvaluationPage.participants.filterBy('name', 'Paul Levi')[0]; assert.ok(participant, 'user exists in participants table'); assert.deepEqual( => _.answer), ['would be great!', 'no way', 'if I had to'], 'participants table shows correct answers for new participant' ); await switchTab('participation'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.participation'); await pollParticipate('Hermann Langbein', ["I don't care", 'would be awesome', "can't imagine anything better"]); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); participant = PollEvaluationPage.participants.filterBy('name', 'Hermann Langbein')[0]; assert.ok(participant, 'user exists in participants table'); assert.deepEqual( => _.answer), ['I don\'t care', 'would be awesome', 'can\'t imagine anything better'], 'participants table shows correct answers for new participant' ); }); });