import { findAll, currentRouteName, find, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import { setupIntl, t } from 'ember-intl/test-support';import switchTab from 'croodle/tests/helpers/switch-tab'; import PollEvaluationPage from 'croodle/tests/pages/poll/evaluation'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; module('Acceptance | view evaluation', function(hooks) { hooks.beforeEach(function() { window.localStorage.setItem('locale', 'en'); }); setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupIntl(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); test('evaluation summary is not present for poll without participants', async function(assert) { let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let poll = this.server.create('poll', { encryptionKey }); await visit(`/poll/${}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.participation'); await switchTab('evaluation'); assert.equal(findAll('.tab-content .tab-pane .evaluation-summary').length, 0, 'evaluation summary is not present'); }); test('evaluation is correct for FindADate (date-only)', async function(assert) { let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let user1 = this.server.create('user', { id: "1-1", creationDate: DateTime.local().minus({ months: 8, weeks: 3 }).toISO(), encryptionKey, name: 'Maximilian', selections: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }); let user2 = this.server.create('user', { id: "1-2", creationDate: DateTime.local().minus({ months: 3, weeks: 2 }).toISO(), encryptionKey, name: 'Peter', selections: [ { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }); let poll = this.server.create('poll', { id: '1', answers: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' } ], encryptionKey, options: [ { title: '2015-12-12' }, { title: '2016-01-01' } ], users: [user1, user2] }); await visit(`/poll/${}/evaluation?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); assert.equal(findAll('.tab-content .tab-pane .evaluation-summary').length, 1, 'evaluation summary is present'); assert.equal( find('.participants').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.participants', { count: 2 }).toString(), 'shows number of participants' ); assert.equal( find('.best-options strong').textContent.trim(), 'Friday, January 1, 2016', 'shows option most participants replied with yes to as best option' ); assert.equal( find('.last-participation').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.lastParticipation', { ago: '3 months ago' }).toString(), 'shows last participation date' ); assert.deepEqual( findAll('table thead tr th').map((el) => el.textContent.trim()), ['', 'Saturday, December 12, 2015', 'Friday, January 1, 2016'], 'lists dates as table header of parcipants table' ); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="name"]') .hasText('Maximilian', 'shows expected name of first participant in participants table'); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="name"]') .hasText('Peter', 'shows expected name of second participant in participants table'); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="2015-12-12"]') .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for first option of first participant'); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="2016-01-01"]') .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for second option of first participant'); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="2015-12-12"]') .hasText('No', 'shows expected selection for first option of second participant'); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="2016-01-01"]') .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for second option of second participant'); assert.deepEqual( findAll('[data-test-participant] [data-test-value-for="name"]').map((el) => el.textContent.trim()), ['Maximilian', 'Peter'], 'Participants are ordered as correctly in participants table' ); }); test('evaluation is correct for FindADate (datetime)', async function(assert) { let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let user1 = this.server.create('user', { id: "1-1", creationDate: DateTime.local().minus({ months: 8, weeks: 3 }).toISO(), encryptionKey, name: 'Maximilian', selections: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' }, ] }); let user2 = this.server.create('user', { id: "1-2", creationDate: DateTime.local().minus({ months: 3, weeks: 2 }).toISO(), encryptionKey, name: 'Peter', selections: [ { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }); let poll = this.server.create('poll', { id: '1', answers: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' } ], encryptionKey, options: [ { title: DateTime.fromISO('2015-12-12T06:06').toISO() }, { title: DateTime.fromISO('2015-12-12T12:12').toISO() }, { title: DateTime.fromISO('2016-01-01T18:18').toISO() } ], users: [user1, user2] }); await visit(`/poll/${}/evaluation?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); assert.equal(findAll('.tab-content .tab-pane .evaluation-summary').length, 1, 'evaluation summary is present'); assert.equal( find('.participants').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.participants', { count: 2 }).toString(), 'shows number of participants' ); assert.equal( find('.best-options strong').textContent.trim(), 'Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 12:12 PM', 'shows option most participants replied with yes to as best option' ); assert.equal( find('.last-participation').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.lastParticipation', { ago: '3 months ago' }).toString(), 'shows last participation date' ); assert.deepEqual( findAll('table thead tr:first-child th').map((el) => el.textContent.trim()), ['', 'Saturday, December 12, 2015', 'Friday, January 1, 2016'], 'lists days as first row in table header of parcipants table' ); assert.deepEqual( findAll('table thead tr:last-child th').map((el) => el.textContent.trim()), ['', '6:06 AM', '12:12 PM', '6:18 PM'], 'lists times as second row in table header of parcipants table' ); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="name"]') .hasText('Maximilian', 'shows expected name of first participant in participants table'); assert .dom('[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="name"]') .hasText('Peter', 'shows expected name of second participant in participants table'); assert .dom(`[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="${DateTime.fromISO('2015-12-12T06:06').toISO()}"]`) .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for first option of first participant'); assert .dom(`[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="${DateTime.fromISO('2015-12-12T12:12').toISO()}"]`) .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for second option of first participant'); assert .dom(`[data-test-participant="1-1"] [data-test-value-for="${DateTime.fromISO('2016-01-01T18:18').toISO()}"]`) .hasText('No', 'shows expected selection for third option of first participant'); assert .dom(`[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="${DateTime.fromISO('2015-12-12T06:06').toISO()}"]`) .hasText('No', 'shows expected selection for first option of second participant'); assert .dom(`[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="${DateTime.fromISO('2015-12-12T12:12').toISO()}"]`) .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for second option of second participant'); assert .dom(`[data-test-participant="1-2"] [data-test-value-for="${DateTime.fromISO('2016-01-01T18:18').toISO()}"]`) .hasText('Yes', 'shows expected selection for third option of second participant'); assert.deepEqual( findAll('[data-test-participant] [data-test-value-for="name"]').map((el) => el.textContent.trim()), ['Maximilian', 'Peter'], 'Participants are ordered as correctly in participants table' ); }); test('evaluation is correct for MakeAPoll', async function(assert) { let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let usersData = [ { creationDate: DateTime.local().minus({ weeks: 5 }).toISO(), encryptionKey, name: 'Maximilian', selections: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }, { creationDate: DateTime.local().minus({ days: 3 }).toISO(), encryptionKey, name: 'Peter', selections: [ { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }, ]; let pollData = { answers: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' } ], encryptionKey, options: [ { title: 'first option' }, { title: 'second option' } ], pollType: 'MakeAPoll', }; let poll = this.server.create('poll', assign(pollData, { users: => this.server.create('user', _)) })); await visit(`/poll/${}/evaluation?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); assert.equal(findAll('.tab-content .tab-pane .evaluation-summary').length, 1, 'evaluation summary is present'); assert.equal( find('.participants').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.participants', { count: 2 }).toString(), 'participants are counted correctly' ); assert.equal( find('.best-options strong').textContent.trim(), 'second option', 'options are evaluated correctly' ); assert.deepEqual( => _.label), ['first option', 'second option'], 'dates are used as table headers' ); assert.deepEqual( =>, =>, 'users are listed in participants table with their names' ); usersData.forEach((user) => { let participant = PollEvaluationPage.participants.filterBy('name',[0]; assert.deepEqual( => _.answer), => t(_.labelTranslation).toString()), `answers are shown for user ${} in participants table` ); }); assert.equal( find('.last-participation').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.lastParticipation', { ago: '3 days ago' }).toString(), 'last participation is evaluated correctly' ); }); test('could open evaluation by tab from poll participation', async function(assert) { let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let poll = this.server.create('poll', { answers: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'no', labelTranslation: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down', label: 'No' } ], encryptionKey, options: [ { title: '2015-12-12' }, { title: '2016-01-01' } ], users: [ this.server.create('user', { creationDate: '2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', encryptionKey, name: 'Maximilian', selections: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }), this.server.create('user', { creationDate: '2015-08-01T00:00:00.000Z', encryptionKey, name: 'Peter', selections: [ { type: 'yes', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' }, { id: 'no', labelTranslation: 'answerTypes.yes.label', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', label: 'Yes' } ] }) ] }); await visit(`/poll/${}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.participation'); await switchTab('evaluation'); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'poll.evaluation'); assert.equal( find('.tab-pane h2').textContent.trim(), t('poll.evaluation.label').toString(), 'headline is there' ); }); });