import Ember from 'ember'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import startApp from 'croodle/tests/helpers/start-app'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import serverGetPolls from '../helpers/server-get-polls'; import pageParticipation from 'croodle/tests/pages/poll/participation'; /* jshint proto: true */ /* global jstz, moment, start, stop */ let application, server; module('Acceptance | view poll', { beforeEach() { application = startApp(); application.__container__.lookup('adapter:application').__proto__.namespace = ''; server = new Pretender(); }, afterEach() { server.shutdown();, 'destroy'); } }); test('view poll url', function(assert) { let id = 'test'; let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345789'; server.get(`/polls/${id}`, function() { return serverGetPolls({ id }, encryptionKey); }); visit(`/poll/${id}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`); andThen(function() { assert.equal( find('.share-link .link a').text(), window.location.href, 'share link is shown' ); }); }); test('view a poll with dates', function(assert) { let id = 'test'; let encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; server.get(`/polls/${id}`, function() { return serverGetPolls( { id, options: [ { title: '2015-12-12' }, { title: '2016-01-01' } ] }, encryptionKey ); }); visit(`/poll/${id}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`).then(function() { const dayFormat = moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LLLL') .replace( moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LT'), '') .trim(); assert.deepEqual( pageParticipation.options().labels, [ moment('2015-12-12').format(dayFormat), moment('2016-01-01').format(dayFormat) ] ); }); }); test('view a poll with dates and times', function(assert) { const id = 'test'; const encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; const timezone = jstz.determine().name(); server.get(`/polls/${id}`, function() { return serverGetPolls( { id, isDateTime: true, options: [ { title: '2015-12-12T11:11:00.000Z' }, { title: '2015-12-12T13:13:00.000Z' }, { title: '2016-01-01T11:11:00.000Z' } ], timezone }, encryptionKey ); }); visit(`/poll/${id}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`).then(function() { assert.deepEqual( pageParticipation.options().labels, [ // full date'2015-12-12T11:11:00.000Z', timezone).format('LLLL'), // only time cause day is repeated'2015-12-12T13:13:00.000Z', timezone).format('LT'), // full date cause day changed'2016-01-01T11:11:00.000Z', timezone).format('LLLL') ] ); }); }); test('view a poll while timezone differs from the one poll got created in and choose local timezone', function(assert) { const id = 'test'; const encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; const timezoneLocal = jstz.determine().name(); let timezonePoll; if (timezoneLocal !== 'America/Caracas') { timezonePoll = 'America/Caracas'; } else { timezonePoll = 'Europe/Moscow'; } server.get(`/polls/${id}`, function() { return serverGetPolls( { id, isDateTime: true, options: [ { title: '2015-12-12T11:11:00.000Z' }, { title: '2016-01-01T11:11:00.000Z' } ], timezone: timezonePoll }, encryptionKey ); }); visit(`/poll/${id}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`).then(function() { stop(); { start(); assert.equal( find('.modal').css('display'), 'block', 'user gets asked which timezone should be used' ); click('.modal button.use-local-timezone'); andThen(function() { assert.deepEqual( pageParticipation.options().labels, ['2015-12-12T11:11:00.000Z', timezoneLocal).format('LLLL'),'2016-01-01T11:11:00.000Z', timezoneLocal).format('LLLL') ] ); stop(); { start(); assert.equal( find('.modal').css('display'), 'none', 'modal is closed' ); }, 1000); }); }, 1000); }); }); test('view a poll while timezone differs from the one poll got created in and choose poll timezone', function(assert) { const id = 'test'; const encryptionKey = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; const timezoneLocal = jstz.determine().name(); let timezonePoll; if (timezoneLocal !== 'America/Caracas') { timezonePoll = 'America/Caracas'; } else { timezonePoll = 'Europe/Moscow'; } server.get(`/polls/${id}`, function() { return serverGetPolls( { id, isDateTime: true, options: [ { title: '2015-12-12T11:11:00.000Z' }, { title: '2016-01-01T11:11:00.000Z' } ], timezone: timezonePoll }, encryptionKey ); }); visit(`/poll/${id}?encryptionKey=${encryptionKey}`).then(function() { stop(); { start(); assert.equal( find('.modal').css('display'), 'block', 'user gets asked which timezone should be used' ); click('.modal button.use-poll-timezone'); andThen(function() { assert.deepEqual( pageParticipation.options().labels, ['2015-12-12T11:11:00.000Z', timezonePoll).format('LLLL'),'2016-01-01T11:11:00.000Z', timezonePoll).format('LLLL') ] ); stop(); { start(); assert.equal( find('.modal').css('display'), 'none', 'modal is closed' ); }, 1000); }); }, 1000); }); });