import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import localesMeta from 'croodle/locales/meta'; const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en'; function getTranslationsForLocale(intlService, locale) { return intlService._adapter.lookupLocale(locale).translations; } module('Integration | translations', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('all locales have same amount of translation strings as default locale', function(assert) { const intl = this.owner.lookup('service:intl'); const locales = intl.locales; const translationsForDefaultLocale = getTranslationsForLocale(intl, DEFAULT_LOCALE); assert.expect((locales.length - 1) * 2); => { if (locale === DEFAULT_LOCALE) { return; } let translations = getTranslationsForLocale(intl, locale); assert.ok(translations, `could retrive locale ${locale}`); assert.equal( Object.keys(translations).length, Object.keys(translationsForDefaultLocale).length, `correct amount of translations for locale ${locale}` ); }); }); test('all locales include same translation strings as default locale', function(assert) { const intl = this.owner.lookup('service:intl'); const locales = intl.locales; const translationsForDefaultLocale = getTranslationsForLocale(intl, DEFAULT_LOCALE); assert.expect( // count of non default locales * translation strings of default locale (locales.length - 1) * Object.keys(translationsForDefaultLocale).length ); Object.keys(translationsForDefaultLocale).map((translationString) => { => { if (locale === DEFAULT_LOCALE) { return; } assert.ok( intl.exists(translationString, locale), `translation for ${translationString} exists in locale ${locale}` ); }); }); }); test('all locales have an entry in locales/meta', function(assert) { let intl = this.owner.lookup('service:intl'); intl.locales.forEach((locale) => { assert.ok(Object.keys(localesMeta).includes(locale), `locales meta data is present for ${locale}`); }); }); });