import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import { action, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { isArray } from '@ember/array'; import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils'; import moment from 'moment'; @classic export default class CreateOptionsDates extends Component { @service('store') store; @computed('options.[]') get selectedDays() { return this.options // should be unique .uniqBy('day') // raw dates .map(({ date }) => date) // filter out invalid .filter(moment.isMoment) .toArray(); } @computed('calendarCenter') get calendarCenterNext() { return moment(this.calendarCenter).add(1, 'months'); } @action daysSelected({ moment: newMoments }) { let { options } = this; if (!isArray(newMoments)) { // special case: all options are unselected options.clear(); return; } // array of options that represent days missing in updated selection let removedOptions = options.filter((option) => { return !newMoments.find((newMoment) => newMoment.format('YYYY-MM-DD') ===; }); // array of moments that aren't represented yet by an option let addedMoments = newMoments.filter((moment) => { return !options.find((option) => moment.format('YYYY-MM-DD') ===; }); // remove options that represent deselected days options.removeObjects(removedOptions); // add options for newly selected days let newOptions = => { return'option', { title: moment.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), }) }); newOptions.forEach((newOption) => { // options must be insert into options array at correct position let insertBefore = options.find(({ date }) => { if (!moment.isMoment(date)) { // ignore options that do not represent a valid date return false; } return date.isAfter(; }); let position = isPresent(insertBefore) ? options.indexOf(insertBefore) : options.length; options.insertAt(position, newOption); }); } @action updateCalenderCenter(diff) { this.calendarCenter.add(diff, 'months'); this.notifyPropertyChange('calenderCenter'); } init() { super.init(arguments); let { selectedDays } = this; this.set('calendarCenter', selectedDays.length >= 1 ? selectedDays[0] : moment()); } }