import Ember from 'ember'; import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations'; import { groupBy } from 'ember-array-computed-macros'; import Form from 'ember-bootstrap/components/bs-form'; const { computed, Component, inject, isEmpty, isPresent, observer } = Ember; const { filter, mapBy, readOnly } = computed; let modelValidations = buildValidations({ dates: [ validator('collection', true), validator('length', { dependentKeys: ['datetimes.[]'], min: 1 }), validator('valid-collection', { dependentKeys: ['datetimes.[]', 'datetimes.@each.time'] }) ] }); export default Component.extend(modelValidations, { actions: { addOption(afterOption) { let options = this.get('dates'); let dayString = afterOption.get('day'); let fragment = this.get('store').createFragment('option', { title: dayString }); let position = options.indexOf(afterOption) + 1; options.insertAt( position, fragment ); }, adoptTimesOfFirstDay() { const dates = this.get('dates'); const datesForFirstDay = this.get('datesForFirstDay'); const timesForFirstDay = this.get('timesForFirstDay'); const datesWithoutFirstDay = this.get('groupedDates').slice(1); /* validate if times on firstDay are valid */ const datesForFirstDayAreValid = datesForFirstDay.every((date) => { // ignore dates where time is null return isEmpty(date.get('time')) || date.get('validations.isValid'); }); if (!datesForFirstDayAreValid) { this.set('errorMessage', 'create.options-datetime.fix-validation-errors-first-day'); return; } datesWithoutFirstDay.forEach((groupedDate) => { if (isEmpty(timesForFirstDay)) { // there aren't any times on first day const remainingOption = groupedDate.get('firstObject'); // remove all times but the first one dates.removeObjects( groupedDate.slice(1) ); // set title as date without time remainingOption.set('title', remainingOption.get('date').format('YYYY-MM-DD')); } else { // adopt times of first day if (timesForFirstDay.get('length') < groupedDate.length) { // remove excess options dates.removeObjects( groupedDate.slice(timesForFirstDay.get('length')) ); } // set times according to first day let targetPosition; timesForFirstDay.forEach((timeOfFirstDate, index) => { const target = groupedDate.objectAt(index); if (target === undefined) { const basisDate = groupedDate.get('').clone(); let [hour, minute] = timeOfFirstDate.split(':'); let dateString = basisDate.hour(hour).minute(minute).toISOString(); let fragment = this.get('store').createFragment('option', { title: dateString }); dates.insertAt( targetPosition, fragment ); targetPosition++; } else { target.set('time', timeOfFirstDate); targetPosition = dates.indexOf(target) + 1; } }); } }); }, back() { this.sendAction('back'); }, /* * removes target option if it's not the only date for this day * otherwise it deletes time for this date */ deleteOption(target) { let position = this.get('dates').indexOf(target); let datesForThisDay = this.get('groupedDates').find((groupedDate) => { return groupedDate.get('') === target.get('day'); }); if (datesForThisDay.length > 1) { this.get('dates').removeAt(position); } else { target.set('time', null); } }, submit() { if (this.get('validations.isValid')) { this.sendAction('nextPage'); } else { this.set('shouldShowErrors', true); } } }, // dates are sorted datesForFirstDay: readOnly('groupedDates.firstObject'), // errorMessage should be reset to null on all user interactions errorMesage: null, resetErrorMessage: observer('dates.@each.time', function() { this.set('errorMessage', null); }), // can't use multiple computed macros at once _timesForFirstDay: mapBy('datesForFirstDay', 'time'), timesForFirstDay: filter('_timesForFirstDay', function(time) { return isPresent(time); }), // have a look at groupedDates: groupBy('dates', 'day'), form: computed(function() { return this.childViews.find(function(childView) { return childView instanceof Form; }); }), formElements: readOnly('form.childFormElements'), daysValidationState: computed('formElements.@each.validation', function() { return this.get('formElements').reduce(function(daysValidationState, item) { const day = item.get(''); const validation = item.get('validation'); let currentValidationState; // there maybe form elements without model or validation if (isEmpty(day) || validation === undefined) { return daysValidationState; } // if it's not existing initialize with current value if (!daysValidationState.hasOwnProperty(day)) { daysValidationState[day] = validation; return daysValidationState; } currentValidationState = daysValidationState[day]; switch (currentValidationState) { // error overrules all validation states case 'error': break; // null ist overruled by 'error' case null: if (validation === 'error') { daysValidationState[day] = 'error'; } break; // success is overruled by anyother validation state case 'success': daysValidationState[day] = validation; break; } return daysValidationState; }, {}); }), store: inject.service() });