import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { isArray } from '@ember/array'; import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class CreateOptionsDates extends Component { @tracked calendarCenter = this.selectedDays.length >= 1 ? this.selectedDays[0] : DateTime.local(); get selectedDays() { // Options may contain the same date multiple times with different ime // Must filter out those duplicates as otherwise unselect would only // remove one entry but not all duplicates. return this.args.options .map(({ value }) => DateTime.fromISO(value).toISODate()) .uniq() .map((isoDate) => DateTime.fromISO(isoDate)); } get calendarCenterNext() { return{ months: 1 }); } @action handleSelectedDaysChange({ datetime: newDatesAsLuxonDateTime }) { if (!isArray(newDatesAsLuxonDateTime)) { // special case: all options are unselected this.args.updateOptions([]); return; } // A date has either been added or removed. If it has been removed, we must // remove all options for that date. It may be multiple options with // different times at that date. // If any date received as an input argument is _not_ yet in the list of // dates, it has been added. const dateAdded = newDatesAsLuxonDateTime.find((newDateAsLuxonDateTime) => { return !this.selectedDays.some( (selectedDay) => selectedDay.toISODate() === newDateAsLuxonDateTime.toISODate() ); }); if (dateAdded) { this.args.updateOptions( [{ value }) => value), dateAdded.toISODate(), ].sort() ); return; } // If no date has been added, one date must have been removed. It has been // removed if there is one date in current selectedDays but not in the new // dates received as input argument to the function. const dateRemoved = this.selectedDays.find((selectedDay) => { return !newDatesAsLuxonDateTime.some( (newDateAsLuxonDateTime) => newDateAsLuxonDateTime.toISODate() === selectedDay.toISODate() ); }); if (dateRemoved) { this.args.updateOptions( this.args.options .filter( ({ value }) => DateTime.fromISO(value).toISODate() !== dateRemoved.toISODate() ) .map(({ value }) => value) ); return; } throw new Error( 'No date has been added or removed. This cannot be the case. Something spooky is going on.' ); } @action updateCalenderCenter(diff) { this.calendarCenter = this.calendarCenter.add(diff, 'months'); } }