224 lines
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224 lines
6.2 KiB
import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { not, readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed';
import Controller, { inject as controller } from '@ember/controller';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
import { isEmpty } from '@ember/utils';
import EmberObject, { computed } from '@ember/object';
import {
validator, buildValidations
from 'ember-cp-validations';
import config from 'croodle/config/environment';
const validCollection = function(collection) {
// return false if any object in collection is inValid
return !collection.any((object) => {
return object.get('validations.isInvalid');
const Validations = buildValidations({
name: [
validator('presence', {
presence: true,
disabled: readOnly('model.anonymousUser'),
dependentKeys: ['model.intl.locale']
validator('unique', {
parent: 'poll',
attributeInParent: 'users',
dependentKeys: ['model.poll.users.[]', 'model.poll.users.@each.name', 'model.intl.locale'],
disable: readOnly('model.anonymousUser'),
messageKey: 'errors.uniqueName',
ignoreNewRecords: true,
selections: [
validator('collection', true),
// all selection objects must be valid
// if forceAnswer is true in poll settings
validator(validCollection, {
dependentKeys: ['model.forceAnswer', 'model.selections.[]', 'model.selections.@each.value', 'model.intl.locale']
const SelectionValidations = buildValidations({
value: validator('presence', {
presence: true,
disabled: not('model.forceAnswer'),
messageKey: computed('model.isFreeText', function() {
return this.get('model.isFreeText') ? 'errors.present' : 'errors.answerRequired';
dependentKeys: ['model.intl.locale']
class SelectionObject extends EmberObject.extend(SelectionValidations) {
@service intl;
value = null;
init() {
// current locale needs to be consumed in order to be observeable
// for localization of validation messages
export default Controller.extend(Validations, {
actions: {
async submit() {
if (!this.get('validations.isValid')) {
let poll = this.poll;
let selections = this.selections.map(({ value }) => {
if (value === null) {
return {};
if (this.isFreeText) {
return {
label: value,
// map selection to answer if it's not freetext
let answer = poll.answers.findBy('type', value);
let { icon, label, labelTranslation, type } = answer;
return {
let user = this.store.createRecord('user', {
creationDate: new Date(),
name: this.name,
version: config.APP.version,
this.set('newUserRecord', user);
await this.actions.save.bind(this)();
async save() {
let user = this.newUserRecord;
try {
await user.save();
this.set('savingFailed', false);
} catch (error) {
// couldn't save user model
this.set('savingFailed', true);
// reset form
this.set('name', '');
this.selections.forEach((selection) => {
selection.set('value', null);
this.transitionToRoute('poll.evaluation', this.model, {
queryParams: { encryptionKey: this.encryption.key }
anonymousUser: readOnly('poll.anonymousUser'),
currentLocale: readOnly('intl.locale'),
encryption: service(),
forceAnswer: readOnly('poll.forceAnswer'),
intl: service(),
init() {
// current locale needs to be consumed in order to be observeable
// for localization of validation messages
isFreeText: readOnly('poll.isFreeText'),
isFindADate: readOnly('poll.isFindADate'),
name: '',
options: readOnly('poll.options'),
poll: readOnly('model'),
pollController: controller('poll'),
possibleAnswers: computed('labelTranslation', 'poll.answers', function() {
return this.get('poll.answers').map((answer) => {
const owner = getOwner(this);
const AnswerObject = EmberObject.extend({
icon: answer.get('icon'),
type: answer.get('type')
if (!isEmpty(answer.get('labelTranslation'))) {
return AnswerObject.extend({
intl: service(),
label: computed('intl.locale', 'labelTranslation', function() {
return this.intl.t(this.labelTranslation);
labelTranslation: answer.get('labelTranslation'),
} else {
return AnswerObject.extend({
label: answer.get('label')
savingFailed: false,
selections: computed('forceAnswer', 'isFindADate', 'isFreeText', 'options', 'pollController.dates', 'timezone', function() {
let options = this.options;
let isFindADate = this.isFindADate;
let lastOption;
return options.map((option) => {
const labelString = option.title;
const labelValue = option.isDate ? option.jsDate : option.title;
const showDate = isFindADate && (!lastOption || option.get('day') !== lastOption.get('day'));
const showTime = isFindADate && option.get('hasTime');
lastOption = option;
// https://github.com/offirgolan/ember-cp-validations#basic-usage---objects
// To lookup validators, container access is required which can cause an issue with Object creation
// if the object is statically imported. The current fix for this is as follows.
let owner = getOwner(this);
return SelectionObject.create(owner.ownerInjection(), {
// forceAnswer and isFreeText must be included in model
// cause otherwise validations can't depend on it
forceAnswer: this.forceAnswer,
isFreeText: this.isFreeText,
timezone: readOnly('pollController.timezone')