355 lines
9.3 KiB
355 lines
9.3 KiB
import Ember from "ember";
import EmberValidations from 'ember-validations';
import moment from "moment";
/* global jstz */
export default Ember.Controller.extend(EmberValidations.Mixin, {
encryptionKey: '',
newUserName: '',
queryParams: ['encryptionKey'],
actions: {
addNewUser: function(){
var newUser = {
name: this.get('newUserName'),
selections: this.get('newUserSelections')
// send new user to controller for saving
this.send('saveNewUser', newUser);
// clear input fields
this.set('newUserName', '');
selection.set('value', '');
// reset validation erros
this.set('errors.newUserName', '');
this.set('errors.everyOptionIsAnswered', '');
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function(){
// recalculate fixedHeaders
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function(){
// resize top scrollbars
Ember.$('.top-scrollbar div').css('width', Ember.$('.user-selections-table').width() );
Ember.$('.top-scrollbar-floatThead').css('width', Ember.$('.table-scroll').outerWidth() );
Ember.$('.top-scrollbar-floatThead div').css('width', Ember.$('.user-selections-table').width() );
* save a new user
saveNewUser: function(user){
var self = this;
// create new user record in store
var newUser = this.store.createRecord('user', {
name: user.name,
creationDate: new Date(),
poll: this.get('model'),
selections: user.selections,
version: this.buildInfo.version + '-' + this.buildInfo.commit
// save new user
// error: new user is not saved
self.send('openModal', {
template: 'save-retry',
model: {
record: newUser
submitNewUser: function(){
var self = this;
this.validate().then(function() {
Ember.$.each(Ember.View.views, function(id, view) {
if(view.isEasyForm) {
dateGroups: function() {
// group dates only for find a date with times
if ( this.get('model.isFindADate') !== true ||
this.get('model.isDateTime') !== true ) {
return [];
var datetimes = this.get('dates'),
dateGroups = [];
var count = 0,
lastDate = null;
var date;
date = new Date( el.title );
if (lastDate === null) {
lastDate = date;
if (date.getTime() === lastDate.getTime()) {
else {
// push last values;
"value": lastDate,
"colspan": count
// set lastDate to current date and reset count
lastDate = date;
count = 1;
"value": lastDate,
"colspan": count
return dateGroups;
* handles options if they are dates
dates: function() {
var timezone = false,
dates = [];
// if poll type is find a date
// we return an empty array
if( !this.get('model.isFindADate') ) {
return [];
// if poll has dates with times we have to care about timezone
// but since user timezone is default we only have to set timezone
// if timezone poll got created in should be used
if (
this.get('model.isDateTime') &&
) {
timezone = this.get('model.timezone');
var date = moment(option.title);
if (timezone) {
title: date
return dates;
}.property('model.options.@each', 'useLocalTimezone'),
* evaluates poll data
* if free text answers are allowed evaluation is disabled
evaluation: function() {
// disable evaluation if answer type is free text
if (this.get('model.answerType') === 'FreeText') {
return [];
var evaluation = [],
options = [],
lookup = [];
// init options array
this.get('model.options').forEach(function(option, index){
options[index] = 0;
// init array of evalutation objects
// create object for every possible answer
id: answer.label,
label: answer.label,
options: Ember.$.extend([], options)
// create object for no answer if answers are not forced
if (!this.get('model.forceAnswer')){
id: null,
label: 'no answer',
options: Ember.$.extend([], options)
// create lookup array
evaluation.forEach(function(value, index){
lookup[value.id] = index;
// loop over all users
// loop over all selections of the user
user.get('selections').forEach(function(selection, optionindex){
var answerindex;
// get answer index by lookup array
if (typeof lookup[selection.value.label] === 'undefined') {
answerindex = lookup[null];
else {
answerindex = lookup[selection.value.label];
// increment counter
try {
evaluation[answerindex]['options'][optionindex] = evaluation[answerindex]['options'][optionindex] + 1;
} catch (e) {
// ToDo: Throw an error
return evaluation;
* returns true if user has selected an answer for every option provided
everyOptionIsAnswered: function(){
try {
var newUserSelections = this.get('newUserSelections'),
allAnswered = true;
if (typeof newUserSelections === 'undefined') {
return false;
if (Ember.isEmpty(item.value)) {
allAnswered = false;
return allAnswered;
catch (e) {
return false;
* calculate colspan for a row which should use all columns in table
* used by evaluation row
fullRowColspan: function(){
return this.get('model.options.length') + 2;
* switch isValid state
* is needed for disable submit button
isNotValid: function(){
return !this.get('isValid');
// array to store selections of new user
newUserSelections: function(){
var newUserSelections = Ember.A(),
options = this.get('model.options');
var newSelection = Ember.Object.create({value: ''});
return newUserSelections;
optionCount: function() {
return this.get('model.options.length');
pollUrl: function() {
return window.location.href;
}.property('currentPath', 'encryptionKey'),
* return true if current timezone differs from timezone poll got created with
timezoneDiffers: function() {
return jstz.determine().name() !== this.get('model.timezone');
updateEncryptionKey: function() {
// update encryption key
this.set('encryption.key', this.get('encryptionKey'));
// reload content to recalculate computed properties
// if encryption key was set before
if (this.get('encryption.isSet') === true) {
this.set('encryption.isSet', true);
useLocalTimezone: function() {
return false;
validations: {
everyOptionIsAnswered: {
* validate if every option is answered
* if it's forced by poll settings (forceAnswer === true)
* using a computed property therefore which returns true / false
* in combinatoin with acceptance validator
* ToDo: Show validation errors
acceptance: {
if: function(object){
return object.get('model.forceAnswer');
message: Ember.I18n.t('poll.error.newUser.everyOptionIsAnswered')
newUserName: {
presence: {
message: Ember.I18n.t('poll.error.newUserName'),
* validate if a user name is given
* if it's forced by poll settings (anonymousUser === false)
unless: function(object){
/* have in mind that anonymousUser is undefined on init */
return object.get('model.anonymousUser');