129 lines
4.5 KiB
129 lines
4.5 KiB
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var express = require('express'),
lockFile = require('lockfile'),
Helpers = require('./helpers'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
request = require('request');
Task for serving the static files.
Note: The expressServer:debug task looks for files in multiple directories.
grunt.registerTask('expressServer', function(target, proxyMethodToUse) {
// Load namespace module before creating the server
var app = express(),
done = this.async(),
proxyMethod = proxyMethodToUse || grunt.config('express-server.options.APIMethod');
if (proxyMethod === 'stub') {
grunt.log.writeln('Using API Stub');
// Load API stub routes
} else if (proxyMethod === 'proxy') {
var proxyURL = grunt.config('express-server.options.proxyURL'),
proxyPath = grunt.config('express-server.options.proxyPath') || '/api';
grunt.log.writeln('Proxying API requests matching ' + proxyPath + '/* to: ' + proxyURL);
// Use API proxy
app.all(proxyPath + '*', passThrough(proxyURL));
if (target === 'debug') {
// For `expressServer:debug`
// Add livereload middleware after lock middleware if enabled
if (Helpers.isPackageAvailable("connect-livereload")) {
var liveReloadPort = grunt.config('watch.options.livereload');
app.use(require("connect-livereload")({port: liveReloadPort}));
// YUIDoc serves static HTML, so just serve the index.html
app.all('/docs', function(req, res) { res.redirect(302, '/docs/index.html'); });
app.use(static({ urlRoot: '/docs', directory: 'docs' }));
// These three lines simulate what the `copy:assemble` task does
app.use(static({ urlRoot: '/config', directory: 'config' }));
app.use(static({ urlRoot: '/vendor', directory: 'vendor' }));
app.use(static({ directory: 'public' }));
app.use(static({ urlRoot: '/tests', directory: 'tests' })); // For test-helper.js and test-loader.js
app.use(static({ directory: 'tmp/result' }));
app.use(static({ file: 'tmp/result/index.html', ignoredFileExtensions: /\.\w{1,5}$/ })); // Gotta catch 'em all
} else {
// For `expressServer:dist`
app.use(static({ directory: 'dist' }));
app.use(static({ file: 'dist/index.html', ignoredFileExtensions: /\.\w{1,5}$/ })); // Gotta catch 'em all
var port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || 8000, 10);
if (isNaN(port) || port < 1 || port > 65535) {
grunt.fail.fatal('The PORT environment variable of ' + process.env.PORT + ' is not valid.');
grunt.log.ok('Started development server on port %d.', port);
if (!this.flags.keepalive) { done(); }
// Middleware
// ==========
function lock(req, res, next) { // Works with tasks/locking.js
(function retry() {
if (lockFile.checkSync('tmp/connect.lock')) {
setTimeout(retry, 30);
} else { next(); }
function static(options) {
return function(req, res, next) { // Gotta catch 'em all (and serve index.html)
var filePath = "";
if (options.directory) {
var regex = new RegExp('^' + (options.urlRoot || ''));
// URL must begin with urlRoot's value
if (!req.path.match(regex)) { next(); return; }
filePath = options.directory + req.path.replace(regex, '');
} else if (options.file) {
filePath = options.file;
} else { throw new Error('static() isn\'t properly configured!'); }
fs.stat(filePath, function(err, stats) {
if (err) { next(); return; } // Not a file, not a folder => can't handle it
if (options.ignoredFileExtensions) {
if (options.ignoredFileExtensions.test(req.path)) {
res.send(404, {error: 'Resource not found'});
return; // Do not serve index.html
// Is it a directory? If so, search for an index.html in it.
if (stats.isDirectory()) { filePath = path.join(filePath, 'index.html'); }
// Serve the file
res.sendfile(filePath, function(err) {
if (err) { next(); return; }
grunt.verbose.ok('Served: ' + filePath);
function passThrough(target) {
return function(req, res) {