db/SecurityManager.js: converted checkAccess() to pure Promises

Also converted the handler functions that depend on checkAccess() into async
functions too.

NB: this commit needs specific attention to it because it touches a lot of
security related code!
This commit is contained in:
Ray Bellis 2019-01-28 13:13:24 +00:00
parent 7709fd46e5
commit e58da69cfb
3 changed files with 508 additions and 687 deletions

View file

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
* limitations under the License.
var ERR = require("async-stacktrace");
var async = require("async");
var authorManager = require("./AuthorManager");
var hooks = require("ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js");
var padManager = require("./PadManager");
@ -35,270 +33,222 @@ const thenify = require("thenify").withCallback;
* @param sessionCookie the session the user has (set via api)
* @param token the token of the author (randomly generated at client side, used for public pads)
* @param password the password the user has given to access this pad, can be null
* @param callback will be called with (err, {accessStatus: grant|deny|wrongPassword|needPassword, authorID: a.xxxxxx})
* @return {accessStatus: grant|deny|wrongPassword|needPassword, authorID: a.xxxxxx})
exports.checkAccess = thenify(function(padID, sessionCookie, token, password, callback)
exports.checkAccess = async function(padID, sessionCookie, token, password)
var statusObject;
// immutable object
let deny = Object.freeze({ accessStatus: "deny" });
if (!padID) {
callback(null, {accessStatus: "deny"});
return deny;
// allow plugins to deny access
var deniedByHook = hooks.callAll("onAccessCheck", {'padID': padID, 'password': password, 'token': token, 'sessionCookie': sessionCookie}).indexOf(false) > -1;
if (deniedByHook) {
callback(null, {accessStatus: "deny"});
return deny;
// get author for this token
let tokenAuthor = await authorManager.getAuthor4Token(token);
// check if pad exists
let padExists = await padManager.doesPadExist(padID);
if (settings.requireSession) {
// a valid session is required (api-only mode)
if (!sessionCookie) {
// without sessionCookie, access is denied
callback(null, {accessStatus: "deny"});
return deny;
} else {
// a session is not required, so we'll check if it's a public pad
if (padID.indexOf("$") === -1) {
// it's not a group pad, means we can grant access
// get author for this token
authorManager.getAuthor4Token(token, function(err, author) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// assume user has access
let statusObject = { accessStatus: "grant", authorID: tokenAuthor };
// assume user has access
statusObject = { accessStatus: "grant", authorID: author };
if (settings.editOnly) {
// user can't create pads
if (settings.editOnly) {
// user can't create pads
// check if pad exists
padManager.doesPadExists(padID, function(err, exists) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
if (!exists) {
// pad doesn't exist - user can't have access
statusObject.accessStatus = "deny";
// grant or deny access, with author of token
callback(null, statusObject);
if (!padExists) {
// pad doesn't exist - user can't have access
statusObject.accessStatus = "deny";
// user may create new pads - no need to check anything
// grant access, with author of token
callback(null, statusObject);
// don't continue
// user may create new pads - no need to check anything
// grant access, with author of token
return statusObject;
var groupID = padID.split("$")[0];
var padExists = false;
var validSession = false;
var sessionAuthor;
var tokenAuthor;
var isPublic;
var isPasswordProtected;
var passwordStatus = password == null ? "notGiven" : "wrong"; // notGiven, correct, wrong
let validSession = false;
let sessionAuthor;
let isPublic;
let isPasswordProtected;
let passwordStatus = password == null ? "notGiven" : "wrong"; // notGiven, correct, wrong
// get basic informations from the database
function(callback) {
// does pad exist
function(callback) {
padManager.doesPadExists(padID, function(err, exists) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// get information about all sessions contained in this cookie
if (sessionCookie) {
let groupID = padID.split("$")[0];
let sessionIDs = sessionCookie.split(',');
padExists = exists;
// was previously iterated in parallel using async.forEach
for (let sessionID of sessionIDs) {
try {
let sessionInfo = await sessionManager.getSessionInfo(sessionID);
// get information about all sessions contained in this cookie
function(callback) {
if (!sessionCookie) {
var sessionIDs = sessionCookie.split(',');
async.forEach(sessionIDs, function(sessionID, callback) {
sessionManager.getSessionInfo(sessionID, function(err, sessionInfo) {
// skip session if it doesn't exist
if (err && err.message == "sessionID does not exist") {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: unknown session");
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
var now = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000);
// is it for this group?
if (sessionInfo.groupID != groupID) {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: wrong group");
// is validUntil still ok?
if (sessionInfo.validUntil <= now) {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: validUntil");
// There is a valid session
validSession = true;
sessionAuthor = sessionInfo.authorID;
}, callback);
// get author for token
function(callback) {
// get author for this token
authorManager.getAuthor4Token(token, function(err, author) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
tokenAuthor = author;
], callback);
// get more informations of this pad, if avaiable
function(callback) {
// skip this if the pad doesn't exist
if (padExists == false) {
padManager.getPad(padID, function(err, pad) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// is it a public pad?
isPublic = pad.getPublicStatus();
// is it password protected?
isPasswordProtected = pad.isPasswordProtected();
// is password correct?
if (isPasswordProtected && password && pad.isCorrectPassword(password)) {
passwordStatus = "correct";
// is it for this group?
if (sessionInfo.groupID != groupID) {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: wrong group");
// is validUntil still ok?
let now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
if (sessionInfo.validUntil <= now) {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: validUntil");
function(callback) {
if (validSession && padExists) {
// - a valid session for this group is avaible AND pad exists
if (!isPasswordProtected) {
// - the pad is not password protected
// --> grant access
statusObject = { accessStatus: "grant", authorID: sessionAuthor };
} else if (settings.sessionNoPassword) {
// - the setting to bypass password validation is set
// --> grant access
statusObject = { accessStatus: "grant", authorID: sessionAuthor };
} else if (isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "correct") {
// - the pad is password protected and password is correct
// --> grant access
statusObject = { accessStatus: "grant", authorID: sessionAuthor };
} else if (isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "wrong") {
// - the pad is password protected but wrong password given
// --> deny access, ask for new password and tell them that the password is wrong
statusObject = { accessStatus: "wrongPassword" };
} else if (isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "notGiven") {
// - the pad is password protected but no password given
// --> ask for password
statusObject = { accessStatus: "needPassword" };
// fall-through - there is a valid session
validSession = true;
sessionAuthor = sessionInfo.authorID;
} catch (err) {
// skip session if it doesn't exist
if (err.message == "sessionID does not exist") {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: unknown session");
} else {
throw new Error("Ops, something wrong happend");
throw err;
} else if (validSession && !padExists) {
// - a valid session for this group avaible but pad doesn't exist
// --> grant access
statusObject = {accessStatus: "grant", authorID: sessionAuthor};
if (settings.editOnly) {
// --> deny access if user isn't allowed to create the pad
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: valid session & pad does not exist");
statusObject.accessStatus = "deny";
} else if (!validSession && padExists) {
// there is no valid session avaiable AND pad exists
// -- it's public and not password protected
if (isPublic && !isPasswordProtected) {
// --> grant access, with author of token
statusObject = {accessStatus: "grant", authorID: tokenAuthor};
} else if (isPublic && isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "correct") {
// - it's public and password protected and password is correct
// --> grant access, with author of token
statusObject = {accessStatus: "grant", authorID: tokenAuthor};
} else if (isPublic && isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "wrong") {
// - it's public and the pad is password protected but wrong password given
// --> deny access, ask for new password and tell them that the password is wrong
statusObject = {accessStatus: "wrongPassword"};
} else if (isPublic && isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "notGiven") {
// - it's public and the pad is password protected but no password given
// --> ask for password
statusObject = {accessStatus: "needPassword"};
} else if (!isPublic) {
// - it's not public
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: invalid session & pad is not public");
// --> deny access
statusObject = {accessStatus: "deny"};
} else {
throw new Error("Ops, something wrong happend");
} else {
// there is no valid session avaiable AND pad doesn't exist
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: invalid session & pad does not exist");
// --> deny access
statusObject = {accessStatus: "deny"};
function(err) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
callback(null, statusObject);
if (padExists) {
let pad = await padManager.getPad(padID);
// is it a public pad?
isPublic = pad.getPublicStatus();
// is it password protected?
isPasswordProtected = pad.isPasswordProtected();
// is password correct?
if (isPasswordProtected && password && pad.isCorrectPassword(password)) {
passwordStatus = "correct";
// - a valid session for this group is avaible AND pad exists
if (validSession && padExists) {
let authorID = sessionAuthor;
let grant = Object.freeze({ accessStatus: "grant", authorID });
if (!isPasswordProtected) {
// - the pad is not password protected
// --> grant access
return grant;
if (settings.sessionNoPassword) {
// - the setting to bypass password validation is set
// --> grant access
return grant;
if (isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "correct") {
// - the pad is password protected and password is correct
// --> grant access
return grant;
if (isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "wrong") {
// - the pad is password protected but wrong password given
// --> deny access, ask for new password and tell them that the password is wrong
return { accessStatus: "wrongPassword" };
if (isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "notGiven") {
// - the pad is password protected but no password given
// --> ask for password
return { accessStatus: "needPassword" };
throw new Error("Oops, something wrong happend");
if (validSession && !padExists) {
// - a valid session for this group avaible but pad doesn't exist
// --> grant access by default
let accessStatus = "grant";
let authorID = sessionAuthor;
// --> deny access if user isn't allowed to create the pad
if (settings.editOnly) {
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: valid session & pad does not exist");
accessStatus = "deny";
return { accessStatus, authorID };
if (!validSession && padExists) {
// there is no valid session avaiable AND pad exists
let authorID = tokenAuthor;
let grant = Object.freeze({ accessStatus: "grant", authorID });
if (isPublic && !isPasswordProtected) {
// -- it's public and not password protected
// --> grant access, with author of token
return grant;
if (isPublic && isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "correct") {
// - it's public and password protected and password is correct
// --> grant access, with author of token
return grant;
if (isPublic && isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "wrong") {
// - it's public and the pad is password protected but wrong password given
// --> deny access, ask for new password and tell them that the password is wrong
return { accessStatus: "wrongPassword" };
if (isPublic && isPasswordProtected && passwordStatus === "notGiven") {
// - it's public and the pad is password protected but no password given
// --> ask for password
return { accessStatus: "needPassword" };
if (!isPublic) {
// - it's not public
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: invalid session & pad is not public");
// --> deny access
return { accessStatus: "deny" };
throw new Error("Oops, something wrong happend");
// there is no valid session avaiable AND pad doesn't exist
authLogger.debug("Auth failed: invalid session & pad does not exist");
return { accessStatus: "deny" };

View file

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ exports.handleDisconnect = function(client)
* @param client the client that send this message
* @param message the message from the client
exports.handleMessage = function(client, message)
exports.handleMessage = async function(client, message)
if (message == null) {
@ -181,35 +181,33 @@ exports.handleMessage = function(client, message)
var handleMessageHook = function(callback) {
async function handleMessageHook() {
// Allow plugins to bypass the readonly message blocker
hooks.aCallAll("handleMessageSecurity", { client: client, message: message }, function( err, messages ) {
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
_.each(messages, function(newMessage){
if ( newMessage === true ) {
thisSession.readonly = false;
let messages = await hooks.aCallAll("handleMessageSecurity", { client: client, message: message });
for (let message of messages) {
if (message === true) {
thisSession.readonly = false;
let dropMessage = false;
var dropMessage = false;
// Call handleMessage hook. If a plugin returns null, the message will be dropped. Note that for all messages
// handleMessage will be called, even if the client is not authorized
hooks.aCallAll("handleMessage", { client: client, message: message }, function( err, messages ) {
if(ERR(err, callback)) return;
_.each(messages, function(newMessage){
if ( newMessage === null ) {
dropMessage = true;
// If no plugins explicitly told us to drop the message, its ok to proceed
if(!dropMessage){ callback() };
messages = await hooks.aCallAll("handleMessage", { client: client, message: message });
for (let message of messages) {
if (message === null ) {
dropMessage = true;
return dropMessage;
var finalHandler = function() {
function finalHandler() {
// Check what type of message we get and delegate to the other methods
if (message.type == "CLIENT_READY") {
handleClientReady(client, message);
@ -256,54 +254,49 @@ exports.handleMessage = function(client, message)
let dropMessage = await handleMessageHook();
if (!dropMessage) {
// check permissions
function(callback) {
// client tried to auth for the first time (first msg from the client)
if (message.type == "CLIENT_READY") {
// client tried to auth for the first time (first msg from the client)
if (message.type == "CLIENT_READY") {
createSessionInfo(client, message);
// Note: message.sessionID is an entirely different kind of
// session from the sessions we use here! Beware!
// FIXME: Call our "sessions" "connections".
// FIXME: Use a hook instead
// FIXME: Allow to override readwrite access with readonly
// Note: message.sessionID is an entirely different kind of
// session from the sessions we use here! Beware!
// FIXME: Call our "sessions" "connections".
// FIXME: Use a hook instead
// FIXME: Allow to override readwrite access with readonly
// Simulate using the load testing tool
if (!sessioninfos[client.id].auth) {
console.error("Auth was never applied to a session. If you are using the stress-test tool then restart Etherpad and the Stress test tool.")
// Simulate using the load testing tool
if (!sessioninfos[client.id].auth) {
console.error("Auth was never applied to a session. If you are using the stress-test tool then restart Etherpad and the Stress test tool.")
var auth = sessioninfos[client.id].auth;
var checkAccessCallback = function(err, statusObject) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
let auth = sessioninfos[client.id].auth;
if (statusObject.accessStatus == "grant") {
// access was granted
} else {
// no access, send the client a message that tells him why
client.json.send({accessStatus: statusObject.accessStatus})
// check if pad is requested via readOnly
let padId = auth.padID;
// check if pad is requested via readOnly
if (auth.padID.indexOf("r.") === 0) {
// Pad is readOnly, first get the real Pad ID
readOnlyManager.getPadId(auth.padID, function(err, value) {
securityManager.checkAccess(value, auth.sessionID, auth.token, auth.password, checkAccessCallback);
} else {
securityManager.checkAccess(auth.padID, auth.sessionID, auth.token, auth.password, checkAccessCallback);
// Pad is readOnly, first get the real Pad ID
if (padId.indexOf("r.") === 0) {
padId = await readOnlyManager.getPadId(padID);
let { accessStatus } = await securityManager.checkAccess(padId, auth.sessionID, auth.token, auth.password);
// no access, send the client a message that tells him why
if (accessStatus !== "grant") {
client.json.send({ accessStatus });
// access was granted
@ -977,7 +970,7 @@ function createSessionInfo(client, message)
* @param client the client that send this message
* @param message the message from the client
function handleClientReady(client, message)
async function handleClientReady(client, message)
// check if all ok
if (!message.token) {
@ -1000,434 +993,319 @@ function handleClientReady(client, message)
var author;
var authorName;
var authorColorId;
var pad;
var historicalAuthorData = {};
var currentTime;
var padIds;
hooks.callAll("clientReady", message);
// Get ro/rw id:s
function(callback) {
readOnlyManager.getIds(message.padId, function(err, value) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// Get ro/rw id:s
let padIds = await readOnlyManager.getIds(message.padId);
padIds = value;
// check permissions
// check permissions
function(callback) {
// Note: message.sessionID is an entierly different kind of
// session from the sessions we use here! Beware!
// FIXME: Call our "sessions" "connections".
// FIXME: Use a hook instead
// FIXME: Allow to override readwrite access with readonly
securityManager.checkAccess(padIds.padId, message.sessionID, message.token, message.password, function(err, statusObject) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// Note: message.sessionID is an entierly different kind of
// session from the sessions we use here! Beware!
// FIXME: Call our "sessions" "connections".
// FIXME: Use a hook instead
// FIXME: Allow to override readwrite access with readonly
let statusObject = await securityManager.checkAccess(padIds.padId, message.sessionID, message.token, message.password);
let accessStatus = statusObject.accessStatus;
if (statusObject.accessStatus == "grant") {
// access was granted
author = statusObject.authorID;
} else {
// no access, send the client a message that tells him why
client.json.send({accessStatus: statusObject.accessStatus})
// no access, send the client a message that tells him why
if (accessStatus !== "grant") {
client.json.send({ accessStatus });
// get all authordata of this new user, and load the pad-object from the database
// get colorId and name
function(callback) {
authorManager.getAuthor(author, function(err, value) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
let author = statusObject.authorID;
authorColorId = value.colorId;
authorName = value.name;
// get all authordata of this new user, and load the pad-object from the database
let value = await authorManager.getAuthor(author);
let authorColorId = value.colorId;
let authorName = value.name;
// get pad
function(callback) {
padManager.getPad(padIds.padId, function(err, value) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// get pad
let pad = await padManager.getPad(padIds.padId);
pad = value;
], callback);
// these db requests all need the pad object (timestamp of latest revision, author data)
let authors = pad.getAllAuthors();
// these db requests all need the pad object (timestamp of latest revission, author data)
function(callback) {
var authors = pad.getAllAuthors();
// get timestamp of latest revision needed for timeslider
let currentTime = await pad.getRevisionDate(pad.getHeadRevisionNumber());
// get timestamp of latest revission needed for timeslider
function(callback) {
pad.getRevisionDate(pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(), function(err, date) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// get all author data out of the database
for (let authorId of authors) {
try {
let author = await authorManager.getAuthor(authorId);
historicalAuthorData[authorId] = { name: author.name, colorId: author.colorId }; // Filter author attribs (e.g. don't send author's pads to all clients)
} catch (err) {
messageLogger.error("There is no author for authorId:", authorId);
currentTime = date;
// glue the clientVars together, send them and tell the other clients that a new one is there
// get all author data out of the database
function(callback) {
async.forEach(authors, function(authorId, callback) {
authorManager.getAuthor(authorId, function(err, author) {
if (!author && !err) {
messageLogger.error("There is no author for authorId:", authorId);
// Check that the client is still here. It might have disconnected between callbacks.
if (sessioninfos[client.id] === undefined) {
return callback();
// Check if this author is already on the pad, if yes, kick the other sessions!
let roomClients = _getRoomClients(pad.id);
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
for (let client of roomClients) {
let sinfo = sessioninfos[client.id];
if (sinfo && sinfo.author == author) {
// fix user's counter, works on page refresh or if user closes browser window and then rejoins
sessioninfos[client.id] = {};
historicalAuthorData[authorId] = { name: author.name, colorId: author.colorId }; // Filter author attribs (e.g. don't send author's pads to all clients)
}, callback);
], callback);
// Save in sessioninfos that this session belonges to this pad
sessioninfos[client.id].padId = padIds.padId;
sessioninfos[client.id].readOnlyPadId = padIds.readOnlyPadId;
sessioninfos[client.id].readonly = padIds.readonly;
// Log creation/(re-)entering of a pad
let ip = remoteAddress[client.id];
// glue the clientVars together, send them and tell the other clients that a new one is there
function(callback) {
// Check that the client is still here. It might have disconnected between callbacks.
if(sessioninfos[client.id] === undefined) {
return callback();
// Anonymize the IP address if IP logging is disabled
if (settings.disableIPlogging) {
// Check if this author is already on the pad, if yes, kick the other sessions!
var roomClients = _getRoomClients(pad.id);
if (pad.head > 0) {
accessLogger.info('[ENTER] Pad "' + padIds.padId + '": Client ' + client.id + ' with IP "' + ip + '" entered the pad');
} else if (pad.head == 0) {
accessLogger.info('[CREATE] Pad "' + padIds.padId + '": Client ' + client.id + ' with IP "' + ip + '" created the pad');
async.forEach(roomClients, function(client, callback) {
var sinfo = sessioninfos[client.id];
if (message.reconnect) {
// If this is a reconnect, we don't have to send the client the ClientVars again
// Join the pad and start receiving updates
if (sinfo && sinfo.author == author) {
// fix user's counter, works on page refresh or if user closes browser window and then rejoins
sessioninfos[client.id] = {};
client.json.send({ disconnect:"userdup" });
// Save the revision in sessioninfos, we take the revision from the info the client send to us
sessioninfos[client.id].rev = message.client_rev;
// Save in sessioninfos that this session belonges to this pad
sessioninfos[client.id].padId = padIds.padId;
sessioninfos[client.id].readOnlyPadId = padIds.readOnlyPadId;
sessioninfos[client.id].readonly = padIds.readonly;
// During the client reconnect, client might miss some revisions from other clients. By using client revision,
// this below code sends all the revisions missed during the client reconnect
var revisionsNeeded = [];
var changesets = {};
// Log creation/(re-)entering of a pad
var ip = remoteAddress[client.id];
var startNum = message.client_rev + 1;
var endNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber() + 1;
// Anonymize the IP address if IP logging is disabled
if (settings.disableIPlogging) {
var headNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
if (pad.head > 0) {
accessLogger.info('[ENTER] Pad "' + padIds.padId + '": Client ' + client.id + ' with IP "' + ip + '" entered the pad');
} else if (pad.head == 0) {
accessLogger.info('[CREATE] Pad "' + padIds.padId + '": Client ' + client.id + ' with IP "' + ip + '" created the pad');
if (endNum > headNum + 1) {
endNum = headNum + 1;
if (message.reconnect == true) {
// If this is a reconnect, we don't have to send the client the ClientVars again
// Join the pad and start receiving updates
if (startNum < 0) {
startNum = 0;
// Save the revision in sessioninfos, we take the revision from the info the client send to us
sessioninfos[client.id].rev = message.client_rev;
for (let r = startNum; r < endNum; r++) {
changesets[r] = {};
// During the client reconnect, client might miss some revisions from other clients. By using client revision,
// this below code sends all the revisions missed during the client reconnect
var revisionsNeeded = [];
var changesets = {};
// get changesets, author and timestamp needed for pending revisions
for (let revNum of revisionsNeeded) {
changesets[revNum]['changeset'] = await pad.getRevisionChangeset(revNum);
changesets[revNum]['author'] = await pad.getRevisionAuthor(revNum);
changesets[revNum]['timestamp'] = await pad.getRevisionDate(revNum);
var startNum = message.client_rev + 1;
var endNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber() + 1;
// return pending changesets
for (let r of revisionsNeeded) {
// push all the revision numbers needed into revisionsNeeded array
function(callback) {
var headNum = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
if (endNum > headNum+1) {
endNum = headNum+1;
if (startNum < 0) {
startNum = 0;
for (var r = startNum; r < endNum; r++) {
changesets[r] = {};
// get changesets needed for pending revisions
function(callback) {
async.eachSeries(revisionsNeeded, function(revNum, callback) {
pad.getRevisionChangeset(revNum, function(err, value) {
if (ERR(err)) return;
changesets[revNum]['changeset'] = value;
}, callback);
// get author for each changeset
function(callback) {
async.eachSeries(revisionsNeeded, function(revNum, callback) {
pad.getRevisionAuthor(revNum, function(err, value) {
if (ERR(err)) return;
changesets[revNum]['author'] = value;
}, callback);
// get timestamp for each changeset
function(callback) {
async.eachSeries(revisionsNeeded, function(revNum, callback) {
pad.getRevisionDate(revNum, function(err, value) {
if (ERR(err)) return;
changesets[revNum]['timestamp'] = value;
}, callback);
// return error and pending changesets
function(err) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
async.eachSeries(revisionsNeeded, function(r, callback) {
var forWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(changesets[r]['changeset'], pad.pool);
var wireMsg = {"type":"COLLABROOM",
apool: forWire.pool,
author: changesets[r]['author'],
currentTime: changesets[r]['timestamp']
let forWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(changesets[r]['changeset'], pad.pool);
let wireMsg = {"type":"COLLABROOM",
apool: forWire.pool,
author: changesets[r]['author'],
currentTime: changesets[r]['timestamp']
if (startNum == endNum) {
var Msg = {"type":"COLLABROOM",
noChanges: true,
newRev: pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()
} else {
// This is a normal first connect
// prepare all values for the wire, there's a chance that this throws, if the pad is corrupted
try {
var atext = Changeset.cloneAText(pad.atext);
var attribsForWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(atext.attribs, pad.pool);
var apool = attribsForWire.pool.toJsonable();
atext.attribs = attribsForWire.translated;
} catch(e) {
console.error(e.stack || e)
client.json.send({ disconnect:"corruptPad" });// pull the brakes
return callback();
if (startNum == endNum) {
var Msg = {"type":"COLLABROOM",
noChanges: true,
newRev: pad.getHeadRevisionNumber()
// Warning: never ever send padIds.padId to the client. If the
// client is read only you would open a security hole 1 swedish
// mile wide...
var clientVars = {
"skinName": settings.skinName,
"accountPrivs": {
"maxRevisions": 100
"automaticReconnectionTimeout": settings.automaticReconnectionTimeout,
"initialRevisionList": [],
"initialOptions": {
"guestPolicy": "deny"
"savedRevisions": pad.getSavedRevisions(),
"collab_client_vars": {
"initialAttributedText": atext,
"clientIp": "",
"padId": message.padId,
"historicalAuthorData": historicalAuthorData,
"apool": apool,
"rev": pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(),
"time": currentTime,
"colorPalette": authorManager.getColorPalette(),
} else {
// This is a normal first connect
// prepare all values for the wire, there's a chance that this throws, if the pad is corrupted
try {
var atext = Changeset.cloneAText(pad.atext);
var attribsForWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(atext.attribs, pad.pool);
var apool = attribsForWire.pool.toJsonable();
atext.attribs = attribsForWire.translated;
} catch(e) {
console.error(e.stack || e)
client.json.send({ disconnect:"corruptPad" }); // pull the brakes
// Warning: never ever send padIds.padId to the client. If the
// client is read only you would open a security hole 1 swedish
// mile wide...
var clientVars = {
"skinName": settings.skinName,
"accountPrivs": {
"maxRevisions": 100
"automaticReconnectionTimeout": settings.automaticReconnectionTimeout,
"initialRevisionList": [],
"initialOptions": {
"guestPolicy": "deny"
"savedRevisions": pad.getSavedRevisions(),
"collab_client_vars": {
"initialAttributedText": atext,
"clientIp": "",
"userIsGuest": true,
"userColor": authorColorId,
"padId": message.padId,
"padOptions": settings.padOptions,
"padShortcutEnabled": settings.padShortcutEnabled,
"initialTitle": "Pad: " + message.padId,
"opts": {},
// tell the client the number of the latest chat-message, which will be
// used to request the latest 100 chat-messages later (GET_CHAT_MESSAGES)
"chatHead": pad.chatHead,
"numConnectedUsers": roomClients.length,
"readOnlyId": padIds.readOnlyPadId,
"readonly": padIds.readonly,
"serverTimestamp": Date.now(),
"userId": author,
"abiwordAvailable": settings.abiwordAvailable(),
"sofficeAvailable": settings.sofficeAvailable(),
"exportAvailable": settings.exportAvailable(),
"plugins": {
"plugins": plugins.plugins,
"parts": plugins.parts,
"indentationOnNewLine": settings.indentationOnNewLine,
"scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
"percentage" : {
"editionAboveViewport": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage.editionAboveViewport,
"editionBelowViewport": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage.editionBelowViewport,
"duration": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.duration,
"scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport,
"percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp,
"initialChangesets": [] // FIXME: REMOVE THIS SHIT
"historicalAuthorData": historicalAuthorData,
"apool": apool,
"rev": pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(),
"time": currentTime,
"colorPalette": authorManager.getColorPalette(),
"clientIp": "",
"userIsGuest": true,
"userColor": authorColorId,
"padId": message.padId,
"padOptions": settings.padOptions,
"padShortcutEnabled": settings.padShortcutEnabled,
"initialTitle": "Pad: " + message.padId,
"opts": {},
// tell the client the number of the latest chat-message, which will be
// used to request the latest 100 chat-messages later (GET_CHAT_MESSAGES)
"chatHead": pad.chatHead,
"numConnectedUsers": roomClients.length,
"readOnlyId": padIds.readOnlyPadId,
"readonly": padIds.readonly,
"serverTimestamp": Date.now(),
"userId": author,
"abiwordAvailable": settings.abiwordAvailable(),
"sofficeAvailable": settings.sofficeAvailable(),
"exportAvailable": settings.exportAvailable(),
"plugins": {
"plugins": plugins.plugins,
"parts": plugins.parts,
"indentationOnNewLine": settings.indentationOnNewLine,
"scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport": {
"percentage" : {
"editionAboveViewport": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage.editionAboveViewport,
"editionBelowViewport": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentage.editionBelowViewport,
"duration": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.duration,
"scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport,
"percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp": settings.scrollWhenFocusLineIsOutOfViewport.percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp,
"initialChangesets": [] // FIXME: REMOVE THIS SHIT
// Add a username to the clientVars if one avaiable
if (authorName != null) {
clientVars.userName = authorName;
// call the clientVars-hook so plugins can modify them before they get sent to the client
let messages = await hooks.aCallAll("clientVars", { clientVars: clientVars, pad: pad });
// combine our old object with the new attributes from the hook
for (let msg of messages) {
Object.assign(clientVars, msg);
// Join the pad and start receiving updates
// Send the clientVars to the Client
client.json.send({type: "CLIENT_VARS", data: clientVars});
// Save the current revision in sessioninfos, should be the same as in clientVars
sessioninfos[client.id].rev = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
sessioninfos[client.id].author = author;
// prepare the notification for the other users on the pad, that this user joined
let messageToTheOtherUsers = {
"type": "COLLABROOM",
"data": {
userInfo: {
"ip": "",
"colorId": authorColorId,
"userAgent": "Anonymous",
"userId": author
// Add a username to the clientVars if one avaiable
if (authorName != null) {
clientVars.userName = authorName;
// Add the authorname of this new User, if avaiable
if (authorName != null) {
messageToTheOtherUsers.data.userInfo.name = authorName;
// call the clientVars-hook so plugins can modify them before they get sent to the client
hooks.aCallAll("clientVars", { clientVars: clientVars, pad: pad }, function( err, messages ) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// notify all existing users about new user
_.each(messages, function(newVars) {
// combine our old object with the new attributes from the hook
for(var attr in newVars) {
clientVars[attr] = newVars[attr];
// Get sessions for this pad
roomClients = _getRoomClients(pad.id);
for (let roomClient of roomClients) {
// Join the pad and start receiving updates
// Send the clientVars to the Client
client.json.send({ type: "CLIENT_VARS", data: clientVars });
// Save the current revision in sessioninfos, should be the same as in clientVars
sessioninfos[client.id].rev = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber();
// Jump over, if this session is the connection session
if (roomClient.id == client.id) {
sessioninfos[client.id].author = author;
// Since sessioninfos might change while being enumerated, check if the
// sessionID is still assigned to a valid session
if (sessioninfos[roomClient.id] === undefined) {
// prepare the notification for the other users on the pad, that this user joined
var messageToTheOtherUsers = {
let author = sessioninfos[roomClient.id].author;
// get the authorname & colorId
// reuse previously created cache of author's data
let authorInfo = historicalAuthorData[author] || await authorManager.getAuthor(author);
// Send the new User a Notification about this other user
let msg = {
"type": "COLLABROOM",
"data": {
userInfo: {
"ip": "",
"colorId": authorColorId,
"colorId": authorInfo.colorId,
"name": authorInfo.name,
"userAgent": "Anonymous",
"userId": author
// Add the authorname of this new User, if avaiable
if (authorName != null) {
messageToTheOtherUsers.data.userInfo.name = authorName;
// notify all existing users about new user
// Get sessions for this pad
var roomClients = _getRoomClients(pad.id);
async.forEach(roomClients, function(roomClient, callback) {
var author;
// Jump over, if this session is the connection session
if (roomClient.id == client.id) {
return callback();
// Since sessioninfos might change while being enumerated, check if the
// sessionID is still assigned to a valid session
if (sessioninfos[roomClient.id] !== undefined) {
author = sessioninfos[roomClient.id].author;
} else {
// If the client id is not valid, callback();
return callback();
// get the authorname & colorId
function(callback) {
// reuse previously created cache of author's data
if (historicalAuthorData[author]) {
callback(null, historicalAuthorData[author]);
} else {
authorManager.getAuthor(author, callback);
function(authorInfo, callback) {
// Send the new User a Notification about this other user
var msg = {
"type": "COLLABROOM",
"data": {
userInfo: {
"ip": "",
"colorId": authorInfo.colorId,
"name": authorInfo.name,
"userAgent": "Anonymous",
"userId": author
], callback);
}, callback);
function(err) {
@ -1496,7 +1374,6 @@ function handleChangesetRequest(client, message)
* Tries to rebuild the getChangestInfo function of the original Etherpad
* https://github.com/ether/pad/blob/master/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_changeset_control.js#L144

View file

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
* limitations under the License.
var ERR = require("async-stacktrace");
var log4js = require('log4js');
var messageLogger = log4js.getLogger("message");
var securityManager = require("../db/SecurityManager");
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ exports.setSocketIO = function(_socket) {
client.on('message', function(message) {
client.on('message', async function(message) {
if (message.protocolVersion && message.protocolVersion != 2) {
messageLogger.warn("Protocolversion header is not correct:" + stringifyWithoutPassword(message));
@ -92,27 +91,22 @@ exports.setSocketIO = function(_socket) {
} else {
// try to authorize the client
if (message.padId !== undefined && message.sessionID !== undefined && message.token !== undefined && message.password !== undefined) {
var checkAccessCallback = function(err, statusObject) {
// check for read-only pads
let padId = message.padId;
if (padId.indexOf("r.") === 0) {
padId = await readOnlyManager.getPadId(message.padId);
if (statusObject.accessStatus === "grant") {
// access was granted, mark the client as authorized and handle the message
clientAuthorized = true;
handleMessage(client, message);
} else {
// no access, send the client a message that tells him why
messageLogger.warn("Authentication try failed:" + stringifyWithoutPassword(message));
client.json.send({accessStatus: statusObject.accessStatus});
if (message.padId.indexOf("r.") === 0) {
readOnlyManager.getPadId(message.padId, function(err, value) {
securityManager.checkAccess(value, message.sessionID, message.token, message.password, checkAccessCallback);
let { accessStatus } = await securityManager.checkAccess(padId, message.sessionID, message.token, message.password);
if (accessStatus === "grant") {
// access was granted, mark the client as authorized and handle the message
clientAuthorized = true;
handleMessage(client, message);
} else {
// this message has everything to try an authorization
securityManager.checkAccess (message.padId, message.sessionID, message.token, message.password, checkAccessCallback);
// no access, send the client a message that tells him why
messageLogger.warn("Authentication try failed:" + stringifyWithoutPassword(message));
client.json.send({ accessStatus });
} else {
// drop message