mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 16:42:22 +01:00
add new webcomponent "fullwidth" layout
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 626 additions and 175 deletions
@ -223,7 +223,8 @@
"delete_footer_link_confirm": "Vuoi eliminare questo collegamento?",
"edit_place": "Modifica luogo",
"new_announcement": "Nuovo annuncio",
"show_smtp_setup": "Impostazioni email"
"show_smtp_setup": "Impostazioni email",
"widget": "Widget"
"auth": {
"not_confirmed": "Non ancora confermato…",
@ -53,14 +53,16 @@
v-text-field(v-model='list.title' :label='$t("common.title")')
v-text-field(v-model='list.maxEvents' type='number' min='1' :label='$t("common.max_events")')
v-switch(v-model='list.theme' inset true-value='dark' false-value='light' :label="$t('admin.is_dark')")
v-switch(v-model='list.sidebar' inset true-value='true' false-value='false' :label="$t('admin.widget')")
:maxlength='list.maxEvents && Number(list.maxEvents)'
v-alert.pa-5.my-4.blue-grey.darken-4.text-body-1.lime--text.text--lighten-3 <pre>{{code}}</pre>
v-btn.float-end(text color='primary' @click='clipboard(code)') {{$t("common.copy")}}
v-icon.ml-1 mdi-content-copy
@ -101,7 +103,12 @@ export default {
return {
type: 'rss',
notification: { email: '' },
list: { title: $store.state.settings.title, maxEvents: null, theme: 'dark' },
list: {
title: $store.state.settings.title,
maxEvents: null,
theme: $store.state.settings['theme.is_dark'] ? 'dark' : 'light',
sidebar: 'true'
filters: { tags: [], places: [], show_recurrent: false },
events: []
@ -116,7 +123,7 @@ export default {
code () {
const params = [`baseurl="${this.settings.baseurl}"`]
if (this.list.title) {
if (this.list.title && this.list.sidebar === 'true') {
@ -136,6 +143,8 @@ export default {
params.push('maxlength=' + this.list.maxEvents)
params.push('sidebar="' + this.list.sidebar + '"')
return `<script src="${this.settings.baseurl}\/gancio-events.es.js"><\/script>\n<gancio-events ${params.join(' ')}></gancio-events>\n\n`
@ -279,73 +279,60 @@ if (typeof HTMLElement === "function") {
function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[9] = list[i];
child_ctx[11] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[14] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function create_if_block$1(ctx) {
let div1;
let a;
let div0;
let span;
let t0_value = (ctx[1] || "Gancio") + "";
let t0;
let t1;
let img;
let img_src_value;
let t2;
let each_value = ctx[3];
let div;
let t;
let div_class_value;
let if_block = ctx[1] && ctx[3] === "true" && create_if_block_4(ctx);
let each_value = ctx[4];
let each_blocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
return {
c() {
div1 = element("div");
a = element("a");
div0 = element("div");
span = element("span");
t0 = text(t0_value);
t1 = space();
img = element("img");
t2 = space();
div = element("div");
if (if_block)
t = space();
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
attr(span, "id", "headerTitle");
attr(img, "id", "logo");
attr(img, "alt", "logo");
if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "" + (ctx[0] + "/logo.png")))
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
attr(div0, "class", "content");
attr(a, "href", ctx[0]);
attr(a, "target", "_blank");
attr(div1, "id", "gancioEvents");
attr(div1, "class", ctx[2]);
attr(div, "id", "gancioEvents");
attr(div, "class", div_class_value = "" + (ctx[2] + " " + (ctx[3] === "true" ? "sidebar" : "nosidebar")));
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div1, anchor);
append(div1, a);
append(a, div0);
append(div0, span);
append(span, t0);
append(div0, t1);
append(div0, img);
append(div1, t2);
insert(target, div, anchor);
if (if_block)
if_block.m(div, null);
append(div, t);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(div1, null);
each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & 2 && t0_value !== (t0_value = (ctx2[1] || "Gancio") + ""))
set_data(t0, t0_value);
if (dirty & 1 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "" + (ctx2[0] + "/logo.png"))) {
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
if (ctx2[1] && ctx2[3] === "true") {
if (if_block) {
if_block.p(ctx2, dirty);
} else {
if_block = create_if_block_4(ctx2);
if_block.m(div, t);
} else if (if_block) {
if_block = null;
if (dirty & 1) {
attr(a, "href", ctx2[0]);
if (dirty & 9) {
each_value = ctx2[3];
if (dirty & 25) {
each_value = ctx2[4];
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx2, each_value, i);
@ -354,7 +341,7 @@ function create_if_block$1(ctx) {
} else {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
each_blocks[i].m(div1, null);
each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
@ -362,83 +349,61 @@ function create_if_block$1(ctx) {
each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
if (dirty & 4) {
attr(div1, "class", ctx2[2]);
if (dirty & 12 && div_class_value !== (div_class_value = "" + (ctx2[2] + " " + (ctx2[3] === "true" ? "sidebar" : "nosidebar")))) {
attr(div, "class", div_class_value);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
if (if_block)
destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
function create_each_block(ctx) {
function create_if_block_4(ctx) {
let a;
let div2;
let div1;
let div0;
let t0_value = when$1(ctx[9].start_datetime) + "";
let t0;
let t1;
let span;
let t2;
let t3_value = ctx[9].place.name + "";
let t3;
let t4;
let div1;
let t5_value = ctx[9].title + "";
let t5;
let t6;
let a_href_value;
let a_title_value;
let img;
let img_src_value;
return {
c() {
a = element("a");
div2 = element("div");
div0 = element("div");
t0 = text(t0_value);
t1 = space();
span = element("span");
t2 = text("@");
t3 = text(t3_value);
t4 = space();
div1 = element("div");
t5 = text(t5_value);
t6 = space();
attr(span, "class", "place");
attr(div0, "class", "subtitle");
attr(div1, "class", "title");
attr(div2, "class", "content");
attr(a, "href", a_href_value = "" + (ctx[0] + "/event/" + (ctx[9].slug || ctx[9].id)));
attr(a, "title", a_title_value = ctx[9].title);
div0 = element("div");
t0 = text(ctx[1]);
t1 = space();
img = element("img");
attr(div0, "class", "title");
attr(img, "id", "logo");
attr(img, "alt", "logo");
if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "" + (ctx[0] + "/logo.png")))
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
attr(div1, "class", "content");
attr(a, "href", ctx[0]);
attr(a, "target", "_blank");
attr(a, "id", "header");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, a, anchor);
append(a, div2);
append(div2, div0);
append(a, div1);
append(div1, div0);
append(div0, t0);
append(div0, t1);
append(div0, span);
append(span, t2);
append(span, t3);
append(div2, t4);
append(div2, div1);
append(div1, t5);
append(a, t6);
append(div1, t1);
append(div1, img);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & 8 && t0_value !== (t0_value = when$1(ctx2[9].start_datetime) + ""))
set_data(t0, t0_value);
if (dirty & 8 && t3_value !== (t3_value = ctx2[9].place.name + ""))
set_data(t3, t3_value);
if (dirty & 8 && t5_value !== (t5_value = ctx2[9].title + ""))
set_data(t5, t5_value);
if (dirty & 9 && a_href_value !== (a_href_value = "" + (ctx2[0] + "/event/" + (ctx2[9].slug || ctx2[9].id)))) {
attr(a, "href", a_href_value);
if (dirty & 2)
set_data(t0, ctx2[1]);
if (dirty & 1 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "" + (ctx2[0] + "/logo.png"))) {
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
if (dirty & 8 && a_title_value !== (a_title_value = ctx2[9].title)) {
attr(a, "title", a_title_value);
if (dirty & 1) {
attr(a, "href", ctx2[0]);
d(detaching) {
@ -447,9 +412,322 @@ function create_each_block(ctx) {
function create_if_block_2(ctx) {
let div;
function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) {
if (ctx2[11].media.length)
return create_if_block_3;
return create_else_block;
let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx);
let if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
return {
c() {
div = element("div");
attr(div, "class", "img");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div, anchor);
if_block.m(div, null);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx2)) && if_block) {
if_block.p(ctx2, dirty);
} else {
if_block = current_block_type(ctx2);
if (if_block) {
if_block.m(div, null);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
function create_else_block(ctx) {
let img;
let img_style_value;
let img_alt_value;
let img_src_value;
return {
c() {
img = element("img");
attr(img, "style", img_style_value = "object-position: " + position$1(ctx[11]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;");
attr(img, "alt", img_alt_value = ctx[11].media[0].name);
if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx[11].media.length ? ctx[0] + "/media/thumb/" + ctx[11].media[0].url : ctx[0] + "/noimg.svg"))
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
attr(img, "loading", "lazy");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, img, anchor);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & 16 && img_style_value !== (img_style_value = "object-position: " + position$1(ctx2[11]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;")) {
attr(img, "style", img_style_value);
if (dirty & 16 && img_alt_value !== (img_alt_value = ctx2[11].media[0].name)) {
attr(img, "alt", img_alt_value);
if (dirty & 17 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx2[11].media.length ? ctx2[0] + "/media/thumb/" + ctx2[11].media[0].url : ctx2[0] + "/noimg.svg")) {
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
function create_if_block_3(ctx) {
let img;
let img_style_value;
let img_alt_value;
let img_src_value;
return {
c() {
img = element("img");
attr(img, "style", img_style_value = "object-position: " + position$1(ctx[11]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;");
attr(img, "alt", img_alt_value = ctx[11].media[0].name);
if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx[11].media.length ? ctx[0] + "/media/thumb/" + ctx[11].media[0].url : ctx[0] + "/noimg.svg"))
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
attr(img, "loading", "lazy");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, img, anchor);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & 16 && img_style_value !== (img_style_value = "object-position: " + position$1(ctx2[11]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;")) {
attr(img, "style", img_style_value);
if (dirty & 16 && img_alt_value !== (img_alt_value = ctx2[11].media[0].name)) {
attr(img, "alt", img_alt_value);
if (dirty & 17 && !src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = ctx2[11].media.length ? ctx2[0] + "/media/thumb/" + ctx2[11].media[0].url : ctx2[0] + "/noimg.svg")) {
attr(img, "src", img_src_value);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
function create_if_block_1$1(ctx) {
let div;
let each_value_1 = ctx[11].tags;
let each_blocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
return {
c() {
div = element("div");
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
attr(div, "class", "tags");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, div, anchor);
for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & 16) {
each_value_1 = ctx2[11].tags;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx2, each_value_1, i);
if (each_blocks[i]) {
each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
} else {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx);
each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
let span;
let t0;
let t1_value = ctx[14] + "";
let t1;
return {
c() {
span = element("span");
t0 = text("#");
t1 = text(t1_value);
attr(span, "class", "tag");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, span, anchor);
append(span, t0);
append(span, t1);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & 16 && t1_value !== (t1_value = ctx2[14] + ""))
set_data(t1, t1_value);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
function create_each_block(ctx) {
let a;
let t0;
let div2;
let div0;
let t1_value = when$1(ctx[11].start_datetime) + "";
let t1;
let t2;
let div1;
let t3_value = ctx[11].title + "";
let t3;
let t4;
let span1;
let t5;
let t6_value = ctx[11].place.name + "";
let t6;
let t7;
let span0;
let t8_value = ctx[11].place.address + "";
let t8;
let t9;
let t10;
let a_href_value;
let a_title_value;
let if_block0 = ctx[3] !== "true" && create_if_block_2(ctx);
let if_block1 = ctx[11].tags.length && create_if_block_1$1(ctx);
return {
c() {
a = element("a");
if (if_block0)
t0 = space();
div2 = element("div");
div0 = element("div");
t1 = text(t1_value);
t2 = space();
div1 = element("div");
t3 = text(t3_value);
t4 = space();
span1 = element("span");
t5 = text("@");
t6 = text(t6_value);
t7 = space();
span0 = element("span");
t8 = text(t8_value);
t9 = space();
if (if_block1)
t10 = space();
attr(div0, "class", "subtitle");
attr(div1, "class", "title");
attr(span0, "class", "subtitle");
attr(span1, "class", "place");
attr(div2, "class", "content");
attr(a, "href", a_href_value = "" + (ctx[0] + "/event/" + (ctx[11].slug || ctx[11].id)));
attr(a, "class", "event");
attr(a, "title", a_title_value = ctx[11].title);
attr(a, "target", "_blank");
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, a, anchor);
if (if_block0)
if_block0.m(a, null);
append(a, t0);
append(a, div2);
append(div2, div0);
append(div0, t1);
append(div2, t2);
append(div2, div1);
append(div1, t3);
append(div2, t4);
append(div2, span1);
append(span1, t5);
append(span1, t6);
append(span1, t7);
append(span1, span0);
append(span0, t8);
append(div2, t9);
if (if_block1)
if_block1.m(div2, null);
append(a, t10);
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (ctx2[3] !== "true") {
if (if_block0) {
if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty);
} else {
if_block0 = create_if_block_2(ctx2);
if_block0.m(a, t0);
} else if (if_block0) {
if_block0 = null;
if (dirty & 16 && t1_value !== (t1_value = when$1(ctx2[11].start_datetime) + ""))
set_data(t1, t1_value);
if (dirty & 16 && t3_value !== (t3_value = ctx2[11].title + ""))
set_data(t3, t3_value);
if (dirty & 16 && t6_value !== (t6_value = ctx2[11].place.name + ""))
set_data(t6, t6_value);
if (dirty & 16 && t8_value !== (t8_value = ctx2[11].place.address + ""))
set_data(t8, t8_value);
if (ctx2[11].tags.length) {
if (if_block1) {
if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty);
} else {
if_block1 = create_if_block_1$1(ctx2);
if_block1.m(div2, null);
} else if (if_block1) {
if_block1 = null;
if (dirty & 17 && a_href_value !== (a_href_value = "" + (ctx2[0] + "/event/" + (ctx2[11].slug || ctx2[11].id)))) {
attr(a, "href", a_href_value);
if (dirty & 16 && a_title_value !== (a_title_value = ctx2[11].title)) {
attr(a, "title", a_title_value);
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
if (if_block0)
if (if_block1)
function create_fragment$1(ctx) {
let if_block_anchor;
let if_block = ctx[3].length && create_if_block$1(ctx);
let if_block = ctx[4].length && create_if_block$1(ctx);
return {
c() {
if (if_block)
@ -463,7 +741,7 @@ function create_fragment$1(ctx) {
insert(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
p(ctx2, [dirty]) {
if (ctx2[3].length) {
if (ctx2[4].length) {
if (if_block) {
if_block.p(ctx2, dirty);
} else {
@ -486,10 +764,17 @@ function create_fragment$1(ctx) {
function position$1(event) {
if (event.media[0].focalpoint) {
const focalpoint = event.media[0].focalpoint;
return `${(focalpoint[0] + 1) * 50}% ${(focalpoint[1] + 1) * 50}%`;
return "center center";
function when$1(timestamp) {
return new Date(timestamp * 1e3).toLocaleDateString(void 0, {
weekday: "long",
month: "short",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit"
@ -497,11 +782,13 @@ function when$1(timestamp) {
function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { baseurl = "" } = $$props;
let { title = "Gancio events" } = $$props;
let { title = "" } = $$props;
let { maxlength = false } = $$props;
let { tags = "" } = $$props;
let { places = "" } = $$props;
let { theme = "light" } = $$props;
let { show_recurrent = false } = $$props;
let { sidebar = "true" } = $$props;
let mounted = false;
let events = [];
function update2(v) {
@ -517,8 +804,11 @@ function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
if (places) {
if (show_recurrent) {
fetch(`${baseurl}/api/events?${params.join("&")}`).then((res) => res.json()).then((e) => {
$$invalidate(3, events = e);
$$invalidate(4, events = e);
}).catch((e) => {
console.error("Error loading Gancio API -> ", e);
@ -533,25 +823,39 @@ function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
if ("title" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(1, title = $$props2.title);
if ("maxlength" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(4, maxlength = $$props2.maxlength);
$$invalidate(5, maxlength = $$props2.maxlength);
if ("tags" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(5, tags = $$props2.tags);
$$invalidate(6, tags = $$props2.tags);
if ("places" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(6, places = $$props2.places);
$$invalidate(7, places = $$props2.places);
if ("theme" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(2, theme = $$props2.theme);
if ("show_recurrent" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(8, show_recurrent = $$props2.show_recurrent);
if ("sidebar" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(3, sidebar = $$props2.sidebar);
$$self.$$.update = () => {
if ($$self.$$.dirty & 118) {
if ($$self.$$.dirty & 486) {
return [baseurl, title, theme, events, maxlength, tags, places];
return [
class GancioEvents extends SvelteElement {
constructor(options) {
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `<style>#gancioEvents{font-family:'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;overflow-x:hidden;font-size:1rem;width:100%;max-width:500px;box-sizing:content-box;box-shadow:rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.4) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.25) 0px 1px 3px 1px;border-radius:5px}#logo{position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;height:40px}#headerTitle{line-height:45px;font-size:1.3rem;font-weight:600}a{text-decoration:none;color:var(--text-color);display:flex;flex-direction:column;flex:1 1 100%;padding:8px 20px;margin:0;line-height:1.275rem;font-weight:400;font-size:.875rem;position:relative;transition:background-color .3s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.5,1), padding-left .3s;box-sizing:content-box}.dark{--bg-odd-color:#161616;--bg-even-color:#222;--bg-hover-color:#333;--text-color:white;--title-color:white}.light{--bg-odd-color:#f5f5f5;--bg-even-color:#FAFAFA;--bg-hover-color:#EEE;--text-color:#222;--title-color:black}a:nth-child(odd){background-color:var(--bg-odd-color)}a:nth-child(even){background-color:var(--bg-even-color)}a:first-child{border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px}a:last-child{border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px;padding-bottom:5px}a:hover{background-color:var(--bg-hover-color);padding-left:23px}.place{font-weight:600;color:#ff6e40}.title{color:var(--title-color);font-weight:bold}</style>`;
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `<style>#gancioEvents{font-family:ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";overflow-x:hidden;width:100%;box-sizing:content-box;margin:0 auto;font-size:1rem}.nosidebar{max-width:1200px}.event{display:flex;flex-direction:row;flex-wrap:nowrap}#header{padding:1.2rem 1rem;background-color:var(--bg-odd-color)}.sidebar{max-width:500px;box-shadow:rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.4) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.25) 0px 1px 3px 1px;border-radius:5px;font-size:1rem}.event .img{width:100%;max-width:500px;height:250px;flex:1 0 auto}@media screen and (max-width: 800px){.event{flex-wrap:wrap}.event .img{max-width:100%}}.event img{object-fit:cover;border-radius:15px;width:100%;height:100%;box-shadow:rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 6px 12px -2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 3px 7px -3px}.event .content{display:flex;flex:auto;flex-direction:column;min-width:300px}.nosidebar .event{margin-bottom:2rem}.nosidebar .content{margin-left:1rem;margin-top:5px}.tags{margin-top:2px}#logo{position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;height:40px}a{text-decoration:none;color:var(--text-color);display:flex;flex-direction:column;flex:1 1 100%;padding:8px 20px;margin:0;line-height:1.275rem;font-weight:400;font-size:.875rem;position:relative;transition:background-color .3s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.5,1), padding .3s;box-sizing:content-box}a:hover .title,a:focus .title,a:active .title{text-decoration:underline}.dark{--bg-odd-color:#161616;--bg-even-color:#222;--bg-hover-color:#333;--text-color:white;--title-color:white;--line-color:rgba(120, 120, 120, 0.2)}.light{--bg-odd-color:#f5f5f5;--bg-even-color:#FAFAFA;--bg-hover-color:#EEE;--text-color:#222;--title-color:black;--line-color:rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.9)}.sidebar a{background-color:var(--bg-even-color);border-bottom:1px solid var(--line-color)}.sidebar a:hover,.sidebar a:focus,.sidebar a:active{background-color:var(--bg-hover-color);padding-left:15px;padding-right:25px}.place{font-weight:400;font-size:1.2rem;line-height:1.4rem;color:orangered}.title{color:var(--title-color);font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3rem;line-height:1.1em}.nosidebar .title{font-size:1.9em;line-height:1.1em}.subtitle{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.1em;color:var(--title-color);opacity:0.9}.tag{margin-right:10px}</style>`;
init(this, {
target: this.shadowRoot,
props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
@ -559,10 +863,12 @@ class GancioEvents extends SvelteElement {
}, instance$1, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal, {
baseurl: 0,
title: 1,
maxlength: 4,
tags: 5,
places: 6,
theme: 2
maxlength: 5,
tags: 6,
places: 7,
theme: 2,
show_recurrent: 8,
sidebar: 3
}, null);
if (options) {
if (options.target) {
@ -575,7 +881,16 @@ class GancioEvents extends SvelteElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ["baseurl", "title", "maxlength", "tags", "places", "theme"];
return [
get baseurl() {
return this.$$.ctx[0];
@ -592,21 +907,21 @@ class GancioEvents extends SvelteElement {
get maxlength() {
return this.$$.ctx[4];
return this.$$.ctx[5];
set maxlength(maxlength) {
this.$$set({ maxlength });
get tags() {
return this.$$.ctx[5];
return this.$$.ctx[6];
set tags(tags) {
this.$$set({ tags });
get places() {
return this.$$.ctx[6];
return this.$$.ctx[7];
set places(places) {
this.$$set({ places });
@ -619,6 +934,20 @@ class GancioEvents extends SvelteElement {
this.$$set({ theme });
get show_recurrent() {
return this.$$.ctx[8];
set show_recurrent(show_recurrent) {
this.$$set({ show_recurrent });
get sidebar() {
return this.$$.ctx[3];
set sidebar(sidebar) {
this.$$set({ sidebar });
customElements.define("gancio-events", GancioEvents);
function create_if_block(ctx) {
@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
<title>Gancio Events Custom Element Demo</title>
<gancio-events baseurl='http://localhost:13120' title='Gancio' theme='light'></gancio-events>
<gancio-events baseurl='https://demo.gancio.org' title='demo' theme='light' show_recurrent='true'></gancio-events>
<gancio-events baseurl='http://localhost:13120' title='Gancio' theme='dark'></gancio-events>
<gancio-events baseurl='https://gancio.cisti.org' title='La punta' theme='dark' show_recurrent='true'></gancio-events>
<gancio-events baseurl='https://gancio.cisti.org' sidebar='false' show_recurrent='true'></gancio-events>
<!-- <gancio-event id=1 baseurl='http://localhost:13120'></gancio-event> -->
<script type="module" src="/src/main.js"></script>
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte": "^1.0.0-next.34",
"svelte": "^3.46.1",
"svelte": "^3.46.3",
"vite": "^2.7.11"
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
export let baseurl = ''
export let title = 'Gancio events'
export let title = ''
export let maxlength = false
export let tags = ''
export let places = ''
export let theme = 'light'
export let show_recurrent=false
export let sidebar='true'
let mounted = false
let events = []
@ -24,6 +27,10 @@
if (places) {
if (show_recurrent) {
.then(res => res.json())
@ -35,62 +42,153 @@
function position(event) {
if (event.media[0].focalpoint) {
const focalpoint = event.media[0].focalpoint
return `${(focalpoint[0] + 1) * 50}% ${(focalpoint[1] + 1) * 50}%`
return 'center center'
function when (timestamp) {
return new Date(timestamp*1000)
weekday: 'long',
month: 'short',
day: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit'
weekday: 'long',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit'
onMount(() => {
mounted = true
$: update(maxlength && title && places && tags && theme)
$: update(maxlength && title && places && tags && theme && show_recurrent)
<svelte:options tag="gancio-events"/>
{#if events.length}
<div id='gancioEvents' class='{theme}'>
<a href='{baseurl}' target='_blank'>
<div id='gancioEvents' class='{theme} {sidebar === 'true' ? "sidebar" : "nosidebar"}'>
{#if title && sidebar === 'true'}
<a href='{baseurl}' target='_blank' id='header'>
<div class='content'>
<span id='headerTitle'>{title || 'Gancio'}</span>
<div class='title'>{title}</div>
<img id='logo' alt='logo' src='{baseurl}/logo.png'/>
{#each events as event}
<a href='{baseurl}/event/{event.slug || event.id}' title='{event.title}' target='_blank'>
<a href='{baseurl}/event/{event.slug || event.id}' class='event' title='{event.title}' target='_blank'>
{#if sidebar !== 'true'}
<div class='img'>
{#if event.media.length}
<img style="object-position: {position(event)}; aspect-ratio=1.7778;"
src="{event.media.length ? baseurl + '/media/thumb/' + event.media[0].url : baseurl + '/noimg.svg'}" loading='lazy'/>
<img style="object-position: {position(event)}; aspect-ratio=1.7778;"
src="{event.media.length ? baseurl + '/media/thumb/' + event.media[0].url : baseurl + '/noimg.svg'}" loading='lazy'/>
<div class='content'>
<div class='subtitle'>
<span class='place'>@{event.place.name}</span>
<div class='title'>
<span class='place'>@{event.place.name} <span class='subtitle'> {event.place.address}</span></span>
{#if event.tags.length}
<div class='tags'>
{#each event.tags as tag}
<span class='tag'>#{tag}</span>
#gancioEvents {
font-family:'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;
font-family: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
overflow-x: hidden;
font-size: 1rem;
width: 100%;
max-width: 500px;
box-sizing: content-box;
margin: 0 auto;
font-size: 1rem;
.nosidebar {
max-width: 1200px;
.event {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
padding: 1.2rem 1rem;
background-color: var(--bg-odd-color);
.sidebar {
max-width: 500px;
box-shadow: rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.4) 0px 1px 2px 0px, rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.25) 0px 1px 3px 1px;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 1rem;
.event .img {
width: 100%;
max-width: 500px;
height: 250px;
flex: 1 0 auto;
/* height: 100%; */
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.event {
flex-wrap: wrap;
.event .img {
max-width: 100%;
.event img {
object-fit: cover;
border-radius: 15px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
box-shadow: rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 6px 12px -2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 3px 7px -3px;
.event .content {
display: flex;
flex: auto;
flex-direction: column;
min-width: 300px;
.nosidebar .event {
margin-bottom: 2rem;
.nosidebar .content {
margin-left: 1rem;
margin-top: 5px;
.tags {
margin-top: 2px;
#logo {
@ -100,12 +198,6 @@
height: 40px;
#headerTitle {
line-height: 45px;
font-size: 1.3rem;
font-weight: 600;
a {
text-decoration: none;
color: var(--text-color);
@ -118,16 +210,23 @@ a {
font-weight: 400;
font-size: .875rem;
position: relative;
transition: background-color .3s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.5,1), padding-left .3s;
transition: background-color .3s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.5,1), padding .3s;
box-sizing: content-box;
a:hover .title,
a:focus .title,
a:active .title {
.dark {
--bg-odd-color: #161616;
--bg-even-color: #222;
--bg-hover-color: #333;
--text-color: white;
--title-color: white;
--line-color: rgba(120, 120, 120, 0.2);
.light {
@ -136,37 +235,49 @@ a {
--bg-hover-color: #EEE;
--text-color: #222;
--title-color: black;
--line-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.9);
a:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: var(--bg-odd-color);
a:nth-child(even) {
.sidebar a {
background-color: var(--bg-even-color);
border-bottom:1px solid var(--line-color);
a:first-child {
border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;
a:last-child {
border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
a:hover {
.sidebar a:hover,
.sidebar a:focus,
.sidebar a:active {
background-color: var(--bg-hover-color);
padding-left: 23px;
padding-left: 15px;
.place {
font-weight: 600;
color: #ff6e40;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 1.2rem;
line-height: 1.4rem;
color: orangered;
.title {
color: var(--title-color);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.3rem;
line-height: 1.1em;
.nosidebar .title {
font-size: 1.9em;
line-height: 1.1em;
.subtitle {
font-size: 1rem;
line-height: 1.1em;
color: var(--title-color);
opacity: 0.9;
.tag {
margin-right: 10px;
Reference in a new issue