{ "common": { "add_event": "Add event", "next": "Next", "export": "Export", "send": "Send", "where": "Where", "address": "Address", "when": "When", "what": "What", "media": "Media", "login": "Login", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "register": "Register", "description": "Description", "remove": "Remove", "hide": "Hide", "search": "Search", "edit": "Edit", "info": "Info", "confirm": "Confirm", "admin": "Admin", "users": "Users", "events": "Events", "places": "Places", "settings": "Options", "actions": "Actions", "deactivate": "Disable", "remove_admin": "Remove admin", "activate": "Activate", "save": "Save", "preview": "Preview", "logout": "Logout", "share": "Share", "name": "Name", "associate": "Associate", "edit_event": "Edit event", "related": "Related", "add": "Add", "logout_ok": "Logged out", "copy": "Copy", "recover_password": "Recover password", "new_password": "New password", "new_user": "New user", "ok": "Ok", "cancel": "Cancel", "enable": "Enable", "disable": "Disable", "me": "You", "password_updated": "Password updated!", "resources": "Resources", "n_resources": "no resource|a resource|{n} resources", "activate_user": "Confirmed", "displayname": "Display name", "federation": "Federation", "set_password": "Set password", "copy_link": "Copy link", "send_via_mail": "Send email", "add_to_calendar": "Add to calendar", "instances": "Instances", "copied": "Copied", "embed": "Embed", "embed_title": "Embed this event in your website", "embed_help": "Copying the following code into your website the event will be shown like here", "feed": "Feed rss", "feed_url_copied": "Feed url copied, paste it in your feed reader", "follow_me_title": "Follow updates from fediverse", "follow": "Follow", "moderation": "Moderation", "user": "User", "authorize": "Authorize", "title": "Title", "filter": "Filter", "event": "Event", "pause": "Pause", "start": "Start", "fediverse": "Fediverse", "skip": "Skip" }, "login": { "description": "By logging in you can publish new events.", "check_email": "Check your mailbox (spam too)", "not_registered": "Aren't registered?", "forgot_password": "Forgot the password?", "error": "Error during login, check your data.", "insert_email": "Insert your email", "ok": "Logged in" }, "recover": { "not_valid_code": "Something goes wrong..." }, "export": { "intro": "Unlike the capitalist platforms, which do everything they can to keep data and users within them, we believe that information, like people, must be free. For this you can stay updated on the events you want, without necessarily going through this site.", "email_description": "You can receive the events that interest you via email.", "insert_your_address": "Insert your email address", "feed_description": "To follow updates from a computer or smartphone without the need to periodically open this site, the recommended method is RSS Feeds.
\n\nWith rss feeds you use a special app to receive updates from the sites that interest you most. It's a good way to follow many sites very quickly, without the need to create an account or other complications.
\n\nGancio is a shared agenda for local communities.
\n ", "oauth": { "authorization_request": "Application{app}
is asking for the following authorization on {instance_name}
"redirected_to": "After confirmation you will be redirected to the address {url}
"scopes": {
"event:write": "Add and edit your events"