const fetch = require('fetch') const request = require('request') const crypto = require('crypto') const config = require('config') const Helpers = { async signAndSend(message, user, to) {//, domain, req, res, targetOrigin) { // get the URI of the actor object and append 'inbox' to it const toInbox = to + '/inbox' const toOrigin = new URL(to) const toPath = toInbox.replace(toOrigin.origin, '') // get the private key const privkey = user.rsa.privateKey const signer = crypto.createSign('sha256') const d = new Date() const stringToSign = `(request-target): post ${toPath}\nhost: ${toOrigin.hostname}\ndate: ${d.toUTCString()}` console.error('stringToSign ', stringToSign) signer.update(stringToSign) signer.end() const signature = signer.sign(privkey) const signature_b64 = signature.toString('base64') const header = `keyId="${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${user.username}",headers="(request-target) host date",signature="${signature_b64}"` console.error('header ', header) request({ url: toInbox, headers: { 'Host': toOrigin.hostname, 'Date': d.toUTCString(), 'Signature': header }, method: 'POST', json: true, body: message }, function (error, response){ if (error) { console.log('Error:', error, response.body) } else { console.log('Response:', response.body, response.statusCode, response.status, response.statusMessage) } }) return res.status(200) }, async sendAcceptMessage (body, user, domain, req, res, targetOrigin) { const guid = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex') let message = { '@context': '', 'id': `${config.baseurl}/federation/${guid}`, 'type': 'Accept', 'actor': `${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${user.username}`, 'object': body, } // Helpers.signAndSend(message, user, domain, req, res, targetOrigin) }, async sendEvent(event, user) { console.error('devo inviare un evento ai followers') const followers = user.followers console.error('send to ', followers) for(let follower of followers) { console.error('send message to ', follower) const body = event.toAP(user.username, follower) Helpers.signAndSend(body, user, follower) } } } module.exports = Helpers