const crypto = require('crypto') const { promisify } = require('util') const randomBytes = promisify(crypto.randomBytes) const { oauth_client: OAuthClient, oauth_token: OAuthToken, oauth_code: OAuthCode, user: User } = require('../models') const debug = require('debug')('oauth') async function randomString (len = 16) { const bytes = await randomBytes(len * 8) return crypto .createHash('sha1') .update(bytes) .digest('hex') } const oauthController = { // create client => http:/// async createClient (req, res) { debug('Create client ', req.body.client_name) // only write scope is supported if (req.body.scopes && req.body.scopes !== 'write') { return res.status(422).json({ error: 'Invalid scopes' }) } const client = { id: await randomString(256), name: req.body.client_name, redirectUris: req.body.redirect_uris, scopes: req.body.scopes || 'write', website:, client_secret: await randomString(256) } try { await OAuthClient.create(client) client.client_id = delete res.json(client) } catch (e) { debug(e) res.status(400).json(e) } }, async getClients (req, res) { const tokens = await OAuthToken.findAll({ include: [{ model: User, where: { id: } }, { model: OAuthClient, as: 'client' }], raw: true, nest: true }) res.json(tokens) }, model: { /** * Invoked to retrieve an existing access token previously saved through #saveToken(). * * */ async getAccessToken (accessToken) { const oauth_token = await OAuthToken.findByPk(accessToken, { include: [User, { model: OAuthClient, as: 'client' }], nest: true, raw: true }) return oauth_token }, /** * Invoked to retrieve a client using a client id or a client id/client secret combination, depending on the grant type. */ async getClient (client_id, client_secret) { const client = await OAuthClient.findByPk(client_id, { raw: true }) if (client_secret && client_secret !== client.client_secret) { return false } if (client) { client.grants = ['authorization_code'] } return client }, async getRefreshToken (refresh_token) { const oauth_token = await OAuthToken.findOne({ where: { refresh_token }, raw: true }) return oauth_token }, async getAuthorizationCode (code) { const oauth_code = await OAuthCode.findByPk(code, { include: [User, { type: OAuthClient, as: 'client' }], nest: true, raw: true }) return oauth_code }, async saveToken (token, client, user) { token.userId = token.oauthClientId = const oauth_token = await OAuthToken.create(token) oauth_token.client = client oauth_token.user = user return oauth_token }, async revokeAuthorizationCode (code) { const oauth_code = await OAuthCode.findByPk(code) return oauth_code.destroy() }, async saveAuthorizationCode (code, client, user) { code.userId = code.oauthClientId = const ret = await OAuthCode.create(code) return ret } } } module.exports = oauthController