const { Event, Place, Tag } = require('../models/models') const { htmlToText } = require('html-to-text') const { Op, literal } = require('sequelize') const { DateTime } = require('luxon') const ics = require('ics') const collectionController = require('./collection') const exportController = { async export (req, res) { const format = req.params.format || 'json' const tags = req.query.tags const places = req.query.places const collection = req.query.collection const show_recurrent = !!req.query.show_recurrent const opt = { zone: res.locals.settings.instance_timezone, locale: res.locals.settings.instance_locale } const where = {} const yesterday = DateTime.local(opt).minus({day: 1}).toUnixInteger() if (!collection) { if (tags && places) { where[Op.or] = { placeId: places ? places.split(',') : [], '$tags.tag$': tags.split(',') } } if (tags) { where['$tags.tag$'] = tags.split(',') } if (places) { where.placeId = places.split(',') } } if (!show_recurrent) { where.parentId = null } let events = [] if (collection) { events = await collectionController._getEvents({ name: collection }) } else { events = await Event.findAll({ order: ['start_datetime'], attributes: { exclude: ['is_visible', 'recurrent', 'createdAt', 'likes', 'boost', 'userId', 'placeId'] }, where: { is_visible: true, recurrent: null, apUserApId: null, start_datetime: { [Op.gte]: yesterday }, ...where }, include: [ { model: Tag, order: [literal('(SELECT COUNT("tagTag") FROM event_tags WHERE tagTag = tag) DESC')], attributes: ['tag'], required: !!tags, through: { attributes: [] } }, { model: Place, attributes: ['name', 'id', 'address'] }] }) } switch (format) { case 'rss': case 'feed': return exportController.feed(req, res, events.slice(0, 20)) case 'ics': return exportController.ics(req, res, events) case 'json': return res.json(events) } return res.send('Please specify a valid format: rss, feed, ics or json').status(404) }, feed (_req, res, events, title = res.locals.settings.title, link = `${res.locals.settings.baseurl}/feed/rss`) { const settings = res.locals.settings const opt = { zone: settings.instance_timezone, locale: settings.instance_locale } function unixFormat (timestamp, format='EEEE d MMMM HH:mm') { return DateTime.fromSeconds(timestamp, opt).toFormat(format) } res.type('application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8') res.render('feed/rss.pug', { events, settings, unixFormat, title, link }) }, /** * send an ics of specified events (optionally with reminders) * @param {*} events array of events from sequelize * @param {*} alarms (alarms) */ ics (_req, res, events, alarms = []) { const settings = res.locals.settings const eventsMap = => { const tmpStart = DateTime.fromSeconds(e.start_datetime, { zone: 'UTC' }) const start = [ tmpStart.year, tmpStart.month,, tmpStart.hour, tmpStart.minute ] const location = !== 'online' ? `${} - ${}` : `${} - ${e?.online_locations[0]}` const ret = { uid: `${}@${settings.hostname}`, start, startInputType: 'utc', endInputType: 'utc', title: `[${settings.title}] ${e.title}`, description: htmlToText(e.description), htmlContent: e.description && e.description.replace(/\n/g,"
"), location, url: `${settings.baseurl}/event/${e.slug ||}`, status: 'CONFIRMED', categories: => t.tag || t), alarms } if ( && { ret.geo = { lat:, lon: } } if (e.end_datetime) { const tmpEnd = DateTime.fromSeconds(e.end_datetime, { zone: 'UTC' }) const end = [ tmpEnd.year, tmpEnd.month,, tmpEnd.hour, tmpEnd.minute ] ret.end = end } return ret }) res.type('text/calendar; charset=UTF-8') ics.createEvents(eventsMap, (err, value) => { if (err) { return res.status(401).send(err) } return res.send(value) }) } } module.exports = exportController