--- title: Home nav_order: 1 description: "Gancio is a shared agenda for local communities." permalink: / --- # ![](assets/gancio.png) ancio {: .fs-9 } A shared agenda for local communities. {: .fs-6 } Last release **[1.11.0 - 9 January 2024](/changelog#1110-2024-01-10)** [Install]({% link install/install.md %}){: .btn .btn-primary .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } [Demo](https://demo.gancio.org){: .btn .btn-green .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } [Source](https://framagit.org/les/gancio){: .btn .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .fs-5 } ## Some relevant key features: - **Focus on content** not on people: nowhere on gancio does the identity of who posted an event appear, not even under a nickname, not even to administrators (except in the db). This is not an ego-friendly platform. - **Visitors first**. We do not want logged user to get more features than random visitor. We don't want users to register, except to post events and even then you can post an anonymous event. - **Anonymous events**: optionally a visitor can create events without being registered (an administrator must confirm them) - **We don't care about making hits** so we export events in many ways: via RSS feeds, via global or individual ics, allowing you to embed list of events or single event via [iframe or webcomponent]({% link usage/embed.md %}) on other websites, via [AP]({% link federation.md %}), [microdata](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Microdata) and [microformat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats#h-event) - Very easy UI - Multi-day events (festival, conferences...) - Recurring events (each monday, each two monday, each monday and friday, each two saturday, etc.) - Filter events for tags or places - RSS and ICS export (with filters) - embed your events in your website with [webcomponents]({% link usage/embed.md %}) or iframe ([example](https://gancio.cisti.org/embed/list?title=Upcoming events)) - boost / bookmark / comment events from the fediverse! - Lot of configurations available (dark/light theme, user registration open/close, enable federation, enable recurring events) ### License Gancio is distributed by an [AGPL-3.0 Licence](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html).