--- title: Configuration permalink: /install/config nav_order: 6 parent: Install --- ## Configuration {: .no_toc } `gancio` configuration is done during installation process but you can change it editing the configuration file. The configuration file shoud be a `.json` or a `.js` file and could be specified using the `--config` flag. - eg. `gancio start --config ./config.json` - eg. `pm2 start gancio start -- --config ~/config.json` 1. TOC {:toc} ### Server This probably support unix socket too ```json "server": { "host": "localhost", "port": 13120 } ``` ### Database DB configuration, look [here](https://sequelize.org/v6/class/src/sequelize.js~Sequelize.html#instance-constructor-constructor) for options. ```json "db": { "dialect": "sqlite", "storage": "/tmp/db.sqlite" } ``` ### Upload path Where to save images `"upload_path": "./uploads"` ### Plugins path Where to search for [plugins](/usage/plugins) `"plugins_path": "./plugins"` ### User locale Probably you want to modify some text for your specific community, that's why we thought the `user_locale` configuration: you can specify your version of each string of **gancio** making a directory with your locales inside. For example, let's say you want to modify the text shown during registration: `mkdir /opt/gancio/user_locale` put something like this in `/opt/gancio/user_locale/en.json` to override the registration description in english: ```json { "register": { "description": "My new registration page description" } } ``` and then point the `user_locale` configuration to that directory (in your `config.json`): ```json "user_locale": "/opt/gancio/user_locale" ``` Watch [here](https://framagit.org/les/gancio/tree/master/locales) for a list of strings you can override. > warning "Restart needed" > Note that a restart is needed when you change user_locale's content. ### Proxy Proxy outward request from gancio. Look [here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/https-proxy-agent) for options. Note: `hostname` option takes precedence over `host`. ```json "proxy": { "protocol": "http:", "hostname": "", "host": "", "port": "8118", "auth": { "username": "user", "password": "password" }, "headers": { "X-Proxy-Header": "example" } } ```