const ical = require('ical.js') const settingsController = require('./api/controller/settings') const express = require('express') const dayjs = require('dayjs') const timezone = require('dayjs/plugin/timezone') dayjs.extend(timezone) const config = require('./config') const log = require('./log') const pkg = require('../package.json') const path = require('path') const sharp = require('sharp') const axios = require('axios') const crypto = require('crypto') const Microformats = require('microformat-node') const get = require('lodash/get') const DOMPurify = require('dompurify') const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom') const { window } = new JSDOM('') const domPurify = DOMPurify(window) const URL = require('url') domPurify.addHook('beforeSanitizeElements', node => { if (node.hasAttribute && node.hasAttribute('href')) { const href = node.getAttribute('href') const text = node.textContent // remove FB tracking param if (href.includes('fbclid=')) { try { const url = new URL.URL(href) url.searchParams.delete('fbclid') node.setAttribute('href', url.href) if (text.includes('fbclid=')) { node.textContent = url.href } } catch (e) { return node } } } return node }) module.exports = { randomString(length = 12) { const wishlist = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' return Array.from(crypto.randomFillSync(new Uint32Array(length))) .map(x => wishlist[x % wishlist.length]) .join('') }, sanitizeHTML(html) { return domPurify.sanitize(html, { ALLOWED_TAGS: ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'br', 'i', 'span', 'em', 'h6', 'b', 'a', 'li', 'ul', 'ol', 'code', 'blockquote', 'u', 's', 'strong'], ALLOWED_ATTR: ['href', 'target'] }) }, async initSettings(_req, res, next) { // initialize settings const settings = settingsController.settings res.locals.settings = { title: settings.title || config.title, description: settings.description || config.description, baseurl: config.baseurl, hostname: config.hostname, version: pkg.version, instance_timezone: settings.instance_timezone, instance_locale: settings.instance_locale, instance_name: settings.instance_name, allow_registration: settings.allow_registration, allow_anon_event: settings.allow_anon_event, allow_recurrent_event: settings.allow_recurrent_event, allow_event_without_end_time: settings.allow_event_without_end_time, enable_moderation: settings.enable_moderation, enable_report: settings.enable_report, allow_multidate_event: settings.allow_multidate_event, allow_online_event: settings.allow_online_event, show_download_media: settings.show_download_media, recurrent_event_visible: settings.recurrent_event_visible, enable_federation: settings.enable_federation, enable_resources: settings.enable_resources, hide_boosts: settings.hide_boosts, enable_trusted_instances: settings.enable_trusted_instances, trusted_instances_label: settings.trusted_instances_label, 'theme.is_dark': settings['theme.is_dark'], dark_colors: settings.dark_colors, light_colors: settings.light_colors, hide_thumbs: settings.hide_thumbs, hide_calendar: settings.hide_calendar, allow_geolocation: settings.allow_geolocation, geocoding_provider_type: settings.geocoding_provider_type, geocoding_provider: settings.geocoding_provider, geocoding_countrycodes: settings.geocoding_countrycodes, tilelayer_provider: settings.tilelayer_provider, tilelayer_provider_attribution: settings.tilelayer_provider_attribution, footerLinks: settings.footerLinks, admin_email: settings.admin_email, about: settings.about, collection_in_home: settings.collection_in_home, custom_js: settings.custom_js, custom_css: settings.custom_css } next() }, serveStatic() { const router = express.Router() // serve images/thumb router.use('/media/', express.static(config.upload_path, { immutable: true, maxAge: '1y' }), (req, res) => res.redirect('/fallbackimage.png') ) router.use('/download/:filename', (req, res) => {, undefined, { root: config.upload_path }, err => { if (err) { // Check if headers have been sent if(res.headersSent) { log.warn(err) } else { res.status(404).send('Not found (but nice try 😊)') } } }) }) router.use('/fallbackimage.png', (req, res, next) => { const fallbackImagePath = settingsController.settings.fallback_image || './static/noimg.svg' return express.static(fallbackImagePath, { maxAge: '10m' })(req, res, next) }) router.use('/headerimage.png', (req, res, next) => { const headerImagePath = settingsController.settings.header_image || './static/noimg.svg' return express.static(headerImagePath, { maxAge: '10m' })(req, res, next) }) router.use('/logo.png', (req, res, next) => { const logoPath = settingsController.settings.logo || './static/gancio' return express.static(logoPath + '.png', { maxAge: '10m' } )(req, res, next) }) router.use('/favicon.ico', (req, res, next) => { const faviconPath = res.locals.settings.logo ? res.locals.settings.logo + '.png' : './assets/favicon.ico' return express.static(faviconPath, { immutable: true, maxAge: '10m' })(req, res, next) }) router.use('/custom_js', (_req, res, next) => { return res.type('application/javascript').send(res.locals.settings?.custom_js ?? '') }) router.use('/custom_css', (_req, res, next) => { return res.type('text/css').send(res.locals.settings?.custom_css ?? '') }) return router }, logRequest(req, _res, next) { log.debug(`${req.method} ${req.path}`) next() }, col(field) { if (config.db.dialect === 'postgres') { return '"' + field.split('.').join('"."') + '"' } else if (config.db.dialect === 'mariadb') { return '`' + field.split('.').join('`.`') + '`' } else { return field } }, async getImageFromURL(url) { log.debug(`getImageFromURL ${url}`) const filename = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex') const sharpStream = sharp({ failOnError: true }) const promises = [ sharpStream.clone().resize(500, null, { withoutEnlargement: true }).jpeg({ effort: 6, mozjpeg: true }).toFile(path.resolve(config.upload_path, 'thumb', filename + '.jpg')), sharpStream.clone().resize(1200, null, { withoutEnlargement: true }).jpeg({ quality: 95, effort: 6, mozjpeg: true }).toFile(path.resolve(config.upload_path, filename + '.jpg')), ] const response = await axios({ method: 'GET', url: encodeURI(url), responseType: 'stream' }) return Promise.all(promises) .then(res => { const info = res[1] return { destination: config.upload_path, filename: filename + '.jpg', path: path.resolve(config.upload_path, filename + '.jpg'), height: info.height, width: info.width, size: info.size, } }) .catch(err => { log.error(err) req.err = err cb(null) }) }, /** * Import events from url * It does supports ICS and H-EVENT */ async importURL(req, res) { const url = req.query.URL try { const response = await axios.get(url, { headers: { Accept: 'text/html, text/calendar'}}) const contentType = response.headers['content-type'] if (contentType.includes('text/html')) { Microformats.get({ html:, filter: ['h-event'] }, (err, data) => { if (err || !data.items.length || !data.items[0].properties) { return res.sendStatus(404) } const events = => { const props = let media = get(props, 'featured[0]') if (media) { media = URL.resolve(url, media) } return { title: get(props, 'name[0]', ''), description: get(props, 'description[0]', ''), place: { name: get(props, 'location[0][0].value', '') || get(props, 'location[0]', '') || get(props, 'location[0]'), address: get(props, 'location[0].properties.street-address[0]') || get(props, 'location[0].properties.street-address') }, start_datetime: dayjs(get(props, 'start[0]', '')).unix(), end_datetime: dayjs(get(props, 'end[0]', '')).unix(), tags: get(props, 'category', []), media: media ? [{ name: get(props, 'name[0]', ''), url: media, focalpoint: [0, 0] }] : [] } }) return res.json(events) }) } else if (contentType.includes('text/calendar')) { const ret = ical.parse( const component = new ical.Component(ret) const events = component.getAllSubcomponents('vevent') return res.json( => { const event = new ical.Event(e) return { title: get(event, 'summary', ''), description: get(event, 'description', ''), place: { name: get(event, 'location', '') }, start_datetime: dayjs(get(event, 'startDate', null)).unix(), end_datetime: dayjs(get(event, 'endDate', null)).unix() } })) } else { log.debug('[IMPORT URL] %s -> Content type not supported %s', url, contentType) return res.status(400).json('Content type not supported') } } catch (e) { log.error('[Import URL]', e) res.status(400).json(e.toString()) } }, /** * Pre-load the data needed to load the first page saving the first 3 API calls from the server (the load goes from 0.8s to 0.2s) */ async initLocals (res) { if (config.status !== 'READY') return const announceController = require('./api/controller/announce') const collectionController = require('./api/controller/collection') const eventController = require('./api/controller/event') const { DateTime } = require('luxon') const show_multidate = res.locals.settings.allow_multidate_event const show_recurrent = res.locals.settings.allow_recurrent_event const collection_in_home = res.locals.settings.collection_in_home const ret = await Promise.allSettled([ announceController._getVisible(), collectionController._getVisible(), collection_in_home ? collectionController._getEvents({ name: collection_in_home, start: DateTime.local().toUnixInteger(), show_recurrent }) : eventController._select({ start: DateTime.local().toUnixInteger(), show_multidate, show_recurrent }) ]) res.locals.announcements = ret[0]?.value res.locals.collections = ret[1]?.value = ret[2]?.value }, getWeekdayN(date, n, weekday) { let cursor if (n === -1) { cursor = date.endOf('month') cursor = cursor.set({ weekday }) if (cursor.month !== date.month) { cursor = cursor.minus({ days: 7 }) } } else { cursor = date.startOf('month') // cursor = cursor.add( <= ? n - 1 : n, 'week') cursor ={ weeks: cursor.weekday <= weekday ? n-1 : n }) cursor = cursor.set({ weekday }) } cursor = cursor.set({ hour: date.hour, minute: date.minute, second: 0 }) log.debug(cursor) return cursor }, async APRedirect(req, res, next) { const eventController = require('../server/api/controller/event') const acceptJson = req.accepts('html', 'application/activity+json', 'application/ld+json', 'application/json') !== 'html' if (acceptJson) { const event = await eventController._get(req.params.slug) if (event) { log.debug('[FEDI] APRedirect for %s', event.title) return res.redirect(`/federation/m/${}`) } log.warn('[FEDI] Accept JSON but event not found: %s', req.params.slug) } next() }, async feedRedirect(req, res, next) { const accepted = req.accepts('html', 'application/rss+xml', 'text/calendar') if (['application/rss+xml', 'text/calendar'].includes(accepted) && (/^\/(tag|place|collection)\/.*/.test(req.path) || req.path === '/')) { return res.redirect((accepted === 'application/rss+xml' ? '/feed/rss' : '/feed/ics') + req.path) } next() }, async reachable(req, res) { try { await axios(config.baseurl + '/api/ping') return res.sendStatus(200) } catch(e) { log.debug(e) return res.sendStatus(400) } }, isGeocodingEnabled(req, res, next) { if (res.locals.settings.allow_geolocation) { next() } else { return res.sendStatus(403) } }, queryParamToBool (value, defaultValue) { if (typeof value === 'undefined') return defaultValue return (String(value).toLowerCase() === 'true') } }