# gancio #### a shared agenda for local communities > :warning: WARNING :warning: > Gancio is under heavy development, if something is not working as expected, it's expected :D Please be patient and open an [issue](/cisti/gancio/issues)! ### Current live instances: - https://gancio.cisti.org - https://lapunta.org ## Installation ##### Install node ```bash # source https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash - apt-get install -y nodejs ``` ##### Install postgres ```bash apt install postgresql ``` ##### Create database ```bash sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# create database gancio; postgres=# create user gancio with encrypted password 'gancio'; postgres=# grant all privileges on database gancio to gancio; ``` ##### Install gancio ```bash npm install --global gancio ``` ##### Create a new user ```bash adduser gancio su gancio ``` ##### Setup & test ```bash gancio --help gancio setup gancio start ``` ### Hacking ``` bash # clone this repo git clone https://git.lattuga.net/cisti/gancio.git cd gancio # install dependencies yarn install # testing with sqlite db yarn dev # build for production and launch server yarn build yarn start ``` Made with :heart: by [underscore hacklab](https://autistici.org/underscore)