2019-11-06 12:48:41 +01:00

223 lines
8.6 KiB

const fetch = require('node-fetch')
// const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const config = require('config')
const httpSignature = require('http-signature')
const debug = require('debug')('federation:helpers')
const { user: User, fed_users: FedUsers, instances: Instances } = require('../api/models')
const url = require('url')
const settingsController = require('../api/controller/settings')
const Helpers = {
// ignore unimplemented ping url from fediverse
spamFilter (req, res, next) {
const urlToIgnore = [
if (urlToIgnore.includes(req.path)) { return res.status(404).send('Not Found') }
async signAndSend (message, user, inbox) {
// get the URI of the actor object and append 'inbox' to it
const inboxUrl = new url.URL(inbox)
// const toPath = toOrigin.path + '/inbox'
// get the private key
const privkey = user.rsa.privateKey
const signer = crypto.createSign('sha256')
const d = new Date()
const stringToSign = `(request-target): post ${inboxUrl.path}\nhost: ${inboxUrl.hostname}\ndate: ${d.toUTCString()}`
debug('Sign and send', user.username, inbox)
const signature = signer.sign(privkey)
const signature_b64 = signature.toString('base64')
const header = `keyId="${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${user.username}",headers="(request-target) host date",signature="${signature_b64}"`
const ret = await fetch(inbox, {
headers: {
'Host': inboxUrl.hostname,
'Date': d.toUTCString(),
'Signature': header,
'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json; charset=utf-8',
'Accept': 'application/activity+json, application/json; chartset=utf-8'
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(message) })
debug('sign %s => %s', ret.status, await ret.text())
async sendEvent (event, user, type = 'Create') {
if (!settingsController.settings.enable_federation) {
debug('event not send, federation disabled')
// event is sent by user that published it and by the admin instance
// collect followers from admin and user
const instanceAdmin = await User.findOne({ where: { email: config.admin_email }, include: { model: FedUsers, as: 'followers' } })
if (!instanceAdmin || !instanceAdmin.username) {
debug('Instance admin not found (there is no user with email => %s)', config.admin_email)
const recipients = {}
instanceAdmin.followers.forEach(follower => {
const sharedInbox = follower.object.endpoints.sharedInbox
if (!recipients[sharedInbox]) { recipients[sharedInbox] = [] }
for (const sharedInbox in recipients) {
debug('Notify %s with event %s (from admin %s) cc => %d', sharedInbox, event.title, instanceAdmin.username, recipients[sharedInbox].length)
const body = {
id: `${config.baseurl}/federation/m/${}#create`,
to: [''],
cc: [`${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${instanceAdmin.username}/followers`, ...recipients[sharedInbox]],
// cc: recipients[sharedInbox],
actor: `${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${instanceAdmin.username}`,
// object: event.toAP(instanceAdmin.username, [`${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${instanceAdmin.username}/followers`, ...recipients[sharedInbox]])
object: event.toAP(instanceAdmin.username, recipients[sharedInbox])
body['@context'] = [
{ Hashtag: 'as:Hashtag' } ]
Helpers.signAndSend(body, instanceAdmin, sharedInbox)
// in case the event is published by the Admin itself do not add user
// if ( === {
// debug('Event published by instance Admin')
// return
// }
// if (!user.settings.enable_federation || !user.username) {
// debug('Federation disabled for user %d (%s)',, user.username)
// return
// }
// debug('Sending to user followers => ', user.username)
// user = await User.findByPk(, { include: { model: FedUsers, as: 'followers' } })
// debug('Sending to user followers => ', user.followers.length)
// recipients = {}
// user.followers.forEach(follower => {
// const sharedInbox = follower.object.endpoints.sharedInbox
// if (!recipients[sharedInbox]) { recipients[sharedInbox] = [] }
// recipients[sharedInbox].push(follower.ap_id)
// })
// for (const sharedInbox in recipients) {
// debug('Notify %s with event %s (from user %s) cc => %d', sharedInbox, event.title, user.username, recipients[sharedInbox].length)
// const body = {
// id: `${config.baseurl}/federation/m/${}#create`,
// type: 'Create',
// to: [''],
// cc: [`${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${user.username}/followers`, ...recipients[sharedInbox]],
// // cc: recipients[sharedInbox],
// actor: `${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${user.username}`,
// // object: event.toAP(user.username, [`${config.baseurl}/federation/u/${user.username}/followers`, ...recipients[sharedInbox]])
// object: event.toAP(user.username, recipients[sharedInbox])
// }
// body['@context'] = ''
// Helpers.signAndSend(body, user, sharedInbox)
// }
async getActor (URL, instance, force = false) {
let fedi_user
// try with cache first
if (!force) {
fedi_user = await FedUsers.findByPk(URL, { include: Instances })
if (fedi_user) {
if (!fedi_user.instances) {
return fedi_user.object
fedi_user = await fetch(URL, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/jrd+json, application/json' } })
.then(res => {
if (!res.ok) {
debug('[ERR] Actor %s => %s', URL, res.statusText)
return false
return res.json()
if (fedi_user) {
await FedUsers.create({ ap_id: URL, object: fedi_user })
return fedi_user
async getInstance (actor_url, force = false) {
actor_url = new url.URL(actor_url)
const domain =
const instance_url = `${actor_url.protocol}//${}`
debug('getInstance %s', domain)
let instance
if (!force) {
instance = await Instances.findByPk(domain)
if (instance) { return instance }
instance = await fetch(`${instance_url}/api/v1/instance`, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } })
.then(res => res.json())
.then(instance => {
const data = {
stats: instance.stats,
thumbnail: instance.thumbnail
return Instances.create({ name: instance.title, domain, data, blocked: false })
.catch(e => {
return false
return instance
// ref:
async verifySignature (req, res, next) {
const instance = await Helpers.getInstance(
if (!instance) { return res.status(401).send('Instance not found') }
if (instance.blocked) {
debug('Instance %s blocked', instance.domain)
return res.status(401).send('Instance blocked')
let user = await Helpers.getActor(, instance)
if (!user) { return res.status(401).send('Actor not found') }
// little hack ->
req.headers.authorization = 'Signature ' + req.headers.signature
req.fedi_user = user
// another little hack :/
req.url = '/federation' + req.url
const parsed = httpSignature.parseRequest(req)
if (httpSignature.verifySignature(parsed, user.publicKey.publicKeyPem)) { return next() }
// signature not valid, try without cache
user = await Helpers.getActor(, instance, true)
if (!user) { return res.status(401).send('Actor not found') }
if (httpSignature.verifySignature(parsed, user.publicKey.publicKeyPem)) { return next() }
// still not valid
debug('Invalid signature from user %s',
res.send('Request signature could not be verified', 401)
module.exports = Helpers