2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
export default {
common : {
add _event : 'Add event' ,
next : 'Next' ,
export : 'Export' ,
send : 'Send' ,
where : 'Where' ,
address : 'Address' ,
when : 'When' ,
what : 'What' ,
media : 'Media' ,
login : 'Login' ,
email : 'Email' ,
password : 'Password' ,
register : 'Register' ,
description : 'Description' ,
remove : 'Remove' ,
hide : 'Hide' ,
search : 'Search' ,
edit : 'Edit' ,
info : 'Info' ,
confirm : 'Confirm' ,
admin : 'Admin' ,
users : 'Users' ,
events : 'Events' ,
places : 'Places' ,
settings : 'Options' ,
actions : 'Actions' ,
deactivate : 'Disable' ,
remove _admin : 'Remove admin' ,
activate : 'Activate' ,
save : 'Save' ,
preview : 'Preview' ,
logout : 'Logout' ,
share : 'Share' ,
name : 'Name' ,
associate : 'Associate' ,
edit _event : 'Edit event' ,
related : 'Related' ,
add : 'Add' ,
logout _ok : 'Logged out' ,
copy : 'Copy' ,
recover _password : 'Recover password' ,
new _password : 'New password' ,
new _user : 'New user' ,
ok : 'Ok' ,
cancel : 'Cancel' ,
enable : 'Enable' ,
disable : 'Disable' ,
me : 'You' ,
2019-08-02 13:43:28 +02:00
password _updated : 'Password updated!' ,
username : 'Username' ,
comments : 'Comments'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
login : {
description : ` By logging in you can publish new events. ` ,
check _email : 'Check your mailbox (spam too)' ,
not _registered : 'Aren\'t registered' ,
forgot _password : 'Forgot the password?' ,
error : 'Error: ' ,
insert _email : 'Insert your email' ,
ok : 'Logged in'
} ,
recover : {
not _valid _code : 'Something goes wrong...'
} ,
export : {
2019-07-27 13:05:02 +02:00
intro : ` ` ,
email _description : ` ` ,
insert _your _address : 'Insert your email address.' ,
feed _description : `
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
To follow updates from a computer or smartphone without the need to periodically open this site , the recommended method is RSS Feeds . < / p >
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
< p > With rss feeds you use a special app to receive updates from the sites that interest you most . It ' s a good way to follow many sites very quickly , without the need to create an account or other complications . < / p >
< li > If you have Android , we recommend < a href = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.frju.flym" > Flym < / a > o r F e e d e r < / l i >
< li > For iPhone / iPad you can use < a href = "https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/feeds4u/id1038456442?mt=8" > Feed4U < / a > < / l i >
< li > For the desktop / laptop we recommend Feedbro , to be installed in < a href = "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/feedbroreader/" > Firefox < /a> or <a href="https:/ / chrome . google . com / webstore / detail / feedbro / mefgmmbdailogpfhfblcnnjfmnpnmdfa " > Chrome < / a > a n d c o m p a t i b l e w i t h a l l m a j o r o p e r a t i n g s y s t e m s . < / l i >
< br / >
Adding this link to your feed reader will keep you up to date . ` ,
ical _description : ` Computers and smartphones are commonly equipped with an application to manage a calendar. These programs can usually be used to import a remote calendar. ` ,
list _description : ` If you have a website and want to show a list of events, you can use the following code `
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
register : {
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
description : `
Social movements need to organize and self - finance . < br / > This is a gift for you , use it only for non - commercial and obviously anti - fascist , anti - sexist , anti - racist events .
< br / > Before you can publish < strong > we must approve the account < / s t r o n g > , c o n s i d e r t h a t < s t r o n g > b e h i n d t h i s s i t e t h e r e a r e p e o p l e < / s t r o n g > o f
flesh and blood , so write us two lines to let us know what events you would like to publish . ` ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
error : 'Error: ' ,
complete : 'Registration has to be confirmed.'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
event : {
2019-07-27 13:05:02 +02:00
anon : 'Anon' ,
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
anon _description : ` You can add an event without registering or logging in, but in this case you will have to wait for someone to read it
confirming that it is an event suitable for this space , delegating this choice . Furthermore it will not be possible to modify it . < br / > < br / >
You can instead < a href = '/login' > log in < / a > o r < a h r e f = ' / r e g i s t e r ' > r e g i s t e r < / a > , o t h e r w i s e g o a h e a d a n d g e t a n a n s w e r a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e . ` ,
same _day : 'on same day' ,
what _description : 'Title' ,
2019-07-27 13:05:02 +02:00
description _description : 'Description' ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
tag _description : 'Tag' ,
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
media _description : 'You can add flyer (optional)' ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
added : 'Event added' ,
added _anon : 'Event added but has to be confirmed.' ,
where _description : ` Where's the event? If not present, write it and <b>press enter</b>. ` ,
confirmed : 'Event confirmed' ,
not _found : 'Event not found' ,
remove _confirmation : ` Are you sure to remove this event? ` ,
recurrent : ` Recurrent ` ,
recurrent _description : 'Choose the frequency and select the days' ,
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
multidate _description : 'It\'s a festival? Choose when it starts and when it ends' ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
multidate : 'More days' ,
normal : 'Normal' ,
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
each _week : 'Each week' ,
each _2w : 'Each two weeks' ,
each _month : 'Each month' ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
normal _description : 'Choose the day.' ,
recurrent _1w _days : 'Each {days}' ,
recurrent _2w _days : 'A {days} each two' ,
recurrent _1m _days : '|The {days} of each month|{days} of each month' ,
recurrent _2m _days : '|The {days} a month each two|The {days} a month each two' ,
recurrent _1m _ordinal : 'The {n} {days} of each month' ,
recurrent _2m _ordinal : '|The {n} {days} a month each two|The {n} {days} a month each two' ,
due : 'due' ,
from : 'From' ,
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
image _too _big : 'Too big image! Max 4M' ,
2019-08-02 13:43:28 +02:00
interact _with _me _at : 'Interact with me on fediverse at'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
admin : {
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
place _description : ` In the event that a place is incorrect or change address, you can change it. <br/> Consider that all events associated with this place will change address (even past ones!) ` ,
event _confirm _description : 'You can confirm here the events entered by anonymous users' ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
delete _user : 'Remove' ,
remove _admin : 'Remove admin' ,
delete _user _confirm : 'Are you sure to remove this user?' ,
user _remove _ok : 'User removed' ,
user _create _ok : 'User created' ,
2019-09-11 19:12:24 +02:00
allow _registration _description : 'Allow open registrations?' ,
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
allow _anon _event : 'Allow anon events (has to be confirmed)?' ,
allow _recurrent _event : 'Enable recurrent events' ,
recurrent _event _visible : 'Show recurrent events by default' ,
federation : 'Federation / ActivityPub' ,
enable _federation : 'Enable federation'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
auth : {
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
not _confirmed : 'Not confirmed yet' ,
fail : 'Auth failed!. Are you sure password is correct?'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
settings : {
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
change _password : 'Modify your password' ,
password _updated : 'Password updated' ,
danger _section : 'Dangerous section' ,
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
remove _account : 'By pressing the following button your user will be deleted. The events you published instead no.' ,
2019-09-11 19:12:24 +02:00
remove _account _confirm : 'You are about to permanently delete your account'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
2019-09-05 13:31:14 +02:00
error : {
nick _taken : 'This nickname is already used' ,
2019-09-11 19:12:24 +02:00
email _taken : 'This email is already used'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
ordinal : {
2019-07-30 18:32:26 +02:00
1 : 'first' ,
2 : 'second' ,
3 : 'third' ,
4 : 'fourth' ,
5 : 'fifth' ,
2019-09-11 19:12:24 +02:00
[ - 1 ] : 'last'
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
} ,
about : `
2019-08-07 19:15:15 +02:00
< p > < a href = 'https://gancio.org' > Gancio < / a > i s a s h a r e d a g e n d a f o r l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s . < / p >
2019-07-27 01:51:19 +02:00
2019-09-11 19:12:24 +02:00