minor on recurrent events

This commit is contained in:
les 2020-02-10 01:12:49 +01:00
parent 3d83c8e1a0
commit a52ca3c3d5
4 changed files with 33 additions and 105 deletions

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ div
div(v-if='event.is_visible' @click='toggle(false)') <i class='el-icon-open'/> {{$t('common.hide')}}
div(v-else @click='toggle(false)') <i class='el-icon-turn-off'/> {{$t('common.confirm')}}
el-menu-item(@click='$router.replace(`/add/${event.id}`)') <i class='el-icon-edit'/> {{$t('common.edit')}}
el-menu-item(v-if='!event.parentId' @click='remove(false)') <i class='el-icon-delete'/> {{$t('common.remove')}}
el-menu-item(@click='remove(false)') <i class='el-icon-delete'/> {{$t('common.remove')}}
el-divider {{$t('event.recurrent')}}
el-menu-item(v-if='event.parent.is_visible' @click='toggle(true)') <i class='el-icon-video-pause'/> {{$t('common.pause')}}
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export default {
async remove (parent = false) {
try {
await MessageBox.confirm(this.$t('event.remove_confirmation'), this.$t('common.confirm'), {
await MessageBox.confirm(this.$t(`event.remove_${parent ? 'recurrent_' : ''}confirmation`), this.$t('common.confirm'), {
confirmButtonText: this.$t('common.ok'),
cancelButtonText: this.$t('common.cancel'),
type: 'error'

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
<template lang='pug'>
p(v-html="$t('event.follow_me_description', { title: settings.title, account: `@${settings.instance_name}@${domain}`})")
el-input(v-model='instance_hostname' ref='instance')
a(slot='append' :href='link' target='_blank')
el-button(:disabled='(!couldGo || !proceed)' plain type="primary" icon='el-icon-document') {{$t("common.follow")}}
p.mt-2 <img class='instance_thumb' :src="instance.thumbnail"/> {{instance.title}}
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
import url from 'url'
export default {
name: 'EmbedEvent',
data () {
return {
instance_hostname: '',
proceed: false,
instance: {},
get_instance_info: debounce(this.getInstanceInfo, 500)
computed: {
domain () {
const URL = url.parse(this.settings.baseurl)
return URL.hostname
couldGo () {
// check if is mastodon
return true
link () {
// check if exists
return `https://${this.instance_hostname}/authorize_interaction?uri=${this.settings.instance_name}@${this.domain}`
methods: {
getInstanceInfo () {
const instance_url = `https://${this.instance_hostname}/api/v1/instance`
.then(ret => {
this.instance = ret
this.proceed = true
.catch(e => {
this.proceed = false
<style lang="less">
.instance_thumb {
height: 20px;

View file

@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ export default ({ app, store }) => {
const normal = `${start.format('dddd, D MMMM (HH:mm-')}${end.format('HH:mm) ')}`
// recurrent event
if (event.recurrent && where !== 'home') {
const { frequency, days, type } = event.recurrent
if (event.parent && where !== 'home') {
const { frequency, days, type } = event.parent.recurrent
if (frequency === '1w' || frequency === '2w') {
const recurrent = app.i18n.tc(`event.recurrent_${frequency}_days`, days.length, { days: days.map(d => moment().day(d - 1).format('dddd')) })
const recurrent = app.i18n.tc(`event.recurrent_${frequency}_days`, days.length, { days: days.map(d => moment().day(d).format('dddd')) })
return `${normal} - ${recurrent}`
} else if (frequency === '1m' || frequency === '2m') {
const d = type === 'ordinal' ? days : days.map(d => moment().day(d - 1).format('dddd'))

View file

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ const eventController = {
required: false,
attributes: ['id', 'activitypub_id', 'data', 'hidden']
{ model: Event, required: false, as: 'parent' }
{ model: Event, required: false, as: 'parent', attributes: ['id', 'recurrent'] }
order: [[Resource, 'id', 'DESC']]
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ const eventController = {
return res.sendStatus(400)
if (event && (event.is_visible || is_admin)) {
event = event.toJSON()
event = event.get()
event.tags = event.tags.map(t => t.tag)
if (format === 'json') {
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ const eventController = {
// send notification (mastodon/email)
// only if user is authenticated
if (req.user) {
if (req.user && !event.recurrent) {
const notifier = require('../../notifier')
notifier.notifyEvent('Create', event.id)
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ const eventController = {
attributes: {
exclude: ['slug', 'likes', 'boost', 'userId', 'is_visible', 'description', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'placeId']
exclude: ['slug', 'likes', 'boost', 'userId', 'is_visible', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'placeId']
// include: [[Sequelize.fn('COUNT', Sequelize.col('activitypub_id')), 'ressources']]
order: ['start_datetime', [Tag, 'weigth', 'DESC']],
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ const eventController = {
return _(events).map(e => {
return events.map(e => {
e = e.get()
e.tags = e.tags ? e.tags.map(t => t && t.tag) : []
return e
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ const eventController = {
* Ensure we have at least 3 instances of recurrent events
* Ensure we have the next instances of recurrent events
_createRecurrentOccurrence (e) {
const event = {
@ -398,15 +398,14 @@ const eventController = {
title: e.title,
description: e.description,
image_path: e.image_path,
is_visible: e.is_visible,
is_visible: true,
userId: e.userId,
placeId: e.placeId
const recurrent = e.recurrent
let left = 3 - e.child.length
const start = e.child.length ? moment.unix(e.child[e.child.length - 1].start_datetime) : moment()
let cursor = start.startOf('week')
const cursor = moment()
// let cursor = start.startOf('week')
const start_date = moment.unix(e.start_datetime)
const duration = moment.unix(e.end_datetime).diff(start_date, 's')
const frequency = recurrent.frequency
@ -418,7 +417,7 @@ const eventController = {
// each week or 2 (search for the first specified day)
if (frequency === '1w' || frequency === '2w') {
cursor.add(days[0] - 1, 'day')
// cursor.add(days[0] - 1, 'day')
if (frequency === '2w') {
const nWeeks = cursor.diff(e.start_datetime, 'w') % 2
if (!nWeeks) { cursor.add(1, 'week') }
@ -442,45 +441,36 @@ const eventController = {
// add event at specified frequency
while (true) {
if (!left) { break }
left -= 1
const first_event_of_week = cursor.clone()
days.forEach(d => {
if (type === 'ordinal') {
} else {
cursor.day(d - 1)
event.start_datetime = cursor.unix()
event.end_datetime = event.start_datetime + duration
cursor.set('hour', start_date.hour()).set('minute', start_date.minutes())
cursor = first_event_of_week.add(toAdd.n, toAdd.unit)
// const first_event_of_week = cursor.clone()
days.forEach(d => {
if (type === 'ordinal') {
} else {
cursor.day(d - 1)
event.start_datetime = cursor.unix()
event.end_datetime = event.start_datetime + duration
cursor.set('hour', start_date.hour()).set('minute', start_date.minutes())
// cursor = first_event_of_week.add(toAdd.n, toAdd.unit)
* Create instances of recurrent events
* Remove old
* @param {*} start_datetime
* @param {Number} start_datetime
async _createRecurrent (start_datetime = moment().unix()) {
// select recurrent events
const events = await Event.findAll({
where: { is_visible: true, recurrent: { [Op.ne]: null } },
include: [{ model: Event, as: 'child', required: false, where: { start_datetime: { [Op.gt]: start_datetime } } }],
include: [{ model: Event, as: 'child', required: false, where: { start_datetime: { [Op.gte]: start_datetime } } }],
order: ['start_datetime']
const creations = []
.filter(e => e.child && e.child.length < 3)
.forEach(e => {
const creations = events
.filter(e => e.child.length === 0)
return Promise.all(creations)