Merge branch 'doc'

This commit is contained in:
lesion 2019-07-17 00:43:57 +02:00
commit ac93505721
26 changed files with 739 additions and 120 deletions

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
el-popover( el-popover(
placement="bottom" placement="bottom"
trigger="click") trigger="click")
Search(past-filter) Search(past-filter recurrent-filter)
el-menu-item(slot='reference' :title="$t('')" icon='el-share-button') el-menu-item(slot='reference' :title="$t('')" icon='el-share-button')
v-icon(color='lightblue' name='search') v-icon(color='lightblue' name='search')
el-badge(v-if='filters.tags.length+filters.places.length>0' is-dot type='warning') el-badge(v-if='filters.tags.length+filters.places.length>0' is-dot type='warning')

View file

@ -8,7 +8,14 @@
//- ) //- )
v-if='pastFilter' v-if='pastFilter'
inactive-text='futuri' inactive-text=''
active-text='anche appuntamenti fissi'
inactive-text='solo futuri'
active-text='anche passati' active-text='anche passati'
inactive-color='lightgreen' inactive-color='lightgreen'
v-model='showPast' v-model='showPast'
@ -33,24 +40,25 @@ export default {
}, },
name :'Search', name :'Search',
props: { props: {
pastFilter: Boolean pastFilter: Boolean,
recurrentFilter: Boolean
}, },
methods: mapActions(['setSearchPlaces', 'setSearchTags', 'showPastEvents']), methods: mapActions(['setSearchPlaces', 'setSearchTags', 'showPastEvents', 'showRecurrentEvents']),
computed: { computed: {
...mapState(['tags', 'places', 'filters', 'show_past_events']), ...mapState(['tags', 'places', 'filters']),
// TOFIX: optimize // TOFIX: optimize
keywords () { keywords () {
const tags = t => ({ value: 't' + t.tag, label: t.tag, weigth: t.weigth })) const tags = t => ({ value: 't' + t.tag, label: t.tag, weigth: t.weigth }))
const places = p => ({ value: 'p' +, label:, weigth: p.weigth })) const places = p => ({ value: 'p' +, label:, weigth: p.weigth }))
return tags.concat(places).sort((a, b) => b.weigth-a.weigth) return tags.concat(places).sort((a, b) => b.weigth-a.weigth)
}, },
showPast : { showPast: {
set (value) { set (value) { this.showPastEvents(value) },
this.showPastEvents(value) get () { return this.filters.show_past_events }
}, },
get () { showRecurrent: {
return this.filters.show_past_events set (value) { this.showRecurrentEvents(value) },
} get () { return this.filters.show_recurrent_events }
}, },
filter: { filter: {
set (filters) { set (filters) {

docs/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

docs/404.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
layout: default
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.container {
margin: 10px auto;
max-width: 600px;
text-align: center;
h1 {
margin: 30px 0;
font-size: 4em;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: -1px;
<div class="container">
<p><strong>Page not found :(</strong></p>
<p>The requested page could not be found.</p>

docs/Gemfile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
source ""
# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
# bundle exec jekyll serve
# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
# Happy Jekylling!
gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.6"
# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like.
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gem "just-the-docs"
gem "jemoji"
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# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
# gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"
# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
# and associated library.
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gem "tzinfo-data"
# Performance-booster for watching directories on Windows
gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.0", :install_if => Gem.win_platform?

docs/Gemfile.lock Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
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sass-listen (4.0.0)
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jekyll-feed (~> 0.6)
tzinfo (~> 1.2)
wdm (~> 0.1.0)

docs/_config.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: Gancio
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
A shared agenda for local communities
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
#twitter_username: jekyllrb
#github_username: jekyll
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
theme: "just-the-docs"
- jekyll-feed
- jemoji
search_enabled: true
#Exclude from processing.
# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
# to override the default setting.
# exclude:
# - Gemfile
# - Gemfile.lock
# - node_modules
# - vendor/bundle/
# - vendor/cache/
# - vendor/gems/
# - vendor/ruby/

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
layout: default
title: Admin
permalink: /admin
nav_order: 5
# Admin
{: .no_toc }
1. TOC
## Basics
## Enable registration
## Confirm registration
## Confirm event

docs/assets/favicon.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.2 KiB

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
layout: default
title: Contribute
permalink: /contribute
nav_order: 6
# Contribute
{: .no_toc }
1. TOC
## Code
## Translate
## Design
## Documentation
## Share

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
layout: default
title: Develop
permalink: /dev
nav_order: 5
### Development Stack
**Gancio** is built with following technologies:
- [Nuxt.js](
- Vue.js
- Express
- Sequelize
- Element.ui
### Testing on your own machine
2. Download source
git clone
3. Install dependencies
4. Hacking
yarn dev

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
layout: default
title: Home
nav_order: 1
description: "Gancio is a shared agenda for local communities."
permalink: /
# <img src='' width="60px"/> Gancio
{: .fs-9 }
A shared agenda for local communities.
{: .fs-6 }
[Get started now](/setup){: .btn .btn-primary .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 .mr-2 } [Demo]({: .btn .btn-green .fs-5 .mb-4 .mb-md-0 }
[Source]({: .btn .fs-5 }
<iframe width="800" height="500" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
### About the project
Gancio is made with :heart: by [hacklab underscore](
### License
Gancio is distributed by an [AGPL-3.0 Licence](

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
layout: default
title: Settings
permalink: /settings
nav_order: 3
# Settings
{: .no_toc }
1. TOC
## Default settings
"title": "Gancio",
"description": "A shared agenda for local communities",
"baseurl": "http://localhost:13120",
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": 13120
"db": {
"dialect": "sqlite",
"storage": "/tmp/db.sqlite"
"upload_path": "./",
"smtp": {
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": ""
"secure": true,
"host": ""
"admin": {
"email": "",
"password": ""
"secret": "notsosecret"

docs/setup/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
layout: default
title: Classic
permalink: /setup/classic
parent: Setup
## Classic setup
1. Install Node.js
curl -sL | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
2. Install Gancio
npm install --global gancio
3. Setup
gancio setup
4. Start
gancio start
5. Enjoy :tada:
Point your web browser to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)

docs/setup/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
layout: default
title: Docker
permalink: /setup/docker
parent: Setup
## Install with docker

docs/setup/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: default
title: Setup
permalink: /setup
has_children: true
nav_order: 2
# Setup
You would setup **Gancio** for different scenario
{: .fs-6 }

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
layout: default
title: Usage
permalink: /usage
nav_order: 4
# Usage
## Add event
### Normal
### Multidate
### Recurrent

View file

@ -103,10 +103,7 @@ const it = {
tratta di un evento adatto a questo spazio, delegando questa scelta. Inoltre non sarà possibile modificarlo.<br/><br/> tratta di un evento adatto a questo spazio, delegando questa scelta. Inoltre non sarà possibile modificarlo.<br/><br/>
Puoi invece fare il <a href='/login'>login</a> o <a href='/registrarti'>registrarti</a>, Puoi invece fare il <a href='/login'>login</a> o <a href='/registrarti'>registrarti</a>,
altrimenti vai avanti e riceverai una risposta il prima possibile. `, altrimenti vai avanti e riceverai una risposta il prima possibile. `,
multidate_description: 'tanti giorni', same_day: 'Stesso giorno',
date_description: `Quand'è il gancio?`,
dates_description: 'Che giorni?',
same_day: 'stesso giorno',
what_description: 'Nome evento', what_description: 'Nome evento',
description_description: 'Descrizione, dajene di copia/incolla', description_description: 'Descrizione, dajene di copia/incolla',
tag_description: 'Tag...', tag_description: 'Tag...',
@ -118,7 +115,21 @@ const it = {
where_description: `Dov'è il gancio? Se il posto non è presente, scrivilo e <b>premi invio</b>. `, where_description: `Dov'è il gancio? Se il posto non è presente, scrivilo e <b>premi invio</b>. `,
confirmed: 'Evento confermato', confirmed: 'Evento confermato',
not_found: 'Evento non trovato', not_found: 'Evento non trovato',
remove_confirmation: `Sicura di voler eliminare questo evento?` remove_confirmation: `Sicura di voler eliminare questo evento?`,
recurrent: `Ricorrente`,
recurrent_description: 'Scegli la frequenza e seleziona i giorni',
multidate_description: 'Un festival o una tre giorni? Scegli quando comincia e quando finisce.',
multidate: 'Più giorni',
normal: 'Normale',
normal_description: 'Scegli il giorno.',
recurrent_1w_days: 'Ogni {days}',
recurrent_2w_days: 'Un {days} ogni due',
recurrent_1m_days: '|Il giorno {days} di ogni mese|I giorni {days} di ogni mese',
recurrent_2m_days: '|Il giorno {days} ogni due mesi|I giorni {days} ogni due mesi',
recurrent_1m_ordinal: 'Il {n} {days} di ogni mese',
recurrent_2m_ordinal: 'Il {n} {days} un mese sì e uno no',
due: 'alle',
from: 'Dalle'
}, },
admin: { admin: {
@ -132,7 +143,9 @@ const it = {
user_remove_ok: 'Utente eliminato', user_remove_ok: 'Utente eliminato',
user_create_ok: 'Utente creato', user_create_ok: 'Utente creato',
allow_registration_description : 'Vuoi abilitare la registrazione?', allow_registration_description : 'Vuoi abilitare la registrazione?',
allow_anon_event: 'Si possono inserire eventi anonimi (previa conferma)?' allow_anon_event: 'Si possono inserire eventi anonimi (previa conferma)?',
allow_comments: 'Abilita commenti',
allow_recurrent_event: 'Abilita eventi ricorrenti'
}, },
auth: { auth: {
@ -152,6 +165,15 @@ const it = {
register_error: 'Errore nella registrazione' register_error: 'Errore nella registrazione'
}, },
ordinal: {
1: 'primo',
2: 'secondo',
3: 'terzo',
4: 'quarto',
5: 'quinto',
[-1]: 'ultimo',
about: ` about: `
<p> <p>
Gancio e' un progetto dell'<a href=''>underscore hacklab</a> e uno dei Gancio e' un progetto dell'<a href=''>underscore hacklab</a> e uno dei

View file

@ -14,6 +14,23 @@
p(v-html="$t('event.anon_description')") p(v-html="$t('event.anon_description')")
el-button.float-right(@click='next' :disabled='!couldProceed') {{$t('')}} el-button.float-right(@click='next' :disabled='!couldProceed') {{$t('')}}
//- WHAT
span(slot='label') {{$t('common.what')}} <v-icon name='file-alt'/>
span {{$t('event.what_description')}}
el-input.mb-3(v-model='event.title' ref='title')
span {{$t('event.description_description')}}
el-input.mb-3(v-model='event.description' type='textarea' :rows='9')
span {{$t('event.tag_description')}}
el-select(v-model='event.tags' multiple filterable allow-create
default-first-option placeholder='Tag')
el-option(v-for='tag in tags' :key='tag'
:label='tag' :value='tag')
el-button.float-right(@click.native='next' :disabled='!couldProceed') {{$t('')}}
el-tab-pane el-tab-pane
span(slot='label') <v-icon name='map-marker-alt'/> {{$t('common.where')}} span(slot='label') <v-icon name='map-marker-alt'/> {{$t('common.where')}}
@ -34,49 +51,49 @@
//- WHEN //- WHEN
el-tab-pane el-tab-pane
span(slot='label') {{$t('common.when')}} <v-icon name='clock'/> span(slot='label') {{$t('common.when')}} <v-icon name='clock'/>
span {{event.multidate ? $t('event.dates_description') : $t('event.date_description')}}
el-switch.float-right(v-model='event.multidate' :active-text="$t('event.multidate_description')")
//- el-switch.float-right(v-model='event.recurrent' :active-text="$t('event.recurrent_description')")
v-date-picker.mb-3( .text-center
:mode='event.multidate ? "range" : "single"' el-radio-group(v-model="event.type")
el-radio-button(label="normal") <v-icon name='calendar-day'/> {{$t('event.normal')}}
el-radio-button(label="multidate") <v-icon name='calendar-week'/> {{$t('event.multidate')}}
el-radio-button(label="recurrent") <v-icon name='calendar-alt'/> {{$t('event.recurrent')}}
span {{$t(`event.${event.type}_description`)}}'event.type==="recurrent"' v-model='event.rec_frequency' placeholder='Frequenza')
el-option(label='Tutti i giorni' value='1d' key='1d')
el-option(label='Ogni settimana' value='1w' key='1w')
el-option(label='Ogni due settimane' value='2w' key='2w')
el-option(label='Ogni mese' value='1m' key='1m')
el-option(label='Ogni due mesi' value='2m' key='2m')
:mode='event.type === "multidate" ? "range" : event.type === "recurrent" ? "multiple" : "single"'
:attributes='attributes' :attributes='attributes'
v-model='date' v-model='date'
:locale='$i18n.locale' :locale='$i18n.locale'
:from-page.sync='page' :from-page.sync='page'
is-inline is-inline
is-expanded is-expanded
:min-date='new Date()' :min-date='event.type !== "recurrent" && new Date()'
) )
el-row div.text-center.mb-2(v-if='event.type === "recurrent"')
el-col(:span='12') span(v-if='event.rec_frequency !== "1m" && event.rec_frequency !== "2m"') {{whenPatterns}}
div {{$t('event.time_start_description')}} el-radio-group(v-else v-model='event.rec_detail')
el-time-select.mb-3(ref='time_start' el-radio-button(v-for='whenPattern in whenPatterns' :label='whenPattern.label' :key='whenPatterns.key')
span {{whenPattern.label}}
v-model="time.start" v-model="time.start"
:picker-options="{ start: '00:00', step: '00:30', end: '24:00'}") :picker-options="{ start: '00:00', step: '00:30', end: '24:00'}")
div {{$t('event.time_end_description')}} el-form-item(:label="$t('event.due')")
el-time-select(v-model='time.end' el-time-select(v-model='time.end'
:picker-options="{start: '00:00', step: '00:30', end: '24:00'}") :picker-options="{start: '00:00', step: '00:30', end: '24:00'}")
List(:events='todayEvents' :title='$t("event.same_day")')
el-button.float-right(@click='next' :disabled='!couldProceed') {{$t('')}}
//- WHAT List(v-if='event.type==="normal"' :events='todayEvents' :title='$t("event.same_day")')
el-tab-pane el-button.float-right(@click='next' type='succes' :disabled='!couldProceed') {{$t('')}}
span(slot='label') {{$t('common.what')}} <v-icon name='file-alt'/>
span {{$t('event.what_description')}}
el-input.mb-3(v-model='event.title' ref='title')
span {{$t('event.description_description')}}
el-input.mb-3(v-model='event.description' type='textarea' :rows='9')
span {{$t('event.tag_description')}}
el-select(v-model='event.tags' multiple filterable allow-create
default-first-option placeholder='Tag')
el-option(v-for='tag in tags' :key='tag'
:label='tag' :value='tag')
el-button.float-right(@click.native='next' :disabled='!couldProceed') {{$t('')}}
el-tab-pane el-tab-pane
span(slot='label') {{$t('')}} <v-icon name='image'/> span(slot='label') {{$t('')}} <v-icon name='image'/>
@ -96,6 +113,8 @@
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import { mapActions, mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex' import { mapActions, mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import uniq from 'lodash/uniq'
import map from 'lodash/map'
import moment from 'dayjs' import moment from 'dayjs'
import List from '@/components/List' import List from '@/components/List'
import { Message } from 'element-ui' import { Message } from 'element-ui'
@ -111,10 +130,15 @@ export default {
const year = moment().year() const year = moment().year()
return { return {
event: { event: {
type: 'normal',
place: { name: '', address: '' }, place: { name: '', address: '' },
title: '', description: '', tags: [], title: '', description: '', tags: [],
multidate: false, multidate: false,
image: false image: false,
recurrent: false,
rec_frequency: '1w',
rec_when: null,
rec_ordinal: false,
}, },
page: { month, year}, page: { month, year},
fileList: [], fileList: [],
@ -129,6 +153,7 @@ export default {
name: 'newEvent', name: 'newEvent',
watch: { watch: {
'time.start' (value) { 'time.start' (value) {
if (!value) return
let [h, m] = value.split(':') let [h, m] = value.split(':')
this.time.end = (Number(h)+1) + ':' + m this.time.end = (Number(h)+1) + ':' + m
}, },
@ -186,8 +211,27 @@ export default {
places_name: state => => ).sort((a, b) => b.weigth-a.weigth), places_name: state => => ).sort((a, b) => b.weigth-a.weigth),
places: state => state.places, places: state => state.places,
user: state => state.user, user: state => state.user,
events: state => events: state =>,
}), }),
whenPatterns () {
const dates =
if (!dates || !dates.length) return
const freq = this.event.rec_frequency
const weekDays = uniq(map(dates, date => moment(date).format('dddd')))
if (freq === '1w' || freq === '2w') {
return this.$t(`event.recurrent_${freq}_days`, {days: weekDays.join(', ')})
if (freq === '1m' || freq === '2m') {
const days = uniq(map(dates, date => moment(date).date()))
const n = Math.floor((days[0]-1)/7)+1
return [
{ label: this.$tc(`event.recurrent_${freq}_days`, days.length, {days}) },
{ label: this.$tc(`event.recurrent_${freq}_ordinal`, days.length, {n: this.$t(`ordinal.${n}`), days: weekDays.join(', ')}) }
todayEvents () { todayEvents () {
if (this.event.multidate) { if (this.event.multidate) {
if (! || ! return if (! || ! return
@ -222,6 +266,29 @@ export default {
.filter(e => e.multidate) .filter(e => e.multidate)
.map( e => ({ key:, highlight: {}, dates: { .map( e => ({ key:, highlight: {}, dates: {
start: new Date(e.start_datetime*1000), end: new Date(e.end_datetime*1000) }}))) start: new Date(e.start_datetime*1000), end: new Date(e.end_datetime*1000) }})))
if (this.event.type==='recurrent' && this.event.rec_frequency && Array.isArray( {
const recurrent = {}
if (this.event.rec_frequency === '1w') {
recurrent.weekdays = => moment(d).day()+1)
recurrent.weeklyInterval = 1
if (this.event.rec_frequency === '2w') {
recurrent.weekdays = => moment(d).day()+1)
recurrent.weeklyInterval = 2
recurrent.start = new Date([0])
if (this.event.rec_frequency === '1m') {
// recurrent.weeks = 1
// recurrent.ordinalWeekdays = { 1: => moment(d).day()+1) }
recurrent.days = => moment(d).date())
recurrent.monthlyInterval = 1
recurrent.start = new Date([0])
if (this.event.rec_frequency === '2m') {
attributes.push({name: 'recurrent', dates: recurrent, dot: { color: 'red'}})
return attributes return attributes
}, },
disableAddress () { disableAddress () {
@ -233,12 +300,12 @@ export default {
case 0+t: case 0+t:
return true return true
case 1+t: case 1+t:
return this.event.title.length>0
case 2+t:
return>0 && return>0 &&>0>0
case 2+t:
if ( && this.time.start) return true
case 3+t: case 3+t:
return this.event.title.length>0 if ( && this.time.start) return true
case 4+t: case 4+t:
return>0 && return>0 &&>0 &&>0 &&
@ -302,6 +369,16 @@ export default {
formData.append('multidate', this.event.multidate) formData.append('multidate', this.event.multidate)
formData.append('start_datetime', start_datetime.unix()) formData.append('start_datetime', start_datetime.unix())
formData.append('end_datetime', end_datetime.unix()) formData.append('end_datetime', end_datetime.unix())
if (this.event.type === 'recurrent') {
const recurrent = {
frequency: this.rec_frequency,
days: this.rec_when,
ordinal: this.rec_ordinal,
formData.append('recurrent', JSON.stringify(recurrent))
if (this.edit) { if (this.edit) {
formData.append('id', formData.append('id',
} }

View file

@ -89,20 +89,28 @@
v-icon(name='cog') v-icon(name='cog')
span {{$t('common.settings')}} span {{$t('common.settings')}}
el-form(inline @submit.native.prevent='associate_mastondon_instance' label-width='140px') el-form(inline label-width="400px")
//- allow open registration
el-switch(name='reg' v-model='allow_registration')
//- allow anon event
el-divider {{$t('admin.federation')}}
el-form(inline @submit.native.prevent='associate_mastondon_instance' label-width='240px')
p {{$t('admin.mastodon_description')}} p {{$t('admin.mastodon_description')}}
el-form-item(:label='$t("admin.mastodon_instance")') el-form-item(:label='$t("admin.mastodon_instance")')
el-input(v-model="mastodon_instance") el-input(v-model="mastodon_instance")
el-form-item el-form-item
el-button(native-type='submit' type='success' :disabled='!mastodon_instance') {{$t('common.associate')}} el-button(native-type='submit' type='success' :disabled='!mastodon_instance') {{$t('common.associate')}}
hr el-form-item(:label="$t('admin.allow_comments')")
p {{$t('admin.allow_registration_description')}} el-switch(v-model='allow_comments')
p {{$t('admin.allow_anon_event')}}
</template> </template>
<script> <script>

View file

@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ export default {
} }
}, },
methods: { methods: {
// TODO copy (msg) {
this.$copyText(msg).then(e => console.error('ok ', e)).catch(e => console.error('err ',e))
async add_notification () { async add_notification () {
if (!{ if (!{
Message({message:'Inserisci una mail', showClose: true, type: 'error'}) Message({message:'Inserisci una mail', showClose: true, type: 'error'})

View file

@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ import 'vue-awesome/icons/chevron-right'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/chevron-left' import 'vue-awesome/icons/chevron-left'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/search' import 'vue-awesome/icons/search'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/times' import 'vue-awesome/icons/times'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/calendar-day'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/calendar-week'
import 'vue-awesome/icons/calendar-alt'
import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon' import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon'

View file

@ -177,13 +177,22 @@ const eventController = {
async getAll(req, res) { async getAll(req, res) {
// this is due how v-calendar shows dates // this is due how v-calendar shows dates
const start = moment().year(req.params.year).month(req.params.month) const start = moment()
.startOf('month').startOf('isoWeek') .year(req.params.year)
let end = moment().utc().year(req.params.year).month(req.params.month).endOf('month') .month(req.params.month)
let end = moment()
const shownDays = end.diff(start, 'days') const shownDays = end.diff(start, 'days')
if (shownDays <= 35) end = end.add(1, 'week') if (shownDays <= 35) end = end.add(1, 'week')
end = end.endOf('isoWeek') end = end.endOf('isoWeek')
const events = await Event.findAll({
let events = await Event.findAll({
where: { where: {
is_visible: true, is_visible: true,
[Op.and]: [ [Op.and]: [
@ -200,7 +209,50 @@ const eventController = {
{ model: Place, required: false, attributes: ['id', 'name', 'address'] } { model: Place, required: false, attributes: ['id', 'name', 'address'] }
] ]
}) })
events = => {
e.start_datetime = e.start_datetime*1000
e.end_datetime = e.end_datetime*1000
e.tags = => t.tag)
return e
// build singular events from a recurrent pattern from today due to
// specified parameters
function createEventsFromRecurrent(e, dueTo=null, maxEvents=20) {
const events = []
const cursor = moment()
const start_date = moment(e.start_datetime)
const frequency = e.recurrent.frequency
const days = e.recurrent.days
const ordinal = e.recurrent.ordinal
if (frequency === '1w') {
while(true) {
const found = days.indexOf(
if (found) break
cursor.add(1, 'day')
e.start_datetime = cursor.set('hour', e.start_datetime.hour()).set('minute', e.start_datetime.minutes())
while (true) {
if ((dueTo && cursor.isAfter(dueTo)) || events.length>maxEvents) break
e.start_datetime = cursor.unix()
cursors.add(1, 'week')
return events
const normalEvents = events.filter(e => !e.recurrent)
const recurrentEvents = events.filter(e => e.recurrent).map(createEventsFromRecurrent)
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
'use strict'
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const event = sequelize.define('event', { const event = sequelize.define('event', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true,
title: DataTypes.STRING, title: DataTypes.STRING,
slug: DataTypes.STRING, slug: DataTypes.STRING,
description: DataTypes.TEXT, description: DataTypes.TEXT,
@ -19,6 +23,8 @@ module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
type: DataTypes.STRING(18), type: DataTypes.STRING(18),
index: true index: true
}, },
recurrent: DataTypes.JSON,
// parent: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {}) }, {})
event.associate = function (models) { event.associate = function (models) {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
p= t('email.confirm') <!DOCTYPE html>
meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")
meta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="ie=edge")
title #{config.title}
p= t('email.confirm')
hr hr
<a href="#{config.baseurl}"> #{config.title} - #{config.description}</a> <a href="#{config.baseurl}"> #{config.title} - #{config.description}</a>

View file

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
import moment from 'dayjs' import moment from 'dayjs'
import intersection from 'lodash/intersection' import intersection from 'lodash/intersection'
import map from 'lodash/map' import map from 'lodash/map'
import filter from 'lodash/filter'
import find from 'lodash/find'
export const state = () => ({ export const state = () => ({
// config: {},
locale: '', locale: '',
events: [], events: [],
tags: [], tags: [],
places: [], places: [],
settings: { settings: {},
filters: { filters: {
tags: [], tags: [],
places: [], places: [],
@ -23,55 +22,60 @@ export const state = () => ({
export const getters = { export const getters = {
// filter matches search tag/place // filter matches search tag/place
filteredEvents: state => { filteredEvents: state => {
let events =
// TOFIX: use lodash const search_for_tags = !!state.filters.tags.length
if (state.filters.tags.length || state.filters.places.length) { const search_for_places = !!state.filters.places.length
events = events.filter((e) => {
if (state.filters.tags.length) {
const m = intersection( => t.tag), state.filters.tags)
if (m.length > 0) return true
if (state.filters.places.length) {
if (state.filters.places.find(p => p === {
return true
return 0
if (!state.filters.show_past_events) { return => {
events = events.filter(e => !e.past)
return events // filter past events
if (!state.filters.show_past_events && e.past) return false
// filter recurrent events
if (!state.filters.show_recurrent_events && e.recurrent) return false
if (search_for_places) {
if (find(state.filters.places, p => p === return true
if (search_for_tags) {
const common_tags = intersection(map(e.tags, t => t.tag), state.filters.tags);
if (common_tags.length > 0) return true
if (!search_for_places && !search_for_tags) return true
return false
}, },
// filter matches search tag/place
filteredEventsWithPast: state => {
let events =
// TOFIX: use lodash // filter matches search tag/place including past events
if (state.filters.tags.length || state.filters.places.length) { filteredEventsWithPast: state => {
events = events.filter((e) => {
if (state.filters.tags.length) {
const m = intersection( => t.tag), state.filters.tags)
if (m.length > 0) return true
if (state.filters.places.length) {
if (state.filters.places.find(p => p === {
return true
return 0
return events const search_for_tags = !!state.filters.tags.length
const search_for_places = !!state.filters.places.length
return => {
const match = false
// filter recurrent events
if (!state.filters.show_recurrent_events && e.recurrent) return false
if (!match && search_for_places) {
if (find(state.filters.places, p => p === return true
if (search_for_tags) {
const common_tags = intersection(map(e.tags, t => t.tag), state.filters.tags);
if (common_tags.length > 0) return true
if (!search_for_places && !search_for_tags) return true
return false
} }
} }
export const mutations = { export const mutations = {
@ -115,6 +119,9 @@ export const mutations = {
showPastEvents(state, show) { showPastEvents(state, show) {
state.filters.show_past_events = show state.filters.show_past_events = show
}, },
showRecurrentEvents(state, show) {
state.filters.show_recurrent_events = show
setSettings(state, settings) { setSettings(state, settings) {
state.settings = settings state.settings = settings
}, },
@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ export const mutations = {
export const actions = { export const actions = {
// this method is called server side only for each request // this method is called server side only for each request
// we use it to get configuration from db // we use it to get configuration from db, setting locale, etc...
async nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { app, req } ) { async nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { app, req } ) {
const settings = await app.$axios.$get('/settings') const settings = await app.$axios.$get('/settings')
commit('setSettings', settings) commit('setSettings', settings)
@ -168,6 +175,9 @@ export const actions = {
showPastEvents({ commit }, show) { showPastEvents({ commit }, show) {
commit('showPastEvents', show) commit('showPastEvents', show)
}, },
showRecurrentEvents({ commit }, show ) {
commit('showRecurrentEvents', show)
async setSetting({ commit }, setting) { async setSetting({ commit }, setting) {
await this.$axios.$post('/settings', setting ) await this.$axios.$post('/settings', setting )
commit('setSetting', setting) commit('setSetting', setting)