# gancio an event manager for radical communities :warning: Gancio is under heavy development, if something is not working as expected, it's expected :D #### Install We provide a docker way to run **gancio** but you can also manually install it. ``` git clone https://git.lattuga.net/lesion/gancio.git cd gancio # copy .env into .env.production and edit it docker-compose up -d ``` #### Development both backend (`/app`) and frontend(`/client`) are in this repo. backend stack: node.js, express, sequelize. frontend stack: vue, webpack, boostrap ``` git clone https://git.lattuga.net/lesion/gancio.git cd gancio # install back-end dependencies yarn # run back-end in development mode yarn dev cd client # install front-end dependencies yarn # run front-end in development mode yarn dev ``` #### Migrate / Backup - db - images