const { User, Event, Comment, Tag, Place } = require('../model') const moment = require('moment') const Sequelize = require('sequelize') const eventController = { async addComment (req, res) { // comment could be added to an event or to another comment let event = await Event.findOne({ where: { activitypub_id: } }) if (!event) { const comment = await Comment.findOne({ where: { activitypub_id: }, include: Event }) event = comment.event } const comment = new Comment(req.body) event.addComment(comment) res.json(comment) }, async getMeta (req, res) { console.log('GET META') const places = await Place.findAll() const tags = await Tag.findAll() res.json({ tags, places }) }, async updateTag (req, res) { const tag = await Tag.findByPk(req.body.tag) console.log(tag) if (tag) { res.json(await tag.update(req.body)) } else { res.send(404) } }, async get (req, res) { const id = req.params.event_id const event = await Event.findByPk(id, { include: [User, Tag, Comment, Place] }) res.json(event) }, async getAll (req, res) { const start = moment().year(req.params.year).month(req.params.month).startOf('month').subtract(1, 'week') const end = moment().year(req.params.year).month(req.params.month).endOf('month').add(1, 'week') const events = await Event.findAll({ where: { [Sequelize.Op.and]: [ { start_datetime: { [Sequelize.Op.gte]: start } }, { start_datetime: { [Sequelize.Op.lte]: end } } ] }, order: [['start_datetime', 'ASC']], include: [User, Comment, Tag, Place] }) res.json(events) } } module.exports = eventController