35 lines
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35 lines
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const rateLimit = require('express-rate-limit')
const log = require('../log')
const next = (req, res, next) => next()
const instanceApiRateLimiter = {
DDOSProtectionApiRateLimiter: (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? next : rateLimit({
windowMs: 60 * 1000, // 1 minutes
max: 150, // Limit each IP to 150 requests per `window`
standardHeaders: true, // Return rate limit info in the `RateLimit-*` headers
legacyHeaders: false, // Disable the `X-RateLimit-*` headers
handler: (request, response, next, options) => {
log.warn(`DDOS protection api rate limiter: > 150req/minute/ip ${request.ip}`)
return response.status(options.statusCode).send(options.message)
/** This is a limiter used to avoid spam
* (used during the registration, pass recovery, posting events) */
SPAMProtectionApiRateLimiter: (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? next : rateLimit({
windowMs: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes
max: 3, // Limit each IP to 3 requests per `window` (here, per 5 minutes)
standardHeaders: true, // Return rate limit info in the `RateLimit-*` headers
legacyHeaders: false, // Disable the `X-RateLimit-*` headers
handler: (request, response, next, options) => {
log.warn(`SPAM protection api rate limiter: 3req/5min/ip ${request.ip}`)
return response.status(options.statusCode).send(options.message)
module.exports = instanceApiRateLimiter |