217 lines
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217 lines
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<template lang="pug">
v-col(cols=12 md=6)
template(v-slot:item="{ item, attrs, on }")
v-list-item(v-bind='attrs' v-on='on')
v-list-item-content(two-line v-if='item.create')
v-list-item-title <v-icon color='primary' v-text='mdiPlus' :aria-label='$t("common.add")'></v-icon> {{$t('common.add')}} <strong>{{item.name}}</strong>
v-list-item-content(two-line v-else)
v-col(cols=12 md=6)
v-text-field.mr-4(ref='address' v-if="value.name !== 'online'"
:rules="[ v => disableAddress ? true : $validators.required('common.address')(v)]"
template(v-slot:append v-if="!hideWhereInputAdvancedDialogButton")
v-icon(v-text='mdiCog' :disabled='!(value.name && settings.allow_event_also_online) && !(value.isNew && settings.allow_geolocation)'
@click="whereInputAdvancedDialog = true")
v-combobox.mr-4(v-model="onlineLocations" v-if="settings.allow_event_only_online && value.name === 'online'"
clearable chips small-chips multiple deletable-chips hide-no-data hide-selected persistent-hint
:delimiters="[',', ';', '; ']"
template(v-slot:selection="{ item, index, on, attrs, selected, parent }")
v-chip(v-bind="attrs" :outlined='index !== 0'
close :close-icon='mdiCloseCircle' @click:close='parent.selectItem(item)'
:input-value="selected" label small) {{ item }}
v-icon(v-text='mdiCog' :disabled='!value.name' @click="whereInputAdvancedDialog = true")
v-dialog(v-model='whereInputAdvancedDialog' :key="whereAdvancedId" destroy-on-close max-width='700px' :fullscreen='$vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly' dense)
WhereInputAdvanced(ref='whereAdvanced' :place.sync='value' :event='event' @close='whereInputAdvancedDialog = false && this.$refs.address.blur()'
import { mdiMap, mdiMapMarker, mdiPlus, mdiCog, mdiLink, mdiCloseCircle } from '@mdi/js'
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'
import get from 'lodash/get'
import WhereInputAdvanced from './WhereInputAdvanced.vue'
export default {
name: 'WhereInput',
props: {
value: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) },
event: { type: Object, default: () => null },
components: { WhereInputAdvanced },
data ( {$store} ) {
return {
mdiMap, mdiMapMarker, mdiPlus, mdiCog, mdiLink, mdiCloseCircle,
places: [],
place: { },
placeName: '',
disableAddress: true,
whereInputAdvancedDialog: false,
hideWhereInputAdvancedDialogButton: !$store.state.settings.allow_event_also_online && !$store.state.settings.allow_geolocation,
onlineLocations: this.event.online_locations || [],
event_only_online: (this.value.name === 'online') ? true : false,
whereAdvancedId: 1
computed: {
filteredPlaces () {
if (!this.placeName) { return this.places }
const placeName = this.placeName.trim().toLowerCase()
let nameMatch = false
const matches = this.places.filter(p => {
const tmpName = p.name.toLowerCase()
const tmpAddress = p.address.toLowerCase()
if (tmpName.includes(placeName)) {
if (tmpName === placeName) { nameMatch = true }
return true
return tmpAddress.includes(placeName)
if (!nameMatch) {
matches.unshift({ create: true, name: this.placeName })
return matches
mounted () {
this.$nextTick( () => {
methods: {
search: debounce(async function(ev) {
const search = ev ? ev.target.value.trim().toLowerCase() : ''
this.places = await this.$axios.$get(`place?search=${search}`)
// Filter out the place with name 'online' if not allowed
if (this.places.length && !this.settings.allow_event_only_online) {
this.places = this.places.filter(p => p.name !== 'online')
if (!search && this.places.length) {
return this.places
const matches = this.places.filter(p => p.name !== 'online').find(p => search === p.name.toLocaleLowerCase())
if (!matches && search) {
this.places.unshift({ create: true, name: ev.target.value.trim() })
}, 200),
selectPlace (p) {
// force online events under place: online address: online
this.event_only_online = false
this.place.isNew = false
if (!p) { return }
if (typeof p === 'object' && !p.create) {
if (p.id === this.value.id) return
this.place.name = p.name
this.place.address = p.address
if (this.settings.allow_geolocation) {
this.place.latitude = p.latitude
this.place.longitude = p.longitude
this.place.id = p.id
if (this.settings.allow_event_only_online && this.place.name === 'online') {
this.event_only_online = true
this.disableAddress = true
} else { // this is a new place
this.place.isNew = true
this.place.name = (p.name || p).trim()
const tmpPlace = this.place.name.toLocaleLowerCase()
// search for a place with the same name
const place = this.places.find(p => !p.create && p.name.trim().toLocaleLowerCase() === tmpPlace)
if (place) {
this.place.name = place.name
this.place.id = place.id
this.place.address = place.address
this.disableAddress = true
} else {
delete this.place.id
this.place.address = ''
if (this.settings.allow_geolocation) {
this.place.latitude = p.latitude
this.place.longitude = p.longitude
// Prevent to provide link for 'event only online' if not allowed: reset locations
if (!this.settings.allow_event_only_online && this.place.name === 'online') {
this.event.online_locations = []
this.disableAddress = false
this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.address.focus() })
this.$emit('input', { ...this.place })
selectLocations () {
this.event.online_locations = []
if (this.onlineLocations) {
// Insert up to 3 online location: the main one and 2 fallback
if (this.onlineLocations.length > 3) {
this.$nextTick(() => this.onlineLocations = this.onlineLocations.slice(0, 3))
// Remove duplicates
this.$nextTick(() => this.onlineLocations = [...new Set(this.onlineLocations)])
this.onlineLocations.forEach((item, i) => {
if (!item.startsWith('http')) { this.onlineLocations[i] = `https://${item}` }
this.event.online_locations[i] = this.onlineLocations[i]
changeEventOnlyOnline(v) {
this.event_only_online = v
// console.log(this.event_only_online)
if (this.event_only_online) { this.place.name = this.place.address = 'online' }
if (!this.event_only_online) { this.place.name = this.place.address = ''; this.onlineLocations = [] }
this.place.latitude = null
this.place.longitude = null
// Update onlineLocations
this.event.online_locations && this.selectLocations()
this.$emit('input', { ...this.place })