2023-04-13 22:17:56 +02:00

700 lines
22 KiB

function G() {
function W(t) {
return t();
function Y() {
return /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
function U(t) {
function ge(t) {
return typeof t == "function";
function _e(t, e) {
return t != t ? e == e : t !== e || t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function";
let B;
function H(t, e) {
return B || (B = document.createElement("a")), B.href = e, t === B.href;
function ye(t) {
return Object.keys(t).length === 0;
function u(t, e) {
function p(t, e, i) {
t.insertBefore(e, i || null);
function k(t) {
function be(t, e) {
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i += 1)
t[i] && t[i].d(e);
function m(t) {
return document.createElement(t);
function $(t) {
return document.createTextNode(t);
function M() {
return $(" ");
function pe() {
return $("");
function a(t, e, i) {
i == null ? t.removeAttribute(e) : t.getAttribute(e) !== i && t.setAttribute(e, i);
function xe(t) {
return Array.from(t.childNodes);
function T(t, e) {
e = "" + e, t.wholeText !== e && ( = e);
function L(t, e, i) {
t.classList[i ? "add" : "remove"](e);
function ve(t) {
const e = {};
for (const i of t)
e[] = i.value;
return e;
let O;
function I(t) {
O = t;
function $e() {
if (!O)
throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization");
return O;
function ke(t) {
const R = [], Z = [], P = [], ee = [], Ee = Promise.resolve();
let K = !1;
function je() {
K || (K = !0, Ee.then(x));
function Q(t) {
const J = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let D = 0;
function x() {
const t = O;
do {
for (; D < R.length; ) {
const e = R[D];
D++, I(e), Se(e.$$);
for (I(null), R.length = 0, D = 0; Z.length; )
for (let e = 0; e < P.length; e += 1) {
const i = P[e];
J.has(i) || (J.add(i), i());
P.length = 0;
} while (R.length);
for (; ee.length; )
K = !1, J.clear(), I(t);
function Se(t) {
if (t.fragment !== null) {
t.update(), U(t.before_update);
const e = t.dirty;
t.dirty = [-1], t.fragment && t.fragment.p(t.ctx, e), t.after_update.forEach(Q);
const ze = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function Ce(t, e) {
t && t.i && (ze.delete(t), t.i(e));
function Ae(t, e, i, l) {
const { fragment: n, on_mount: r, on_destroy: o, after_update: f } = t.$$;
n && n.m(e, i), l || Q(() => {
const c =;
o ? o.push(...c) : U(c), t.$$.on_mount = [];
}), f.forEach(Q);
function Me(t, e) {
const i = t.$$;
i.fragment !== null && (U(i.on_destroy), i.fragment && i.fragment.d(e), i.on_destroy = i.fragment = null, i.ctx = []);
function Ne(t, e) {
t.$$.dirty[0] === -1 && (R.push(t), je(), t.$$.dirty.fill(0)), t.$$.dirty[e / 31 | 0] |= 1 << e % 31;
function we(t, e, i, l, n, r, o, f = [-1]) {
const c = O;
const s = t.$$ = {
fragment: null,
ctx: null,
props: r,
update: G,
not_equal: n,
bound: Y(),
on_mount: [],
on_destroy: [],
on_disconnect: [],
before_update: [],
after_update: [],
context: new Map(e.context || (c ? c.$$.context : [])),
callbacks: Y(),
dirty: f,
skip_bound: !1,
root: || c.$$.root
o && o(s.root);
let w = !1;
if (s.ctx = i ? i(t, e.props || {}, (g, _, ...A) => {
const y = A.length ? A[0] : _;
return s.ctx && n(s.ctx[g], s.ctx[g] = y) && (!s.skip_bound && s.bound[g] && s.bound[g](y), w && Ne(t, g)), _;
}) : [], s.update(), w = !0, U(s.before_update), s.fragment = l ? l(s.ctx) : !1, {
if (e.hydrate) {
const g = xe(;
s.fragment && s.fragment.l(g), g.forEach(k);
} else
s.fragment && s.fragment.c();
e.intro && Ce(t.$$.fragment), Ae(t,, e.anchor, e.customElement), x();
let X;
typeof HTMLElement == "function" && (X = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
super(), this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
connectedCallback() {
const { on_mount: t } = this.$$;
this.$$.on_disconnect =;
for (const e in this.$$.slotted)
attributeChangedCallback(t, e, i) {
this[t] = i;
disconnectedCallback() {
$destroy() {
Me(this, 1), this.$destroy = G;
$on(t, e) {
const i = this.$$.callbacks[t] || (this.$$.callbacks[t] = []);
return i.push(e), () => {
const l = i.indexOf(e);
l !== -1 && i.splice(l, 1);
$set(t) {
this.$$set && !ye(t) && (this.$$.skip_bound = !0, this.$$set(t), this.$$.skip_bound = !1);
function F(t, e = "long") {
const i = e === "long" ? {
weekday: "long",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit"
} : { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit" };
return new Date(t * 1e3).toLocaleString(void 0, i);
function V(t) {
return t.multidate ? F(t.start_datetime) + " - " + F(t.end_datetime) : F(t.start_datetime) + (t.end_datetime ? "-" + F(t.end_datetime, "short") : "");
function te(t, e, i) {
const l = t.slice();
return l[12] = e[i], l;
function ie(t, e, i) {
const l = t.slice();
return l[15] = e[i], l;
function le(t) {
let e;
return {
c() {
e = m("link"), a(e, "rel", "stylesheet"), a(e, "href", t[4]);
m(i, l) {
p(i, e, l);
p(i, l) {
l & 16 && a(e, "href", i[4]);
d(i) {
i && k(e);
function ne(t) {
let e, i, l = t[1] && t[3] === "true" && re(t), n = t[5], r = [];
for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o += 1)
r[o] = fe(te(t, n, o));
return {
c() {
e = m("div"), l && l.c(), i = M();
for (let o = 0; o < r.length; o += 1)
a(e, "id", "gancioEvents"), L(e, "dark", t[2] === "dark"), L(e, "light", t[2] === "light"), L(e, "sidebar", t[3] === "true"), L(e, "nosidebar", t[3] !== "true");
m(o, f) {
p(o, e, f), l && l.m(e, null), u(e, i);
for (let c = 0; c < r.length; c += 1)
r[c].m(e, null);
p(o, f) {
if (o[1] && o[3] === "true" ? l ? l.p(o, f) : (l = re(o), l.c(), l.m(e, i)) : l && (l.d(1), l = null), f & 41) {
n = o[5];
let c;
for (c = 0; c < n.length; c += 1) {
const s = te(o, n, c);
r[c] ? r[c].p(s, f) : (r[c] = fe(s), r[c].c(), r[c].m(e, null));
for (; c < r.length; c += 1)
r.length = n.length;
f & 4 && L(e, "dark", o[2] === "dark"), f & 4 && L(e, "light", o[2] === "light"), f & 8 && L(e, "sidebar", o[3] === "true"), f & 8 && L(e, "nosidebar", o[3] !== "true");
d(o) {
o && k(e), l && l.d(), be(r, o);
function re(t) {
let e, i, l, n, r, o, f;
return {
c() {
e = m("a"), i = m("div"), l = m("div"), n = $(t[1]), r = M(), o = m("img"), a(l, "class", "title"), a(o, "id", "logo"), a(o, "alt", "logo"), H(o.src, f = t[0] + "/logo.png") || a(o, "src", f), a(i, "class", "content"), a(e, "href", t[0]), a(e, "target", "_blank"), a(e, "id", "header");
m(c, s) {
p(c, e, s), u(e, i), u(i, l), u(l, n), u(i, r), u(i, o);
p(c, s) {
s & 2 && T(n, c[1]), s & 1 && !H(o.src, f = c[0] + "/logo.png") && a(o, "src", f), s & 1 && a(e, "href", c[0]);
d(c) {
c && k(e);
function oe(t) {
let e;
function i(r, o) {
return r[12].media.length ? Le : Te;
let l = i(t), n = l(t);
return {
c() {
e = m("div"), n.c(), a(e, "class", "img");
m(r, o) {
p(r, e, o), n.m(e, null);
p(r, o) {
l === (l = i(r)) && n ? n.p(r, o) : (n.d(1), n = l(r), n && (n.c(), n.m(e, null)));
d(r) {
r && k(e), n.d();
function Te(t) {
let e, i, l;
return {
c() {
e = m("img"), a(e, "style", "aspect-ratio=1.7778;"), a(e, "alt", i = t[12].title), H(e.src, l = t[0] + "/fallbackimage.png") || a(e, "src", l), a(e, "loading", "lazy");
m(n, r) {
p(n, e, r);
p(n, r) {
r & 32 && i !== (i = n[12].title) && a(e, "alt", i), r & 1 && !H(e.src, l = n[0] + "/fallbackimage.png") && a(e, "src", l);
d(n) {
n && k(e);
function Le(t) {
let e, i, l, n;
return {
c() {
e = m("img"), a(e, "style", i = "object-position: " + ue(t[12]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;"), a(e, "alt", l = t[12].media[0].name), H(e.src, n = t[0] + "/media/thumb/" + t[12].media[0].url) || a(e, "src", n), a(e, "loading", "lazy");
m(r, o) {
p(r, e, o);
p(r, o) {
o & 32 && i !== (i = "object-position: " + ue(r[12]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;") && a(e, "style", i), o & 32 && l !== (l = r[12].media[0].name) && a(e, "alt", l), o & 33 && !H(e.src, n = r[0] + "/media/thumb/" + r[12].media[0].url) && a(e, "src", n);
d(r) {
r && k(e);
function ae(t) {
let e, i = t[12].place.address + "", l;
return {
c() {
e = m("span"), l = $(i), a(e, "class", "subtitle");
m(n, r) {
p(n, e, r), u(e, l);
p(n, r) {
r & 32 && i !== (i = n[12].place.address + "") && T(l, i);
d(n) {
n && k(e);
function se(t) {
let e, i = t[12].tags, l = [];
for (let n = 0; n < i.length; n += 1)
l[n] = ce(ie(t, i, n));
return {
c() {
e = m("div");
for (let n = 0; n < l.length; n += 1)
a(e, "class", "tags");
m(n, r) {
p(n, e, r);
for (let o = 0; o < l.length; o += 1)
l[o].m(e, null);
p(n, r) {
if (r & 32) {
i = n[12].tags;
let o;
for (o = 0; o < i.length; o += 1) {
const f = ie(n, i, o);
l[o] ? l[o].p(f, r) : (l[o] = ce(f), l[o].c(), l[o].m(e, null));
for (; o < l.length; o += 1)
l.length = i.length;
d(n) {
n && k(e), be(l, n);
function ce(t) {
let e, i, l = t[15] + "", n;
return {
c() {
e = m("span"), i = $("#"), n = $(l), a(e, "class", "tag");
m(r, o) {
p(r, e, o), u(e, i), u(e, n);
p(r, o) {
o & 32 && l !== (l = r[15] + "") && T(n, l);
d(r) {
r && k(e);
function fe(t) {
let e, i, l, n, r = V(t[12]) + "", o, f, c, s = t[12].title + "", w, g, _, A, y = t[12] + "", d, z, h, v, C, q, E = t[3] !== "true" && oe(t), j = t[12] !== "online" && ae(t), S = t[12].tags.length && se(t);
return {
c() {
e = m("a"), E && E.c(), i = M(), l = m("div"), n = m("div"), o = $(r), f = M(), c = m("div"), w = $(s), g = M(), _ = m("span"), A = $('@"'), d = $(y), z = $(`"
`), j && j.c(), h = M(), S && S.c(), v = M(), a(n, "class", "subtitle"), a(c, "class", "title"), a(_, "class", "place"), a(l, "class", "content"), a(e, "href", C = t[0] + "/event/" + (t[12].slug || t[12].id)), a(e, "class", "event"), a(e, "title", q = t[12].title), a(e, "target", "_blank");
m(b, N) {
p(b, e, N), E && E.m(e, null), u(e, i), u(e, l), u(l, n), u(n, o), u(l, f), u(l, c), u(c, w), u(l, g), u(l, _), u(_, A), u(_, d), u(_, z), j && j.m(_, null), u(l, h), S && S.m(l, null), u(e, v);
p(b, N) {
b[3] !== "true" ? E ? E.p(b, N) : (E = oe(b), E.c(), E.m(e, i)) : E && (E.d(1), E = null), N & 32 && r !== (r = V(b[12]) + "") && T(o, r), N & 32 && s !== (s = b[12].title + "") && T(w, s), N & 32 && y !== (y = b[12] + "") && T(d, y), b[12] !== "online" ? j ? j.p(b, N) : (j = ae(b), j.c(), j.m(_, null)) : j && (j.d(1), j = null), b[12].tags.length ? S ? S.p(b, N) : (S = se(b), S.c(), S.m(l, null)) : S && (S.d(1), S = null), N & 33 && C !== (C = b[0] + "/event/" + (b[12].slug || b[12].id)) && a(e, "href", C), N & 32 && q !== (q = b[12].title) && a(e, "title", q);
d(b) {
b && k(e), E && E.d(), j && j.d(), S && S.d();
function Ge(t) {
let e, i, l = t[4] && le(t), n = t[5].length && ne(t);
return {
c() {
l && l.c(), e = M(), n && n.c(), i = pe(), this.c = G;
m(r, o) {
l && l.m(r, o), p(r, e, o), n && n.m(r, o), p(r, i, o);
p(r, [o]) {
r[4] ? l ? l.p(r, o) : (l = le(r), l.c(), l.m(e.parentNode, e)) : l && (l.d(1), l = null), r[5].length ? n ? n.p(r, o) : (n = ne(r), n.c(), n.m(i.parentNode, i)) : n && (n.d(1), n = null);
i: G,
o: G,
d(r) {
l && l.d(r), r && k(e), n && n.d(r), r && k(i);
function ue(t) {
if ( &&[0].focalpoint) {
const e =[0].focalpoint;
return `${(e[0] + 1) * 50}% ${(e[1] + 1) * 50}%`;
return "center center";
function He(t, e, i) {
let { baseurl: l = "" } = e, { title: n = "" } = e, { maxlength: r = !1 } = e, { tags: o = "" } = e, { places: f = "" } = e, { theme: c = "light" } = e, { show_recurrent: s = !1 } = e, { sidebar: w = "true" } = e, { external_style: g = "" } = e, _ = !1, A = [];
function y(d) {
if (!_)
const z = [];
r && z.push(`max=${r}`), o && z.push(`tags=${o}`), f && z.push(`places=${f}`), z.push(`show_recurrent=${s ? "true" : "false"}`), fetch(`${l}/api/events?${z.join("&")}`).then((h) => h.json()).then((h) => {
i(5, A = h);
}).catch((h) => {
console.error("Error loading Gancio API -> ", h);
return ke(() => {
_ = !0, y();
}), t.$$set = (d) => {
"baseurl" in d && i(0, l = d.baseurl), "title" in d && i(1, n = d.title), "maxlength" in d && i(6, r = d.maxlength), "tags" in d && i(7, o = d.tags), "places" in d && i(8, f = d.places), "theme" in d && i(2, c = d.theme), "show_recurrent" in d && i(9, s = d.show_recurrent), "sidebar" in d && i(3, w = d.sidebar), "external_style" in d && i(4, g = d.external_style);
}, t.$$.update = () => {
t.$$.dirty & 975 && y();
}, [
class Re extends X {
constructor(e) {
super(), this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `<style>#gancioEvents{font-family:ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif,
'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol',
'Noto Color Emoji';overflow-x:hidden;width:100%;box-sizing:content-box;margin:0 auto;font-size:1rem;text-align:left}.nosidebar{max-width:1200px}#header{padding:1.2rem 1rem;background-color:var(--bg-odd-color)}.sidebar{max-width:500px;box-shadow:rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.4) 0px 1px 2px 0px,
rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.25) 0px 1px 3px 1px;border-radius:5px;font-size:1rem}.event .img{width:100%;max-width:450px;max-height:250px;aspect-ratio:1.7778;flex:1 0 auto}@media screen and (max-width: 800px){.event{flex-wrap:wrap}.event .img{max-width:100%}}.event img{object-fit:cover;border-radius:15px;width:100%;height:100%;box-shadow:rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 6px 12px -2px,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 3px 7px -3px}.nosidebar .event{margin-bottom:2rem}.nosidebar .content{margin-left:1rem;margin-top:5px;text-align:left}.tags{margin-top:2px}#logo{position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;height:40px}a{text-decoration:none;color:var(--text-color);display:flex;padding:8px 20px;margin:0;line-height:1.275rem;font-weight:400;font-size:0.875rem;position:relative;transition:background-color 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.5, 1),
padding 0.3s;box-sizing:content-box}a:hover .title,a:focus .title,a:active .title{text-decoration:underline}.dark{--bg-odd-color:#161616;--bg-even-color:#222;--bg-hover-color:#333;--text-color:white;--title-color:white;--line-color:rgba(120, 120, 120, 0.2)}.light{--bg-odd-color:#f5f5f5;--bg-even-color:#fafafa;--bg-hover-color:#eee;--text-color:#222;--title-color:black;--line-color:rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.9)}.sidebar a{background-color:var(--bg-even-color);border-bottom:1px solid var(--line-color)}.sidebar a:hover,.sidebar a:focus,.sidebar a:active{background-color:var(--bg-hover-color);padding-left:15px;padding-right:25px}.place{font-weight:400;font-size:1.2rem;line-height:1.4rem;color:orangered}.title{color:var(--title-color);font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3rem;line-height:1.1em}.nosidebar .title{font-size:1.9em;line-height:1.1em}.subtitle{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.1em;color:var(--title-color);opacity:0.9}.tag{margin-right:10px;display:inline-block}</style>`, we(
target: this.shadowRoot,
props: ve(this.attributes),
customElement: !0
baseurl: 0,
title: 1,
maxlength: 6,
tags: 7,
places: 8,
theme: 2,
show_recurrent: 9,
sidebar: 3,
external_style: 4
), e && ( && p(, this, e.anchor), e.props && (this.$set(e.props), x()));
static get observedAttributes() {
return [
get baseurl() {
return this.$$.ctx[0];
set baseurl(e) {
this.$$set({ baseurl: e }), x();
get title() {
return this.$$.ctx[1];
set title(e) {
this.$$set({ title: e }), x();
get maxlength() {
return this.$$.ctx[6];
set maxlength(e) {
this.$$set({ maxlength: e }), x();
get tags() {
return this.$$.ctx[7];
set tags(e) {
this.$$set({ tags: e }), x();
get places() {
return this.$$.ctx[8];
set places(e) {
this.$$set({ places: e }), x();
get theme() {
return this.$$.ctx[2];
set theme(e) {
this.$$set({ theme: e }), x();
get show_recurrent() {
return this.$$.ctx[9];
set show_recurrent(e) {
this.$$set({ show_recurrent: e }), x();
get sidebar() {
return this.$$.ctx[3];
set sidebar(e) {
this.$$set({ sidebar: e }), x();
get external_style() {
return this.$$.ctx[4];
set external_style(e) {
this.$$set({ external_style: e }), x();
customElements.define("gancio-events", Re);
function de(t) {
let e, i, l, n, r = t[1].title + "", o, f, c, s = V(t[1]) + "", w, g, _, A, y = t[1] + "", d, z, h = t[1].media.length && he(t);
return {
c() {
e = m("a"), h && h.c(), i = M(), l = m("div"), n = m("strong"), o = $(r), f = M(), c = m("div"), w = $(s), g = M(), _ = m("div"), A = $("@"), d = $(y), a(_, "class", "place"), a(l, "class", "container"), a(e, "href", z = t[0] + "/event/" + (t[1].slug || t[1].id)), a(e, "class", "card"), a(e, "target", "_blank");
m(v, C) {
p(v, e, C), h && h.m(e, null), u(e, i), u(e, l), u(l, n), u(n, o), u(l, f), u(l, c), u(c, w), u(l, g), u(l, _), u(_, A), u(_, d);
p(v, C) {
v[1].media.length ? h ? h.p(v, C) : (h = he(v), h.c(), h.m(e, i)) : h && (h.d(1), h = null), C & 2 && r !== (r = v[1].title + "") && T(o, r), C & 2 && s !== (s = V(v[1]) + "") && T(w, s), C & 2 && y !== (y = v[1] + "") && T(d, y), C & 3 && z !== (z = v[0] + "/event/" + (v[1].slug || v[1].id)) && a(e, "href", z);
d(v) {
v && k(e), h && h.d();
function he(t) {
let e, i, l, n;
return {
c() {
e = m("img"), H(e.src, i = t[2](t[1])) || a(e, "src", i), a(e, "alt", l = t[1].media[0].name), a(e, "style", n = "object-position: " + me(t[1]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;");
m(r, o) {
p(r, e, o);
p(r, o) {
o & 2 && !H(e.src, i = r[2](r[1])) && a(e, "src", i), o & 2 && l !== (l = r[1].media[0].name) && a(e, "alt", l), o & 2 && n !== (n = "object-position: " + me(r[1]) + "; aspect-ratio=1.7778;") && a(e, "style", n);
d(r) {
r && k(e);
function Ie(t) {
let e, i = t[1] && de(t);
return {
c() {
i && i.c(), e = pe(), this.c = G;
m(l, n) {
i && i.m(l, n), p(l, e, n);
p(l, [n]) {
l[1] ? i ? i.p(l, n) : (i = de(l), i.c(), i.m(e.parentNode, e)) : i && (i.d(1), i = null);
i: G,
o: G,
d(l) {
i && i.d(l), l && k(e);
function me(t) {
if ([0].focalpoint) {
const e =[0].focalpoint;
return `${(e[0] + 1) * 50}% ${(e[1] + 1) * 50}%`;
return "center center";
function Oe(t, e, i) {
let { baseurl: l = "" } = e, { id: n } = e, r = !1, o;
function f(s, w) {
r && fetch(`${w}/api/event/detail/${s}`).then((g) => g.json()).then((g) => i(1, o = g));
ke(() => {
r = !0, f(n, l);
function c(s) {
return `${l}/media/thumb/${[0].url}`;
return t.$$set = (s) => {
"baseurl" in s && i(0, l = s.baseurl), "id" in s && i(3, n =;
}, t.$$.update = () => {
t.$$.dirty & 9 && f(n, l);
}, [l, o, c, n];
class Ue extends X {
constructor(e) {
super(), this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `<style>.card{display:block;font-family:'Gill Sans', 'Gill Sans MT', Calibri, 'Trebuchet MS',
sans-serif;box-shadow:0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);transition:0.3s;border-radius:5px;max-width:500px;text-decoration:none;color:white;background-color:#1e1e1e;overflow:hidden}img{border-radius:5px 5px 0 0;max-height:250px;min-height:160px;width:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:top}.card:hover .container{padding-left:20px}.card:hover{box-shadow:0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)}.container{transition:padding-left 0.2s;padding:16px}.place{font-weight:600;color:#ff6e40}</style>`, we(
target: this.shadowRoot,
props: ve(this.attributes),
customElement: !0
{ baseurl: 0, id: 3 },
), e && ( && p(, this, e.anchor), e.props && (this.$set(e.props), x()));
static get observedAttributes() {
return ["baseurl", "id"];
get baseurl() {
return this.$$.ctx[0];
set baseurl(e) {
this.$$set({ baseurl: e }), x();
get id() {
return this.$$.ctx[3];
set id(e) {
this.$$set({ id: e }), x();
customElements.define("gancio-event", Ue);