{{- printf "" | safeHTML }} {{ site.Params.Podcast.Title | default site.Title }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ site.Params.Podcast.Description | default site.Params.Description }} Hugo -- gohugo.io {{ site.Params.Podcast.Lang | default site.LanguageCode }} {{ with site.Author.email -}} {{ . }}{{ with site.Author.name }} ({{ . }}){{end}} {{ end -}} {{ with site.Author.email -}} {{ . }}{{ with site.Author.name }} ({{ . }}){{end}} {{ end -}} {{ with site.Copyright -}} {{ . }} {{ end -}} {{ if not .Date.IsZero -}} {{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }} {{ end -}} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Image }}{{ $image := resources.Get . }}{{ end }} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Category -}} {{ range .subcategories }}{{ end }} {{ end -}} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Owner -}} {{ with .name }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .email }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ end -}} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Description }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Author }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Type }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Block }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.Complete }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with site.Params.Podcast.NewFeed }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ if site.Params.Podcast.Explicit }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }} {{ range .Pages }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }} {{ with site.Author.email -}} {{ . }}{{ with site.Author.name }} ({{ . }}){{ end }} {{ end -}} {{ .Content | html }} {{ if site.Params.Podcast.local | default true -}} {{ with .Params.podcast.mp3 }}{{ $file_stat := os.Stat (path.Join "/static" (. | relURL)) }}{{ end }} {{ else -}} {{ with .Params.podcast.mp3 }}{{ end }} {{ end -}} {{ with .Params.podcast.duration }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.podcast.image.src }}{{ $image := resources.Get . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.podcast.episode }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.podcast.episodeType }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.podcast.season }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Params.podcast.block }}{{ . }}{{ end }} {{ if .Params.podcast.explicit }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }} {{ end }}