2018-01-24 19:23:13 +01:00
import { arrayToB64, b64ToArray } from './utils';
function post(obj) {
return {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(obj)
function parseNonce(header) {
header = header || '';
return header.split(' ')[1];
async function fetchWithAuth(url, params, keychain) {
const result = {};
params = params || {};
const h = await keychain.authHeader();
params.headers = new Headers({ Authorization: h });
const response = await fetch(url, params);
result.response = response;
result.ok = response.ok;
const nonce = parseNonce(response.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate'));
result.shouldRetry = response.status === 401 && nonce !== keychain.nonce;
keychain.nonce = nonce;
return result;
async function fetchWithAuthAndRetry(url, params, keychain) {
const result = await fetchWithAuth(url, params, keychain);
if (result.shouldRetry) {
return fetchWithAuth(url, params, keychain);
return result;
export async function del(id, owner_token) {
const response = await fetch(`/api/delete/${id}`, post({ owner_token }));
return response.ok;
export async function setParams(id, owner_token, params) {
const response = await fetch(
dlimit: params.dlimit
return response.ok;
2018-01-30 21:15:09 +01:00
export async function fileInfo(id, owner_token) {
const response = await fetch(`/api/info/${id}`, post({ owner_token }));
if (response.ok) {
const obj = await response.json();
return obj;
throw new Error(response.status);
2018-01-24 19:23:13 +01:00
export async function metadata(id, keychain) {
const result = await fetchWithAuthAndRetry(
{ method: 'GET' },
if (result.ok) {
const data = await result.response.json();
const meta = await keychain.decryptMetadata(b64ToArray(data.metadata));
return {
size: data.size,
ttl: data.ttl,
iv: meta.iv,
name: meta.name,
type: meta.type
throw new Error(result.response.status);
export async function setPassword(id, owner_token, keychain) {
const auth = await keychain.authKeyB64();
const response = await fetch(
post({ owner_token, auth })
return response.ok;
export function uploadFile(encrypted, metadata, verifierB64, keychain) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
const upload = {
onprogress: function() {},
cancel: function() {
result: new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
xhr.addEventListener('loadend', function() {
const authHeader = xhr.getResponseHeader('WWW-Authenticate');
if (authHeader) {
keychain.nonce = parseNonce(authHeader);
if (xhr.status === 200) {
const responseObj = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
return resolve({
url: responseObj.url,
id: responseObj.id,
ownerToken: responseObj.owner
reject(new Error(xhr.status));
const dataView = new DataView(encrypted);
const blob = new Blob([dataView], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
const fd = new FormData();
fd.append('data', blob);
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event) {
if (event.lengthComputable) {
upload.onprogress([event.loaded, event.total]);
xhr.open('post', '/api/upload', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-File-Metadata', arrayToB64(new Uint8Array(metadata)));
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `send-v1 ${verifierB64}`);
return upload;
function download(id, keychain) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
const download = {
onprogress: function() {},
cancel: function() {
result: new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {
xhr.addEventListener('loadend', function() {
const authHeader = xhr.getResponseHeader('WWW-Authenticate');
if (authHeader) {
keychain.nonce = parseNonce(authHeader);
if (xhr.status !== 200) {
return reject(new Error(xhr.status));
const blob = new Blob([xhr.response]);
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function() {
xhr.addEventListener('progress', function(event) {
if (event.lengthComputable && event.target.status === 200) {
download.onprogress([event.loaded, event.total]);
const auth = await keychain.authHeader();
xhr.open('get', `/api/download/${id}`);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', auth);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
return download;
async function tryDownload(id, keychain, onprogress, tries = 1) {
const dl = download(id, keychain);
dl.onprogress = onprogress;
try {
const result = await dl.result;
return result;
} catch (e) {
if (e.message === '401' && --tries > 0) {
return tryDownload(id, keychain, onprogress, tries);
throw e;
export function downloadFile(id, keychain) {
let cancelled = false;
function updateProgress(p) {
if (cancelled) {
// This is a bit of a hack
// We piggyback off of the progress event as a chance to cancel.
// Otherwise wiring the xhr abort up while allowing retries
// gets pretty nasty.
// 'this' here is the object returned by download(id, keychain)
return this.cancel();
const dl = {
onprogress: function() {},
cancel: function() {
cancelled = true;
result: tryDownload(id, keychain, updateProgress, 2)
return dl;